
Just wait until all their periods sync up

I wanna know who the fuck funds this bullshit.

>Women get together and spend a ton of money
>Accomplish nothing
Sounds right.

Woah 76 women on a boat?
How could I possibly be sexist anymore??


>harem for Thule
>for gender inequality!

Inb4 boat sinks and boats are claimed to be sexist


What do they mean "edge of the world"?

The world is a sphere you can't get to the edge..

>who the fuck funds this bullshit.
My money is on pic related

Do you think Sup Forums could crowdfund this?

Funny thing is the captain is obviously a man and he's probably the guy in the back with the blue jacket, and the cameraman is most likely a man too, so the only people actually working there are men.

Femicunt: We're gonna fight gender equality!!
Femicunt crowd: hell yeah!! So what are we going to do?
Femicunt: go on a boat to the middle of fucking nowhere!!!
Femicunt crowd: ...

Meanwhile, women are being stoned to death and mutilated in the middle east. Great job you fucking twats.

News headline 27 days later: "There were no survivors."

>edge of the world


So brave and bold.

Flat earth confirmed

Oops meant inequality.
Fuck it they're all for female supremacy anyway.


Your tax dollars

Why don't they go to the middle east where their shit will actually have an effect?


white women are the most childish and sheltered people in human history.

literally are the grand champions of the genetic, cultural and social awards for an easy life on earth 1000 years straight and still act like they have to to lift a finger to slay evil.

Somebody made this when this was first posted awhile back

It still baffles me how stupid some people are.


I wamna know who the captain of the ship is because if it's a guy....

>gender inequality

SO sick of the misuse of this phrase. They're not working to address the systemic bias against fathers in custody disputes, the huge majority men represent in workplace deaths, or any of the other ways men get a shit deal. I'm all for gender equality but these people are always only looking at one side of it and it's high time they were up front about it - they're promoting women's rights, not gender equality.

>deep-sea fisherperson

Hmm I had no idea penguins were sexist.

CNN = Flat earth believers!

Photo of a boat designed by men, built by men fitted with technology made by men posted on social media created by men about a bunch of fatties doing something men did centuries ago without any of this technology...to prove women are superior to men...

Enlighten me on the rights I have and women dont because last time I checked, there's a law that makes womens car insurance cheaper than mens.


This is all penis envy.



You've got the wrong end of the stick there mate - I'm not saying they actually lack rights, just that they're being misleading about what their intentions are by calling it gender inequality when their goals are entirely focused on women.


Not smart. Elephant seals are very dangerous animals, they let one right in the middle of the deck to take a picture. Wow. Women.

Sometimes I wish Earth really was flat.

A trip first accomplished by men in worse circumstances. On a boat built by men with modern amenities. Taking pictures and using the internet created by men.

What the fuck is inspiring about this?

its time to make an all female remake of Carpenter's The Thing
like The Descent but in Antartica


>edge of the world
what did CNN mean by this?