This is Jeb Bush daughter


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I'd hit it.


This is why they need a wall, Pablo.

Checks out

does she have autism too?

Definitely her mother's daughter ...


we got a wall goin up here!

Your id doesn't lie

Thousands of years thrown down the drain

Jesus, that is one homely woman, you want her and her mother back? Fuck, I will throw in a Yeb as well as a GW Bush into the mix for your consideration.

Imagine of you had that thing in the white house instead of ivanka

What is an ugly ass anchor?

Filthy spics for $800, Alex.

So this is what happens when you stretch out a midget?

In all the wrong places.

Someone make a merchant out of this gefiltaburner

She looks like a bloated Aids McLovin

Please Clap


Fucking degenerate

I hope they burn in hell where they belong

she could kick jebs ass

Wew got a chuckle out of that one there laddie

Mexico is a hell of a drug

It was already down the drain when Jeb! was made. Based on his looks and intellect, it's safe to say Jeb! was never going to make anything great

Yes I do.


I take back what I said about only being two genders

first ID best ID


i don't get it. he's a cuck but he's tall, wealthy, popular...
and that goblin is the best he could do? he must have major self esteem issues

i think that lena dunhams fursona OP. not funny. leba dunham is a child molester

Killary's demon genes really don't play around.

he met her on a high-school field trip when he was almost 19

in the Bush book, his mom says she knew he would marry her because she was the *only* girl he had ever dated


>he must have major self esteem issues
Have you not seen that video where he asks his mom if he's the favorite and she says no right to him?

Jeb Bush is a horrible father.


please don't post this retarded clown-whore.


He definitely molested her as a child. I would know


Jeb has to be the genetic failure of the Bush family.

To be part of the bush family I would hit it. Jeb is more like me than I care to admit. So I would have a father in law I would get along with and possible presidential run in a decade or two.

looks like a Democrat. Thank Kek we didn't let this guy get the nucular codes.

At least she didn't use granddaddy's money to make herself beautiful like that slut Ivanka.

Jeb doesnt seem like the type of person to have children imo, the way he acts, I didnt realize he was an old man, more like an autistic teenager with gray hair.

>implying there's enough Saudi donations in the world to ever fix that face


couple betas trying to defend their attraction to some plastic retarded slut.


Ah yes.

But how about his son?


>Smike, dirty jew of Youtube, son of Casey Neistat.

Breed with spics, guys!

Your children will be White just like Jeb's children!

>getting this butt flustered that i'm insulting your queen's daughter
I bet you'll love this one too: Beyonce a highly overrated mediocre artist at best and isn't attractive.

Still more dignified than using Grandpa Drumpf's money to buy beauty.


yeah that was brutal. it was such a knee jerk response too.

i was her favorite so- "NO"


Yeb gave birth to Patty Oswalt?


If Kek is the Lord of repeating numericals

Who is the Lord of clever IDs?

Is it a manifestation of kek's increasing power, or is another deity- perhaps one that is joined with kek in the trinity?

I remember when her PR team was trying to get this pic scrubbed from the internet completely

god ivanka was an ugly-ass baby. Ugly-ass adult too.

Please clap.

I'm surprised they had a child at all with that Gremlin not immediately exploding.

Holy hombre



I was just about to mention him. So far he seems to be doing pretty well for himself. Doesn't appear to have inherited his father's awkward qualities.

Worth mentioning he's the first Bush to get elected to public office on his first try (Texas Land Commissioner; deals with managing state-owned land and resources.) Could be the next hope for the family's dynasty if he proves to be good enough in the political realm.

He also didn't go overboard with the Trump hating.

I see she inherited her self destructive trait from her father. On the bright side she got his physique versus her mothers if that is any sort of consolation prize. 10 dollars to any user she burns coal on the side.

He endorsed Trump so he is a based #AltTaco.

She has you wonderful Azteca DNA

With a truck?



>Toasty roasty mad she's not the prettiest girl


top kek as they say

This pic fucked me up.

Ahhh the wonders of race mixing

What an unfortunate creature

That too.

His kids managed to be whiter than him.

Oh god no, plz don't braap post on ugly girls.

Its not sexy when ugly girls do it.

Oh look, Hillarys kid was married to a Jew just Drumfs kid, really makes u think.

Thoth is the god of writing. It is probably his way of reminding us who gave us the gift of language.

Yeah, she just used her passed down money to continue funneling it into a corrupt "charity" that deals in selling away portions of the country's influence in exchange for bribes


Jeb was whiter than him and he was shit.