Oh, so you're one of those sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig; how's that...

>Oh, so you're one of those sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig; how's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig? You got nothing better to do than to put me down, you piece of garbage? You got nothing to do today? Go eat a sausage, and choke on it. Get trichinosis. Now do we have another nice caller here who's busy because he didn't have a nice night in the bathhouse who's angry at me today? Put another, put another sodomite on ... no more calls? ... I don't care about these bums; they mean nothing to me. They're all sausages.

What did he mean by this?

Look at the fucken guy. His microphone became his dick replacement. He's so deluded he thinks calling people sodomites when they're not shunning and raping people. By shunning them and bearing false witness IS a sodomite. I wonder how he is on his private time. Goof. Nobody can ever make a point against him without being called out for their basic instincts. Just how tiny and insignificant is this court jester. How many cats does he own. Muh pork! Gimme that hot dog! Hot dogs aren't sausages. It's like he's the fucken lovechild of a crazy four way between Maude Ned Burns and Smithers

time for another blue monday

Well this thread perked up my night. Bump for both you gents

>Can't wait for another rock 'n' roll Friday this week

Hello Ahmed

It was fucking Brian Shitman today

>a crazy four way between Maude Ned Burns and Smithers
Nigger, do you even have anything to say?

It iiis the Savage Nation and it's another Rock n' Roll Friday and I- turn off the music TURN IT OFF. I can't take this anymore. You'll have to excuse me I went to my usual Italian place in North Beach and I ordered- I ordered a vodka martini and a dry beer. That's it. A martini and a beer and I've got a hangover. I can't do it any more. But I turned and I looked at Teddy and he, haha, he gave me this look and I decided I had to do the show.

So what do we have to talk about today? We could talk about the shchmendrick in the White House. We could talk about my new book. We could talk about the scum and the degenerates in Hollywood pumping out their filth. (((Ratzenberg))) (((Katzenberg))) (((Schmatzenberg))) and (((Spielberg))).

Ugh, my G-d I can't do this. Turn up the music OKAY TURN IT OFF. All the lines are lit up, so please feel free to call in on any of these topics. Please call.




I can't do politics today. Play the music Robert alright turn it off. the worms in the media have done it again, Jake tapwater and wolf blinky blitzer with their democrat cronies.

In my day chuck schumer couldn't have been a pickle salesman at Katz's delicatessen and now they've got these, THESE... well I can't say it's a family show

These are the topics to call in on, the lines are full. I'm Michael savage, be here or be nowhere

Living in San Fransicko takes its toll

Why. Cheapaer vag? Fucken move

>It's okay you don't have to listen to me. I'm just a shock jock. No..I'm not as important as lets say, Anderson Blooper or Martha Washington. No I'm just a shock jock afterall.

Here we see the same leaf that shitposts in every shill thread. This sad chink thinks that the fake as fuck pancake syrup he swills down when getting his boyfriend drunk to rape him up the ass makes him a true canadian. In reality, he's a miserable marxist from the yellow river valley that lived like a fucking barbarian in a cave eating raw vegetable matter and dog meat like a caveman until some stupid leaf e-dated him and got him a trudeau greencard. Then he abandoned his cave, went ooga booga, and ate every dog and cat in the neighborhood where his igloo is.

My god someone needs to burn Canada and China to the ground and erect a billion wooden pikes up on the ashes with each dead chink and leaf impaled.

That was awesome!

Its Martha Rat-jazz you schmendrick!

Just another conservakike shrill Jew fuck

The arrogance of these talking shit spewers is something to behold. Acting like their superior to others while following their stupid sandnigger fairytales.

He alone won the election from Trump you shill

Top meme

Trump is a conservakike btw




(((Savage))) works for (((them))). Look up his history, guy was a pinko until his 40s.

Yes retard. Believe it or not, most people aren't born alt-right stormfags.

He grew up in a liberal jewish environment. How do you think his youth would have been? He didn't get redpilled until worked at a welfare office and saw the bums who weren't working earned more than he did when he had a job. Then get didn't get a tenure faculty position at any university because of affirmative action and he went off the deep end.

Go figure. He's so weak intellectually that he was and is incapable of any kind of though escaping basic biases and experiences. No thoughts on fairness or what is just, but instead on what is convenient at the moment.


So, was he born a red diaper doper baby? Yes. Did he grow out of it? Again, yes.

There are only probably 3 of us who make them

I listen to Savage most days of the week, even if i just catch the podcast. I would like to see more of these threads. Not that ghost radio bullshit.

We're trying to get these and daily Rush threads going.

Never listened to that garbage
I don't mind Rush but I never go out of my way to listen to him. Savage just has this very personable feel to him, like you're conversing with an old friend about politics. He's very talented, but very rarely at his worst he can be just plain obnoxious.

I agree. Rush just feels like any old show. If he is on ill listen, but it isnt anything special. I wouldnt object to a Rush thread though.