Women Break Plus-Size Fashion Rules

How do we save Western Women?


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You don't.

You get on with perfecting the artificial uterus and the sexdoll.

Then you gas the cunts.

>Fashion Rules
That other women came up with

it's funny that the white chick thinks her problem is her fat, when in actuality it is her ugly

Buzzfeed is cancer. Complete cancer.

ewww buzzfeed

The amount of vocal fry in their voices is giving me a migraine.

Stunning and brave.

Nothing is harder than being a fat glutton.

Let the fat, stupid, ugly ones die alone with their cats.

>break plus-size fashion rules
by sitting on them?

Why don't we have camps for these fucking cows

>10 pictures that will make you say fuck having rules and shit

you actually watched that?! holy shit

big if true

THE BOARD IS BEING SLID WITH PRO-TRANNY GARBAGE. ABORT ABORT (or don't if you're against that sort of thing).


>tfw gf is a size 0 and has a nice ass
feels good man

I'm a 6'2" 300 pound man. I know most of pol hates me. But throw me a bone and tell me us fat guys aren't nearly as bad as these fucking she beasts.

>mfw 'plus sized' models will get paid more than male models who work out & roid up 24/7 to have perfect bodies

Funny how no one ever complains arbout that industry's gender wage gap.

Why are whales so aggressive and bitter about everything?

There are no rules. They just look like shit in clothes that reveal their raw figure and would do well to dress to their size.
Fat men shouldn't wear tank tops and fat women shouldn't wear bikinis. Not because muh fashion police but because you look bad.

welp thats the last time I buy brawny

Too much woman for you?

Low-T autist faggots. I thought you real men liked meat

You're equally terrible to look at and nearly as delusional. The only saving grace to a fat man is his willingness to admit that he's fat to some degree even if you won't own up to the fact that you being fat is due to your own failures and not muh genetics. The worst of it comes inn how entitled even the fattest women can be. Online dating has these 5/10 thinking they're 8s and 9s.

it's been done before


Same here

I can't even imagine having a girlfriend remotely as big as those whales

Assuming is bad. I'm fat cause i'm lazy other than when i'm at work. But then again my job is mostly driving a fork lift and running a smelting machine.

by ignoring them. Unlike most animals humans can learn to improve themselves when the gibs stop.


Jealousy obviously. Fat people that just admit they're fat and unhealthy are fine. It's the people pushing this "healthy at every size" nonsense that are the worst. They're literally denying reality to spare their feelings.



even if that women was fit that outfit would be atrocious

this made me drink polonium tea


So do we have the equivalent of these fat bitches trying to reform standards for male attractiveness? Is it socially acceptable for "plus sized" guys to embrace their bodies?

they broke the rules
and a couple of chairs

plus size =/= obese

>"Rules are deisgned to make people feel like they are behaving, but if you're not happy following them then throw them in the ocean."

What in the living fuck is this supposed to mean. These cunts think there are rules on fashion. There are norms in culture and fashion is one of them. These cunts are just as emo as a 14 year old middle school kid. All they see in this is sex appeal. In my eyes the more you willingly show your body the less you respect yourself. But what do I know, I would be perfectly happy to wear the same thing every day.

Got anymore of these OP. They are autistic sure, but for some reason I find it fun to watch women complain.

fucking disgusting, have to ignore them, they are trying to lower our standards and at the same time raising their own
don't fall for it

damn i'd fucc the shit out of that

yes it does, unless she's a model throw her to the gravel

Gross. I'll keep fapping to hour glass shape women.

>fuck the rules

enjoy not geting any man "Worth your time"

My gf keeps losing weight and I don't know what to do. She was never fat despite what her insanely brainwashed woman's mind told her. At 5ft7 and 160lbs she just had a nice big ass & tiddies. For awhile she was receptive to eating more to keep her weight up but now she's stopped and keeps saying "I just feel better being skinny" even though she now has a fridge body with flat ass and small tits and fucking her just isn't fun.

Thread theme


I'm gonna eat the bait. You realize that 5'7 160lbs is overweight and you should kill her and yourself.

A fucken leaf

At 5"11 160 I still had some fat on me and I worked out /lifted. Obese lover

check the flag Kiwi.

Do you have very fat girls in Japan ?


>the burger disease metastasising

That's overweight bud. But just wait she's just losing weight to find someone better.

It's what they do. They size down to find some better man gravy at the local bar. Soon your girl will be asking if you think it would be hot if she slept with other men and told you about it.

Prep the bull. It's going to be a hard one.


what is that brown stuff under her chins?


You're a fat whale and don't have a bf::D:D: SAD!

>what is that brown stuff under her chins?

Hamburger meat.

Fat hogs need the firing squad

>those leopard print pants


>tfw I have had a debu Nip.

is it bad that this turns me on?

Those stretchmarks look like those ancient carving you see in caves. god damn.


No amount of weight loss is going to fix that ugly mug.

>Throw me a bone

Fuck off, you'd eat that too.

>even their voices are fried
That's not what 'speaking your mind' means, ladies.

those sleeves....they don't attach to anything

there's no sweater, they are just stitched into the pants

They do but fat people in Japan are shunned even by other fat people unless they're sumo wrestlers

All three look nasty.


>Break Plus-Size Fashion Rules
by sitting on them?


Where is the "normal" option?

R34 when?

Why'd they feel the need to put the hashtag on there, it wouldn't be nearly as bad as just having a woman on there

The worst thing about fatties is that some of them could be really attractive if they weren't obese. Such a waste.


did you have d cup breasts and a big squishy feminine ass? If the answer is no then that would explain why you were just a fatty and if the answer is yes then that's just hilarious.

I've looked into getting one of those actually. We live right behind a fetish shop.

Look, I'm all for body positivity, it has helped me get over my below average penis, but these women couldn't give two shits about it with their faces caked in inches of make-up. I fucking love fat chicks, just women in general, but preferably on the chubby side, but I can't stand the hypocrisy within the body positive crowd and the people who pretend to be for it.

We can't, shits fucked

This is why I don't associate with fat women. Every time I've ever gotten to know one it turned out she was at least slightly insane in one way or another.

as opposed to what other entirely sane kind of woman?


The difference is this, and it is key: when somebody hikes me the ball, guys like you keep my thin, normal body safe from niggers trying to kill me until I can throw it. I love fat guys.

It's not fun and it's not fucking pretty.
Like with many things we could be looking for real sustainable solutions. If you're educated enough, you'll know that obesity is a complicated systemic problem that pops up when humans are placed in times and areas of plentitude. Telling these people to eat less is like telling niggers to get smart. Sort of. If you lose 50 lbs and keep it off for more than five years you're an outlier according to statistics. If the worst of your weight problems is being bloated after vacation then you simply do not have metabolic syndrome and should simply keep your trap shut until you acquire an education in the appropriate fields.

On the other hand, these women also need to shut the fuck up. Normalizing things, ethnic community problems, religious community problems, obesity is not going to make the problem go away. Obesity will still cause poor health and mobility and certain ethnic groups will still cause violence and crime. We need to fucking stop and think and figure out how to solve these problems. These leftist pigs have been bleating about how backwards christian rednecks have been keeping humanity from progressing for so long and look at what they're doing now.

These fucking cows again?

I've noticed in russia and brazil also that fat people get made fun of all the time but the fat people never take it seriously. There's no butthurt push to normalize obesity.
If someone assumes you love cake it's not going to kill you.

It's not a rule you fat cows people just find you gross.

and that's normal, it's actually instinctive, though not because MUH GREEDY TRIBESMANZ like certain pretentious lanklets like to claim
it's just for the same reason we'd find a guy with a cyst the size of his own head or someone with some crusty oozing rash gross. Its aberrance signifies a disease in our subconscious. And no amount of media attention whoring and bitching about hurt feeelings is going to change that.

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For thousands of years we used to burn insane, unmarried women as witches. Or drown them, crush them with a rock, behead them, whatever. We need to bring that back.

Based finland

How highly ironic that by 'breaking the rules' these remnant of females, these pompous barrels of cellulite, on one hand reject beauty standards only to aim for it on the other hand by pursing beauty standards relatively to males.

In other hand , as a male, you have to accept them even if they look like a fat gagging pile of flesh but you also have to commit and make great efforts to 'get' them (because patriachy).

The only thing these women will break is a scale.

It's surprising how much a face can change just from fat

well they don't look much worse in those clothes than normally

>Only 3.6 percent of Japanese have a body mass index (BMI) over 30, which is the international standard for obesity, whereas 32.0 percent of Americans do. A total of 66.5 percent of Americans have a BMI over 25, making them overweight, but only 24.7 percent of Japanese.

The amount of self-importance in her face. She really thinks she's hot shit