Jew population 1933 vs 2017

Thoughts on this

Other urls found in this thread:

>sweden's jew population nearly doubled


jews sure love France

>Germanys jewish pop

Where did they go?

That's why we are fucked up now...

Thats about 3200 too many.

Until Islam becomes the majority

Seriously: Why the fuck did so many jews live in Poland?

Boland never discriminated against any other religion or even homos throughout the history.
We were the original multicultural country senpai.


How'd the population decrease? What happened in Europe to make it do that?

>british education

To Jew York. And there they founded the Jew York Times. And have used it to rule over you ever since.


>Montenegro has 12 jews
Holy fug is this real? Lmao

Wait...this arent nearly 6 Million...

Sure Kurwa.

No shekels in Montenegro. Can't culturally subvert a rock.

wait. but that is less than 7 million in German occupied areas, and even if not a single one escaped there were 4 million survivors. how could this be possible if.... oh my GOD!


Well done, Hitler and Stalin

The vanishing jew

Not a single jew was born since 1933 until 1945, right?

What happened to your jews?

Civil War, Nazi occupation of western Russia, and Gulag happened.



sources on those numbers?

Jews seem to forget that their whole globalisation project isn't just killing Whites, it's killing them too.

I blame Russia.

Wtf u doing France

There are only a few "in on it" lineages.

hang on adding all of those together doesnt seem to make sense
>1933: almost 10 million jews
>2017: just over 1 million jews

how many were gassed again? 9 million?

Some moved to Israel too


All went to America


I wonder, how many poles have jewish blood today? Surely some of them should've mixed.

USA, Israel.

Some died in war

>sweden's jew population nearly doubled

Makes one scratch his head in wonder.

What about Palestine.

this. I got convicted because i posted this on kikebook
>true story

More jews died at the hands of Soviets when Stalin found out there was a plan to replace him

>what is the Great purge?

Ding, check those faggots out around 800.000-1.350.000 milion got executed.

Stalin was Caucasian, A Georgian , while rest were jews.

Also i really like those census data, there were exactly 3.000.000 jews in Poland

Would see legit if it the actual values

Soviet lies !

Poles converted for free shekels.

I don't know about other countries,
jews in
then, and
now, those numbers are massively overblown,
in both cases.

wait a minute those numbers...

Yeah until your country becomes muslim, they're all gonna leave
Hell they're already leaving right now

Importing Muslims to get rid of them :^)

I see...only if this happens in germany it is bad.

Shut up, Nazi. NO wars or genocide EVER happened before you!

Thanks for sending them to America. Really appreciate it, you fucks.

>Muh 1000 billions of libturds executed by Stalin himself
Bitch, please. People adored him.

There were also 9200 juden in the Baltic sea, apparently.
And no, that line marking them to land is all in your head. It doesn't exist.
>Jews = Lizard people!

Your Black Death pogroms would like to have a word about that


all this happy faces

Not pictured:
Firing squads around them, holding them at gunpoint.

Black death was caused by kikes



" was watching the history channel and they said that white people were dying left and right. However Jews were not dying from the plague and finally after a couple years white people found out Jews weren’t dying they would go and give the Jews a serious beat down. I think they said whites killed 6,000,000 Jews (I kid you not). White people found out through informants that Jews were poisoning the water supply of white villages.

Then after wholesale beat downs the plague mysteriously stopped and Jews went to other white people seeking refuge. Once the plague stopped the Jews came back and raided all that was left from all the dead whites.

It didn’t say it was Jews doing the raiding but they got wealthy after the plague. Also it didn’t say that the beatings stopped the plague, but one scene there was the beatings and the next scene was the clean up after the plague stopped. "

He was very clever, well educated, humble and honest man.
Jew liberal fascists lie about him, but the true is that he was the hope of the world, the saviour.

Why sweden have way more jews now lol

They came at the same time as muslims. Most Jews we had are Sephardic. They're the worst kind of Jew.

>very clever, well educated, humble and honest
And a bank robber.
Also the mastermind behind Operation Priboi and Osen.
What a great man!

I guess you somehow missed the past 70 years of hating on commies and Russians.

Poland NO

yea bro the hordes of muslims are totally not to blame, but the handful of jews are obviously

Poland is Ashkenazi, not true Slav. They used to be in the millions in Poland.
95% of Poles have at least 5% Ashkenazi lineage.

95% of modern Poles are of at least partial Ashkenazi lineage.


72% of modern belarusians has ashkenazi heritage

Belarus was the most jewish part of commonwealth, most jews were also poor and formed their own underclass.

No education in Germany?
What will you say next? There was no German revolution in 1918?

>95% of Poles have at least 5% Ashkenazi lineage.
Probably true, but only because Ashkenazi thing is a bullshit and in the end they are in fact slavs.

>Operation Priboi and Osen
The numbers are exaggerated by liberals, it these actions never meant to harm anyone. He literally was saving your nation from war, untahnkful piece of fascist shit.
>a bank robber
A speculation.
Nevetheless, there's nothing bad in returning capital to the workers, by financing workers party. Good for the worker's party = moral.

Aren't Ashkenazi a Khazars? If yes then it would not be crazy for Poles, Ukrainians and Russians to have Khazar/Ashkenazi roots.

I guess we know why Poland is so resistant to being cucked now.

They came, died out and got replaced by converted slavs. Thats it. And slavs have root in northern India

>never meant to harm anyone
Sending people to death camps = helping them. Ok.
>untahnkful piece of fascist shit
Yup, you are a russoshit vatnik alright.
>a bank robber
>there's nothing bad in returning capital to the workers
Are you for real? How can you operate a computer while being this retarded?

Funfact. Part of jewish exodus steam in 1968 from Poland went straight to Sweden

How were the jews magically immune to the plague?

They completely isolated themselves beforehand.

yeah. It was magic


If this doesn't prove Polish superiority, then I don't know what does

USA & Israel happened.

Actually its a prove that Poland is a second class european state. The reason why black plague had no effect on us is simple. We were pretty much off the commercial grid. The black plague was spread mainly my merchants (sic!!!). It you want some mem 'miracle' fact grab this

People adore Kim Jong Un. People are idiots

A lot of them migrate to the USA, Canada and Israel.

who brings in the muslims?

Poland has set an example for how to uncuck a nation.


Only 0.2% of the Swedish population is Jewish.

Not really. Those who left are all coming back because Israel is a shithole.

Most of our minorities backstabbed us sooner or later -it concerned jews, protestats, orthodox. I suppose the most loyal were musims. We just have had it.

You've got to show a world map for 2017 showing that most of them now live in the United States.

And now America has 6 million of them and Israel has the rest! Wow

Jew York.

America and Israel, maybe like 1 million Jews total died, mostly from disease and starvation, y' know, shit that happens in labor camps during the middle of a total war.

>russian civil war was aimed at genociding jews
>gulags were made only for jews
>german occupation of western russia was aimed at helping poor jews
it all makes sense now

270.000 too many jews in my country

germany in 1933 had 300k jews.