Hey Sup Forums I've been out of the loop for around a month now...

Hey Sup Forums I've been out of the loop for around a month now, would anyone like to tell me what the fuck is even going on?

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Obama is going to jail soon.

The Bogdanoffs seized control in a semi-peaceful coup.


The media is attack trump. Trump is attacking the media. Trump is tweeting. Huffington post is considered legit on all news aggregate sites and finds its brilliantly misleading headlines at the top of many aggregate lists. There's a stick man who cracked some skull who both sides fought over- turned out he's a trump supporter who gave a lefty a bad bruise.

What? Why??

People consider huffpost a real newsite?

Ongoing deep state coup. Some wikileaks shit about Vault 7 is happening. Whole bunch of shitposting. Still possible future civil war.

People do. People who have an inkling of a clue don't. But just today I've seen multiple Huffington hooha on the tops of news aggregate sites.

And I've seen a multitude of people share it on social media.

But it's becoming worse, not better, as time goes on. Seems people want the outrageous headlines rather than recognizing that it's mostly bullshit for clicks and ad Rev.

If it is anti trump then the more likely it is to be at the top. I don't think people care about the other topics they love like how this college professor was racist or about rape culture or why Obama was the best president in a generation.

Outrageous and misleading headlines about trump seems to be the formula. They can say nothing more than any other msm journal or channel. Literally no further insight.

But the exaggerated headline gets pushed to the front. It is stronger as time goes on. The stupider, the stronger.

Don't forget the media going ballistic when Trump said Sweden had problems. Which brought MSM and European governments to censor information, but independent reporters went to see what's up and saw Europe being invaded.

Here people tried to get the information out but were either cut off or ignored. Making the left, essentially, Orwellian.



Sup Forums became newfag central with Sup Forums tier topics.

Are you asking for a rundown?


Trump made tweets accusing Obama of ordering wire taps at Trump Tower before the election.

He made the tweets around 3 days ago but hasn't shown any evidence yet.

Also some shit with Obama funneling 3 billion dollars to leftist groups illegaly.

>North Korea says it was practicing to hit U.S. military bases in Japan with missiles

The fire rises

Depending on who you believe Trump, Obama, and Hillary are going to prison

Also the Nintendo Switch is a broken piece of cheaply made shit with one noteworthy game at launch


HWNDU captured the sounds of a shooting and Shia shut it down, again, for "safety" concerns in Albuquerque, NM



Idk haha

but i have to admit that one game is fun as fuck