American Health Care Act

Republicans just released the replacement for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

It's 123 pages.

Other urls found in this thread:

All I want is catastrophic

Quick rundown?

They released no more than 5 minutes ago.
Give it a bit.

>123 pages
I don't know why I find that so funny

How are you paying for this plan? How much is it going to cost taxpayers?

We are still discussing details, but we are committed to repealing Obamacare and replacing it with fiscally responsible policies that restore the free market and protect taxpayers.

It's still going to cost billions to replace

And a shit ton of republishits aren't going to vote for tax credits because muh entitlements. While simultaneously approving a 54 billion military spending increase.

It's super racist and doesn't cover Addadicktomy and Taykadickoftomy procedures

>How are you paying for this plan? How much is it going to cost taxpayers?
>We are still discussing details, but we are committed to repealing Obamacare and replacing it with fiscally responsible policies that restore the free market and protect taxpayers.
From the website faq

this is fresh content, just came out less than 10 minutes ago. we are among the first people to see what the fuck MSM is going to talk or not talk about for the next three days.

holy shit it's actually pretty good too

Does it have a cross-state insurance option?
Are they going to tell the FDA to fuck, so the prices of drugs can go lower?

...This is going to take some time to digest.

Does it get rid of the lines around the states?

Who knew healthcare could be so complicated

I googled how many pages Obamacare had and apparently it was 2700.

It's not so much the concept of what needs to be changed in America's health care, but trying to decipher the bureaucracy that pisses people off the most.

>123 pages
Reminder Obamacare was over 11,000 pages long.



There's already a thread on this

It actually sounds just like Obamacare

I'd like it if they spoke plainly and in words regular people understood instead of this pseudo-intellectual drivel that only politicians and charlatans seem to understand. I shouldn't have to use a fucking thesaurus just to understand whether or not I'm going to have insurance.

>123 pages
A good reminder why establishment republicans are fucking retarded big govt shills. Can't wait for it to be as inefficient as obamacare so leftists get voted back into power.

Barron was in charge of formatting the text

they are still giving credits to all the poor people. there is no way they can afford that. that is what took ACA down.

don't give people tax credits if they buy health insurance. they already get to deduct the premiums paid if they pay enough, or if they use a HSA. that should be fine enough.

this plan will fail just as bad as ACA.

So unemployed people or those not paying taxes are just fucked?

no you just get the scraps.

Just nationalise healthcare already you cucks

You expected it to be 7 pages then? A nice easy read?

t. mohammed

its written in nice big text so your 5th grade reading skills can handle it.

not to mention niggercare was 11,000 pages.

I think this is how it will be portrayed. That what you mean?

People that dont pay taxes should be fucked. They are a drag on society. Logic dictates they do not receive more than they give, and since they give nothing, they should receive nothing.

>Oh no, a bill completely rewriting how our modern healthcare works is 100+ pages
>These republicans are no different than democrats, this bill is still almost 1/20th the size of Obamacare. Big gov shills!


CNN? Is that you?

It will never happen in the US. You would have a better chance of selling war with the UK than you would single payer healthcare

Is that before or after amendments?

I bet at least 120 pages just talk about how great the wall is gonna be. The other 3 just say stop being a fucking NEET and pay for your own shit.

With a crudely drawn penis on the back.

>not being given handouts
>getting fucked
Jesus christ

Stripped of his legacy, Obama soon becomes just another black inmate in the prison system

Well... that's an improvement

it would have happened if bernie the cuck was man enough to add a health marshal to his single payer system that could force fat asses to lose weight and eat properly.

The reason our fire department works is because we have a fire marshal to prevent fires or else the commie system would collapse with every building on fire 24/7.

it's an antiquated system that needs to be moved over to version control like git, so we can see changes and modifications rather than needing a reference book.

I'm pretty sure there's a git version of U.S. law somewhere

If we don't destroy their single payer system, it will destroy us!
>cue false flag where crisis actors are helped by doctors proving UK system superior

But if you make it easier to read, the (((lawyers))) will be able to come up with loopholes!

This. The reason anything is ever 3,000 pages is because it's written VERY specifically to fuck and help VERY specific people.

yeah actually here it is:

No. Instead, the government would rather force the citizens to buy insurance, courtesy of the invisible hand. This will saturate the healthcare market, further increasing costs. Of course, that cost is held on the backs of hardworking middle class Americans.
If we instead simply repealed ACA, and replaced it with nothing, the system will weed out fatasses, pre-existing conditions, etc. creating a situation where the healthy prevail and healthcare costs are significantly because of that.

no u

Wow. So the opposition to the ACA was being forced to purchase a product... so the solution is add more government to patrol what you can and cant consume, smoke, inhale, etc

You would be tar and feathered in the town center for proposing it

I expected it to simply be a repeal, aka. 0 pages.

Repeal penalties, switch from income-based approach to age-based one, tax credits for low & middle-income individuals & families. These are the main points. Plus, some restructuring.

>People that dont pay taxes should be fucked
>t. bootlicker
I say this as a tax payer. Fuck taxes.
I believe in a flat income tax, 0% across the board.

Yea, only reason to be pissed at someone not paying is that you are a player hater.

People need to be pissed at the ones making them pay theirs.

If you want your commie shit then go full commie like we did with the fire department.

Stop being a cuck you stupid cuck.

>retard expects a repeal only
>ignores the "replace" that trump constantly says
I take it you cant read or understand basic english?

Back in this little place called reality we are laughing at you. In fact based on what you just wrote you are either A) too dumb to work a tax paying job or B) are not old enough to work a job that pays taxes

123 pgs
>Not bad man

>People need to be pissed at the ones making them pay theirs.
There is a word for this...
Oh yeah, theft. It's taken at gun point, there is no opting out, unless one makes no money.
Although, I think there is a mandatory minimum...


11,000 pages

>30% premium increase for gaps in continuous coverage
Fucking dropped.

The idiocy multiplies.

Thats just it. The only people that want commie shit are lazy, retarded, ancient, defective, or a combination of the 4. Everyone else was perfectly happy with how things were pre-ACA

With your reading comprehension, I can affirm that you are A) too dumb to read and B) a bootlicker. Instead of attacking my argument you decide to attack my character, but without reading comprehension, idiot.
No, just wishful thinking.

Why the hell are literally any documents from the US be it bills, fines, CV's, letters or court documents presented in way that makes them pretty much unreadable?
>quadruple indentions on a single sentence
> ending a paragraph with --
>endless reference marks that need a full appendix and flow chart what applies when
>including a explanation of the explanation citing another 40 laws why this additional explanation is mandatory to be included and why it would be a federal crime to not cite it

Yep, I'd call it theft. Or slavery maybe? Since I consistently work and pay each day and week and month with no expectation of ever keeping it for myself...

Theft might imply I had it all or that it was mine to start...hard to put a finger on it.

No idea what you expect honestly.

Either keep paying or stay off permanently.

30% is literally fucking nothing compared to what it could be.

>The idiocy multiplies.
Hey, (((Shareblue))). How's it going?

I've heard someone say "carrot on a stick." I feel like that's what you're getting at.

>No idea what you expect
Not to be punished for making financial decisions in my own interest.

Someone who suggests a 0% tax rate with a straight face... and then calls others an idiot.


Does it cover lifesaving health care to trans people wanting to transform their female penises into vaginas?


>Not to be punished for making financial decisions in my own interest.
you cant just get on insurance when you get sick and get off it afterwards.

you're just taking money from everyone else at that point.

>must steal money
>house else for world to work?

Still no argument...
We've had 0% income tax, gaing revenue only on tarriffs and other sales taxes until FDR.

>if you don't have insurance for more than 2 months, then an insurance company is required to impose a 30% increase in your premiums.


Allow customers to obtain healthcare across state borders to promote competition. Like how everyone goes to Delaware to incorporate their businesses.

>being too much of a nigger to keep your finances in check

As you keep posting, I am heavily leaning toward the never worked a tax paying job option

and it will be called Trumpdontcare.

>123 pages
These guys are such rookies! What kinda low rent shit racketeering operation are they running here!


Where did you read that ?

Still no argument.
And, you're wrong. Refer to my first post:> I say this as a tax payer. Fuck taxes.

Who said anything about being sick? Why the fuck would I want health insurance when I'm young and perfectly healthy? I don't want insurance now and I shouldn't be punished for making a common sense decision now. I'll get insurance later when I get into middle age.

>being charged extra by the government is good
fuck off commie

The problem with that is doctors/hospitals are not obliged to accept insurance from other states.

>I'll get insurance later when I get into middle age.
you mean when you start running into problems and start taking up more healthcare.

you're just taking money from others at that point.

getting insurance in your 20s is cheap as fuck as well if you pool yourself with other /fit/ payers.

You would be wrong on multiple accounts. If by FDR you meant Taft you would still be wrong. Not only have there been income taxes in the US since the 1860's income taxes were debated and nearly written into the framework of the Constitution

>the problem
>implying only one problem

>you mean when you start running into problems and start taking up more healthcare
Duh, that's the whole point of insurance. You get it when you need it. The amount of money that gets taken out of my paycheck for health insurance I literally never use or need is infuriating. I lose out on thousands every year.

>b-b-but muh company profits
not my fucking problem

Well on my experience, it's mostly the insurance companies that have "out of range" zones, so if they want to stay competitive they'll have to start offering better coverage. Hospitals don't care where the money is coming from as long as they are paid.

No, catastrophic coverage is cheap insurance take only covers major problems. It's illegal under Obamacare or none of the young healthy people would buy his shit plans

>Duh, that's the whole point of insurance.
enjoy that 30% premium increase faggot.

ending paragraphs with -- and adding reference marks is important because legalese will fuck a nigga up in court, but indentation spam is pretty fucking retarded

Sounds like you need single payer.

>implying the government is forcing the service on you

tinfoil hat

kek I want them to call it this

>single payer
>every person of any value to society pays
>literally millions and millions

>no individual mandate
why would they be any more fucked than they were previously?

It's just lame enough it might catch on Tmbler