Either one of the following is correct:

Either one of the following is correct:

1. Trump has proof of his allegations, which means he should present them and Obama will go to prison.

2. He has no proof which means he is mentally ill for making such an accusation.

Other urls found in this thread:



fuck off shill

He has no evidence..

Same can be said with Schumer, Pelosi, media, etc with Trump's Russian connection. Where's the evidence scumbags? Oh that's right, Clapper just said yesterday there is NO EVIDENCE of Trump's campaign colluding with Russia. Case closed.

Not an argument, low IQ subhuman faggot

That's not answer to my question though. So what you're saying is both Trump and Pelosi made fake claims with no proof or basis? Why would a president do that? Is he intentionally lying or mentally ill?

It literally makes no sense
he should provide proof if he has it

I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying the double standard has never been more obvious.

>1. Trump has proof of his allegations, which means he should present them and Obama will go to prison.

If this is true then why has trump not submitted his evidence?

>2. He has no proof which means he is mentally ill for making such an accusation.

If this is true then why hasn't section 4 of the 25th amendment been invoked?

Something is damn screwy with our government.




The proof is already available for those who care to look.



What is really so bad about the Russians? The US and Russia combined can accomplish anything.

Fuck off faggot



>opposite flag
Evidence confirmed

>"Hey guys, Trump did this and it's weird and not right?"

Wow that makes it okay that Trump is doing it!

So fucking tired of this idiotic fucking line of reasoning. Take your AR-15 and fucking kill yourself with it you stupid worthless mong

NIce invasion we got here
Remember to sage

But when Democrats do it, you cheer for them instead of condemning them. You don't call them out on it, so we would be retarded to follow the rules that you break all the time.

Oh man this president just can't keep his mouth shut

I think now that maybe he is lacking the gravitas to hold the office

He doesn't provide evidence though, he just says Obama requested a wiretap of someone and they don't know if it's Trump or not.

>"You disgusting DEMOCRATS don't ever call out your party when they do something bad, so WE won't either cause that would be DUMB!"

Fucking moron. You are precisely what is wrong with this country. Kill yourself too. No one will miss you and the country would be better off.

Assuming he's mentality ill. So tolerant and understanding of people with actual mental illness.

If it is indeed an unfounded claim then Obama and his bunch should have nothing to fear. But I doubt it.

Go cry at r/the_donald if you want opposing views to be censored

I never cheered for the democrats on anything, I'm not even American. I'm asking a question of if Trump has evidence (yes or no), you still haven't provided aside from a video of a guy making speculations on a talk show, all you shout is "but democrats do it"

Democrats are bad for making baseless accusations, I agree with that.

Now I'm asking if the PRESIDENT is making a baseless accusation without proof

>responds to cognitive bias with "kys"
Lmao go fuck yourself.

>Strawman: The Image

shared to my facebook timeline, friend :)

Soon enough.

>cant think of anything else to say
"uh...go fuck yourself."

silly republican, dont you have some rabbits to hunt or whatever it is you dumb hicks do?

Who has denied the existence of a wiretap?

>clapper said
Last time I checked Clapper under oath said the NSA never spied on Americans, which is complete bullshit
and guess what
Nothing ever happened to him
he cant be trusted

>If it is indeed an unfounded claim then Obama and his bunch should have nothing to fear.
That doesn't make it okay to waste the DoJ, Congress, and the public's time with baseless accusations.


You're not even thinking straight. If a game has a set of rules, and some players are breaking the rules, why should you follow the rules if you're just going to lose all the time? Unless you like getting walked on like a cuck, it's insanity.

>Clapper sys there was no wiretap
Paise Clapper!

>Clapper says there is no Trump/Russia connection
Clapper is a liar

Exactly this. It's the same point Trump makes about fighting ISIS.

or 3. it's true and our government spies all the time

we listened to Merkel's phone calls

how gullible can you be

>Now I'm asking if the PRESIDENT is making a baseless accusation without proof

I honestly can't tell. The FISA warrants either exist, or they don't. Pro-Trump people on the media are saying that the FISA warrants definitely do exist. Anti-Trump people on the media say it's a baseless accusation, but don't seem to address the existence of the FISA warrant.

yeah. kys. hate faggots like you whose whole argument is predicated on a fucking meme.

and your argument is even dumber, because your original post says that there is no evidence to point to trumps russia connection and cite clapper as evidence. nigger, did you even fucking read the article? or, let me guess, you saw the headline on breitbart and couldn't wait to 'trigger' your liberal friends and circlejerk with your buddies on Sup Forums.

>TODD: There’s a lot of smoke, but there hasn’t been that smoking gun yet. At what point should the public start to wonder this is all just smoke?

>CLAPPER: Well, that’s a good question. I don’t know.

>CLAPPER: I do think, though, it is in everyone’s interest, in the current president’s interests, in the Democrat’s interests, in the Republican interests ask the country’s interest to get to the bottom of all of this, because it’s such a distraction. And certainly the Russians have to be chortling about the success of their efforts to sow dissension in this country.

>TODD: So you feel like your report does not get the bottom of — you admit that your report that you released in January doesn’t get to the bottom of this?

>CLAPPER: It — well, it got to the bottom of the evidence to the extent of the evidence we had at the time. Whether there’s more evidence that’s become available since then or there are ongoing investigations will be revelatory, I don’t know.

>TODD: There was a conclusion that said it’s clear that the Russians interfered and did so in an attempt to help Donald Trump? Do you still believe that conclusion?

>CLAPPER: Yes, I do.

>TODD: But at this point, what’s not proven is the idea of collusion?

>CLAPPER: that’s correct.

There you go fucktard, if Clapper's testimony is all you need, apparently, then here is point-bank case closed evidence that Russia interfered with the 2016 US Presidential election.

>the intelligence community has repeatedly lied to the American people in the past, but we should believe them about Russia

Either way he's the best president in modern times

Wow 9gag nice meme

No shit dickwad they interfered with the election. They interfere with every election around the world. The issue is whether the Trump campaign colluded with them. And again the same guy you are quoting said THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA.

If there was a FISA Warrant it's actually illegal to confirm its' existence.

So Trump just committed a fucking Federal Crime by confirming the existence of a FISA Warrant via Twitter.

If there isn't a FISA Warrant then he's fucking insane.

Is this satire? Did you mean to respond to his argument which you criticized for being insults by insulting him?

Do you hear yourself speak, or are you intentionally being a walking example of hypocrisy?

All you guys always say 'PROOFS?' when bringing up the fact that Russia interfered in the election and even fought for months against it calling it fake news but I guess now it's another thing you guys will acknowledge while pretending you always believed it.

And yeah, not yet. But there was enough for the FBI to grant FISA warrants, Sessions to lie under oath, and for Flynn to lie to the Vice President about his contacts with Russia.

but yeah, haha, just fake news i guess

You do understand Presidents just cant go around accusing people right?

I guess the evidence exists in your safe space. Enjoy the next 8 years faggot.

The question needs to be asked that if there really is no collusion why is the Trump Administration working so hard to sweep its interaction with Russia under the rug? As you say, if they have done nothing wrong then why do they act so afraid?

>yeah. kys. hate faggots like you whose whole argument is predicated on a fucking meme.
You're out of your fucking mind. I think you actually agree with the content of my post, you just want to deflect and find something to fight me on.

>and your argument is even dumber, because your original post
That's not me. Look at the IDs.

Except now half of his fucking staff admits it.
So now we decide if we care that our administration is somehow beholden to Russia

obama never struck me as being as reckless and stupid as trump

Avoiding controversy is standard operating procedure for most politicians. Just cause they're part of Trump's team doesn't mean they aren't sucks who will step down/recuse themselves the minute they become hot.

FSB surrogates paid money to the Trump campaign all the way. screencap this post. He is fucked.

People from Obama's administration have already confirmed Trump was being tapped, just not under order of Obama. If I had to guess, the NSA started their war against Trump a long time ago and Trump knows this. Obama is just the public target, behind the curtains the NSA is who Trump is after.

Can we just have this nuclear war with russia that the kikes want so badly. Just wipe out humanity already pls

WTF are you talking about? Afraid? Trump is laughing at how ridiculous it is.



3. Trump was colluding with Putin, in which case wiretapping was Obama's duty and the correct approach to investigate this act of treason

It's like you ShareJew faggots forget that Trump is never wrong.

It's like you never learn that Trump knows exactly what he's doing.

It's like you don't think one of the first things Trump did was review all the intel on Onigger.

It's like you believe Trump when he says he "just learned" that his calls were monitored.

It's like you can't see that he is setting the stage for what Sessions will be doing to the Democratic traitors, including your money-laundering faggot traitor boss.

> I think you actually agree with the content of my post
Sort of. It's wrong for members or supporters of any party to stand by while their party does some fucked up shit. Someone has to start somewhere. And it's not like Obama was never criticized by Dems, his approval rating was at Trump-tier levels a few years ago, there was all the debate about his 'red-line' comment with Syria, his drone strikes, his failure to follow through with any of his promises for years, the initial roll out of Obama care. There were people calling him out on both sides of the aisle. And yeah, its happening with Trump too, but it seems like the vast majority of republicans just go along with whatever this guy says. I guess he's right, he could really shoot a man and not lose any votes.

You don't understand what fear is or how proud men use bluster and manufactured controversies to distract from it. How convenient is it that he "learns" of this monumental crime nearly the minute Sessions recuses himself from matters involving the Russians, itself coming mere hours after Trump threw his total support and confidence of innocence behind the man?

I think he wanted to point out the hypocrsy of the left by doing this because they've only been operating on unnamed sources leaking intel info

Or he has evidence is is doing the same thing Arriana Huffington did with the Monica Lewinsky cigar in the cooter. She had all the evidence, but she only put little bits out so the media would automatically defend Clinton. Then she dropped the bomb and the media had to change their tune. Made them look very weak and uninformed/biased.


Levin is such a cretin, he makes Drudge and Savage-Weiner look like geniuses


It is not illegal to talk about fisa warrants unless YOU are bound by the gag order. If someone happens to tell you about one there is no law that can prevent you from talking about it.


So you can't defend your sentiments and prefer an echo chamber to bolster your ego?

No, if these beliefs were truly your own you'd argue for them, pulling out evidence and reasonings. Instead, you complain that somebody doesn't agree with you.

learn 2 debate. No seriously, debating is a damn'd useful skill.

It's Trump.

Recusal isn't an admission of guilt or wrongdoing.

NSA and FBI know Trump was colluding with Putin, they know Putin has Kompromat on Trump since at least 2013, so wiretapping is their duty to do and totally justified, this is an attack on the country by Putin, poltards cannot understand this simple concept, it is called treason

Has no evidence that Obama was involved, but pol will still gladly suck his mentally disabled cock, and rub his wrinkly balls for good measure.


Do you not realize this story has the same sources as the Trump muh Russia connection stories? They are all user sources. If they are totally fabricated, then the NYT has been printing totally fabricated stories. If they aren't fabricated, the NYT has been receiving classified intel leaks, and Obama wire tapped Trump

Which do you believe is more likely?

>The NSA, FBI and other intelligence agencies spy on all Americans, including the president, which they got a permit for in October

>Trump is colluding with the Russians

Oh no, we call out dems if they fuck up too. Still angry at Obama for keeping Guantanamo open and not offering Snowden a fair trial.

The GOP are taking the heat now because they're in charge so any fuck up is squarely their fault.

Already, we caught them trying to eliminate their own oversight and trying to take out ACA

Considering the Patriot act, the first one is basically a given.


The trap has already sprung and they still can't see it.

The former.

I believe Trump is corrupt and incompetent for reasons unrelated to Russia

I'd say it's the latter.

Bush was better. Bush at least surrounded himself with damned smart people and listened to them. Sure, I thought Bush was a moron but I knew he'd do anything for the USA.

>1) Trump is not a russian agent
then the recent actions of the deep state should be extremely alarming to everyone
>2) Trump is a russian agent
then the alphabet soup has evidence and allows Trump to be Pres. anyways which strongly suggests that the Pres. has no real power.

Its becoming known to all normies just how fucked up our government is

Actually, at least three members of his administration have said that they talked to russian government officials. Many now claim that they didn't think anything was wrong with that.

>using foreign words just because they sound exotic and to reinforce the Cold War spy narrative
Just call it blackmal blueshare.

The thing is

1. Maybe you can't just release full reports from the goddamn NSA or whoever physically wiretapped him. And yes there is a difference on security allowance from saying "he wiretapped me" and releasing a full report. It could contain mentions of certain spying technologies etc they don't want leaked

2. Considering how crazy the fucking leftards are being do you really think it's in his best interests to lock up Obama? Even if this report is true and jailworthy the lying media will still frame it as evil fascist trump locking up the previous president. If Obama were arrested you'd have to deploy the fucking army on US soil to contain the mass chimpouts

3. It may not have been illegal. wrong? yes but possibly not illegal. Remember the PATRIOT act pretty much gives US intelligence the free reign to spy wherever and on whoever it wants

So yeah I think the best course of action is to just let him shitpost about this on Twitter for an afternoon and watch the leftists ragebleed more from their rotting cunts

Trump is the biggest cuck there is, Putin is pounding his asshole while China stuffs its cock down his throat all while Mexico is laughing at him and /pol is in the corner maturbating to it all.



>Still angry at Obama for keeping Guantanamo open and not offering Snowden a fair trial.
Oh yes the left is super "angry" about those things.

None of us here knows if this I actually true or not and even if we did we'd be breaking security clearances posting it here

Nobody will know if this is baseless or not until the man himself releases more proof

Mentally ill? Not more than the cucks on pol. If it`s not true, it's obviously a criminal accusation.

>Fox News

We're less angry with Obama because he actually got shit like the ACA and bin Laden done.

So far, all trump has done is get caught in scandals and alienate the media.

Obama did it, but he won't go to prison. He will get a slap on the wrist and told to stop interfering. Maybe some low level shlubs will go to prison, but nobody who actually holds/held a position of power will get shit.


There will be the same consequences like Obama spying on all of Germany, NONE

back to plebbit.

Hey Retard, the Fisa court approved to collect intelligence on Trump in October. Look it up. They spied.

There's no evidence of collusion. There is evidence of members of the Trump administration meeting with Russian officials. There is legitimate reason to investigate. You have to investigate to find evidence.

what I want to know is why is Russia everyones ultimate demon? the first country to offer assistance for the massive fire we had here last year were the Russians who had billions of dollars of top end firefighting equipment sitting around unused because there were few forest fires in Russia last year but Trudeau said they'd just be taking aerial photographs for military purposes even though the ruskies have goddamn sattelites they could take high res pictures of individual people and that there's basically nothing of military value in Alberta except 1 army and 1 Air Force base and oilfields ALL of whos full on design blueprints are publicly available and contain more than enough information that you'd need to attack them. Trudeau then proceeds to meet with members of the Chinese communist party and sell military vehicles to Saudi Arabia

The Russians ultimately are assholes but I find it EXTREMELY hypocritical that the establishment blames everyone challenging them for being a Russian while having no qualms themselves being super huge buddies with the Chinese and with Muslims. I'm pretty much convinced that Trudeau is a paid Chinese agent at this point considering how much money he has admitted to receiving from them but no lets just ignore the country with the actual money and military capability to actually cause us harm who is building up a crash to rival the Great Depression by fucking with our housing market and blame everyone who wants to stop the Muslims and Chinese for beingn on the payroll of the poor nation of alcoholics that will be no more powerful than some African hellhole in 5 years

The proper department applying through proper procedures and being granted permission is not what Trump claims. Trump claims Obama, not intelligence, did it and that he did so illegally. This is why people are so confused because his claim must surely mean something else. If he really means this monitoring everyone is looking at then he's a goddamn retard so there must be something else.

Trump Administration talking with the russian Administration.....................................
Isnt that the WHOLE POINT of politics ?

>false dichotomy: the post
What's up ShareBlue? Do you hate niggers yet?