Yugoslav Wars Redpill Thread v2

Okay, so, many of you seem to think that the whole Yugo war thing was some "based thing", kebab removal or what other nonsense.

The truth is that the war served one purpose: to steal money and get toothless square headed villagers into power.
An entire generation lost their youth so some morons can get rich. Young men would fight on the front while their officers smuggled everything from cigs to oil.

>Serbs as "based kebab removers"
That died after the Balkan wars of old. Serbia first sought war against Croatia, while trying to strike a deal with Bosnia. Even in full out war, the Sanjak muslims, the most fundamentalist muslims in the Balkans, have not been harmed once by the Serbs.
Even in WWII 10% of the chetniks were muslims.

>the muslim issue
Non existent in a relevant quantity outside Sanjak before the war. Hardline secularism made islam a cosmetic thing, ie, people just calling themselves muslim at best.

Even so, bullets did not hunt muslims, Serbs ended killing up plenty of other Serbs as well, not to speak of other non muslims.

>historical differences
Tomislav saved the Serbs, Tvrtko saved the Serbs, Peter and Paul saved the Croats and Slovenes. People helped eachother regardless of religion even in WWII.

All "hate" is fictive propaganda by the cleptocrats and their villager goons to rob the just people.
These "nationalists" are worse thieves than communists ever were.

Other urls found in this thread:




Still more real than Serbian "history" :´D

>the muslim issue
>not existent
dropped. sage.

It's sadly true. It's really just name. They're the most haram muslims you could ever meet. Tbh they need to be converted back to Catholicism/Orthodoxy along with their names.

Pre war? You had none. After the war? It was basically propaganda: hurr durr become more muslims so the serbs dont kill you, or, better even, wear a beard and dress your wife as a trashcan, the Saudis will give you 1000 shekels for doing nothing.

Literally 80% of all hardcore muslims here are ex-drunks or junkies.

Names are useless desu. Remember, the base for the name Karadžić is both turkish (Kara-black) and arabic(adži=hajji-pilgrim)

As well as religions being silly, we are all better off and more together without all that nonsense and could focus on real issues. Religion is just a cash and vote milking job here.

>we are all better off and more together without all that nonsense and could focus on real issues. Religion is just a cash and vote milking job here.

You are wrong.

Not at all. All of religion is in itself flawed.

The word of God could not be heard nor written down by mere men.
The Bible hence, as a book rewritten and translated 10x times before getting to you, is not the word of God. I shan't even start with the idiotism of the quran.

Kek,fuck off nigger and go to the USA if you are so desperate for you shekels and relevance.

((Yugoslavia)) killed all the culture of the separate nations and basically tried to make them into culture less states.

And you know what's the funny part.For the shilling you subhuamns try to do even that Soulless shithole collapsed economically.

>But we saved each other and shiiiiet

That does not suddenly make us the same people,have the same culture,history and goals.Hell,even our language was not the same before 250 years ago.

I hope there is going to be a next time,and this time we focus on actually killing you off.9k Men and "Boys" where clearly not enough.

Tfw you've escaped that retarded peninsula full of retarded retards such as your retarded self.

look brother

there is no place for us in the outside world

just slug throu the system and w8 for the next war so we might get a chance to correct things


Comment section literally full of serbitchian shills. Also, author is pro-serbitchian faggot. RT confirmed as FAKE NEWS.

You can always visit graves of our kings.
Your exist only in your modern fairytails.

Oh, the leftist-tier swearing which would make your average anarchist marvel in envy.

>got to the US
And I intend to

>killed all the culture of the separate nations
As did Russia, Spain, Romania, the UK, Germany, Italy, to a degree France as well.
Any relevant nation existing today was formed by merging.

>tried to make them into culture less states
YEah, thankfully you saved yourselves now, look at the amazing culture you have now:
-Detroit tier gangsta worship
-Bimbos everywhere
-Slut pride
-Reality tv being the norm, with programs which make Big Brother look like a documentary on Discovery Science

Well, dear uncultured swine, if you are without a sin, cast the first stone.

And what nation has such a great soul you crave?

>same people
I do not claim us to be. The further west you go, the more culture you have. Slovenia being, sadly, the most civilized among us, Serbia and Macedonia being on the very bottom.

Still, we did not have to break up in a war, the eastern Slavs didn't when the USSR broke up, so why did we if not for someone's interest.

>I hope there is going to be a next time
So, I am to assume that you are a menial worker who has no college education nor capability to have it, who has no future, and has no cultural values, and wants to drag his superior peers into misery to feed his secret small penis complex?

>You can always visit graves of our kings

I'll pass.

Nice turkroach architecture with classic serbian help literally embedded.

its all about identity politics

i often dared people to explain to me the history of the bosnian language, not the people.

from that angle i found out that people are willing to debate the subject and get redpilled on the broad matter.

still tho we arent as fucked as the heirs of alexander

Dirty fucking muslim.Just split Bosnia&Herzegovina ASAP.

Good on you.

Do no generalize, fellow landsman. None of us chose where we are born, nor should we be tied to the place we happened to have been born.

Imagine had Napoleon stayed on Corsica his whole life...

>Russians still think that after Vučić becomes president that they will be anything more than a chip in his pokergame to enter EU and NATO
Top kek

You can find plenty enough sources on Tomislav existing.
But what you will never find is a Croat king who spread his legs for the Ottomans.

people are way to indoctrinated to realize the general truths

and there is no medium to redpill this generation

i predict that the in a couple of years the growing youth that uses the internet could be the fundamentals to actually change shit

other than that there is not much to do except to w8 for the next war which will happen as soon as the majority of the veterans from the old war die

Serb nationalism be like:
>"Every other Yugoslav is a Serb with a different religion"
>"OMG we will kill you for having a different religion because there is only one Serb religion"

Also: Come to think of it, chetniks and fundies are the same, you know, black and white flags, long beards, overly religious, mainly use AK weapons, try to combine traditional with military look, rape children and goats....

Of course,even if we do your jew project again Yugoslavia would only be slightly relevant and mediocre economically.

Since you clearly care about living in a relevant country you would move away from it anyway so why ruin it for people who love it.

And no,i only meant that little colony we have,so the only people who would be suffering are people such as you and those guys.

Thanks for pointing out city nigger culture which all 7 million of us worship zealously.

And so if you are moving,i don't see why you have any concern about this part of the world in the first place.

Dear Serbia,

Why are you so shit?

What culture were you actually trying to protect from the Ottomans or Austrians?

Why did you forsake all the trade and technological advances that came from the aforementioned?

Why were you so willing to ignite World War 1?

Why do you claim you were heroic in WW2 when the fact is, most of your ancestors were Četnik cucks and Belgrade was the first major city to declare itself as Judenfrei?

Why did you break up universally respected and socially advanced Jugoslavia?

Why do you portray yourself as perpetual victims despite not being invaded by your neighbours for over 100 years?

Why did Nicola Tesla, the only Serb to have ever made any tangible contribution to humanity, renounce his citizenship and get the fuck out of there at the earliest opportunity?

Why couldn't you take Bosnia despite having the entire arsenal of the JNA behind you?

Why couldn't you take Sarajevo despite you having overwhelming military and tactical advantages and them only having home-made weaponry to defend themselves for three fucking years?

Why, despite grabbing all Jugoslav wealth, is Serbia a dysfunctional shithole which is unlikely to ever enter the EU?

Why did you kill Zoran Đinđić despite him being your only hope?

Why, despite having legitimate world stage players, is your football team ranked behind the likes of Israel, Senegal and Scotland?

Why can't your football fans go literally one fucking match without making a complete and utter mockery of themselves?

To your credit, you can claim a few decent musicians like Balašević and EKV... but they loathed Serb nationalism and were deeply ashamed of the way Serbs acted in the period leading to the break up.

Serbia, you are really really shit in every regard. I wouldn't mind so much as most countries are quite shit to some degree. But you're so fucking proud of yourselves. More so than probably any other nation/state in the whole world.

Why are you so shit?

> city nigger culture

Implying there's anything else in Serbia beside one city and the rest is Pašaluk

Their way of warfare include; ethnic cleansing, tortures, mass raping, slaying animals, series of murders, individual liquidations, all carried out in the organization and under the watchful eye of the Serbian Interior Ministry. Preferred weapon is knife and preferred drink is shljivovitza causing fecal incontinence.

>Why did you break up universally respected and socially advanced Jugoslavia?

Huh?Didnt Croats actually break it first by trying to get independence?

Of course,i am also posting from Tokyo i guess.

To sto se javljam odavde, tvista pedeset metava ispod vazine Tevazija, svedoci da je ugvožen ne samo moj fizicki integvitet, nego i vasceli svpski navod!

Govovili su mi da sam kveten, gadali su me joguvtom i sapunom, kao da se ne pevem i da zaudavam...

A ja im povucujem; možete da me nevvivate, možete da me živcivate... Sve je to vezultat belosvetske, amevicko-bevlinsko-vatikasnke uljuduvme koja nastoji da svpski navod uguva pved svvšen cin!

Pvozivali su me i nazivali vaznim pogvdim imenima kao; vojvodo pedevu, pa onda, Cvvena vojvodkinjo, kava te Ðovde, tvoj vektum je naša obecana zemlja, tako su uvlali... Vetvibutno im povucujem da svpski navod ima isovijska pvava na: Belu Palanku (Island), Južnu Palanku (Antavtika), sevevno move (Avtik) i vekovnu pvadedovinu, SAO Paolo koji je glavni gvad Velike Svbije.

Bvaco, nemojte se obazivati na Opevaciju Oluja, koja je divigivana od stvane amevike i gde je u 74 casa vazjebana SAO Kvajna, nego se okvenite osvajanju vekovnih svpskih svemivskih prostvanstava!

Sledeci pvojekat je Mavs koji pvestavlja vekovni svpski planet na kojem je pvedvidena Mavs-Svbija bez tvaktova Zetova i slicnih Hvvatskih šacovanja. Planivamo kolonizovati i Satuvn ciji pvstenovi govove o istoviji svpskog navoda u svemivu.

Svpski navod je pokvenuo u južnoj amevici i Cpcki kavtel sa kojim pvodajom dvoge želi pomoci Kapetanu Dvaganu kupnjom pilula pvotiv tvudoce jev hvvatska policija planiva valikalno i bvutalno pokušati od njega da napvavi tvudnu ženu.

>Serbs control most of the military
>every second cop is a Serb
>Serbs change constitution making the presidency consist of 8 members, instead of 6, by adding 2 serbs from the Serb SAPs

Croatia offered a demand for a decentralized Yugoslavia, the Serbs did not want to.

So basically Croatia iniated the breakup of Yugoslavia, with 1991 declaration of independence.

Thanks for the answer.

wuzzing so hard it makes even niggers cringe
>I'll pass.
the same way germans passed you and went for the stable boy numbah one the Slovenia?
why after all those brown nossing into krauts ass you're still a shitholle compared to Slovenia?


>Zoran Đinđić
Well, Vučić seems to be turning the tables, both Šešelj and now Nikolić the Necromancer have gone buttmad over him, and even Dodik has.
I don't understand how fucking stupid Bosnian Serbs are. We live twice as good as them, yet Dodik claims that we are a problem for them, but not him, he who is richer than most US politicians.

>decent musicians
Yeah, seen Balašević, Čola etc posted on a list of traitors to Serbia. Thankfully they got Aca Luka (half human half cocain), Ceca (wife of a guy who sold weapons and tapes to our guys even), and geniuses like Tijana Ajfon and other "women" who are 99% silicone.

As for the war in Bosnia:
The VRS has some 700 APCs or so alone, the HVO and ARBIH together had some 80 at best. Not to forget the VRS being the only ones with fighter jets in the whole war.
If someone killed both Alija, Šu(p)šak, and parts of our HRHB leadership, we would have won the whole war by 1994.

>The truth is that the war served one purpose: to steal money and get toothless square headed villagers into power.

slide this thread.
it's a serb/communist.

"neosocialist" at best.

>shithole compared to Slovenia
Ever been to either? The difference is not that big. Statistically looking, the Serbia is more a shithole compared to FBiH than Croatia is to Slovenia.

>great """"VSK"""" army
>had to flee so fast that one of their commanders ordered tanks to roll over fleeing serb civilians

Expanding Croatia to the Drina would save the Serbs from themselves. Kraina Serbs lived like kings, but they threw it all away.
Also, we must save Vojvodina.

Technically, that was Slovenia

Where the hell do you see communism in that? Villagers, at least in the Balkans (but soon enough all people who have no college diploma, social studies dont count) should have no right to vote.

>all of these bantz

>tfw Slovenes engineered the war just so the rest of us could fall to ruin and they could look better than the rest

>lalala do not ever listen, since it doesn't fit my narrative!

dear croatia?
Why after all those wuzzing and brown nossing you still can't into civilisation and modern world like Slovenia?

What culture excpet being krauts stable boy numbah 3 do you even have?

Why didn't you give a single one contribution to world progress?

Why did you got so rekt in WW1 despite overwhelming support and power from your (((alies)))?

Why did you got rekt again in the WW2?

Why your men mustared courage only to kill civilians?

Why aren't you men enough to fight your wars, and defend yourself?

Why don't you have history?

Why you always larp behind germans back?

Is that the reason that you guided your frustration from being beta failures that you had to genocide inocent civilians?

Why ustase are cringe as fuck?

Why did you have to break away from Yugoslavia where you have been respected member to go back and being krauts underbitch again?

Why did you destroy Nikola Tesla hometown and genocided entire population of the city including his family and then WUZZ Nikola Tesla is Croatian?

Why couldn't you defend yourself for 5 years from the larping drunk chetniks armed with plastic spoons, rocks and AK47s?

Why you're still undeveloped, unemployed larping gibsmedat anus of the EU despite all the grants and fonds from the Brussels and krauts?

How long do you think will the (((EU))) last, will this be the third time your jinx nation fuck the union after it have joined in?

How will you ever recover, who will give you indetity and purpose in life?

Why do we always obliterate you in any competitive sport?

Why your stronk independunt catholic wumynz are coming to Serbia in droves for breeding?

Why after ALL of the centuries after being the part of one of the most developed and rich empire, Croatia couldn't learn shit and excel themselves beyond balkan subhuman niggers?
Why couldn't you create a succesfull nation after all of the given opportunities instead of being retarded irrelevant failure that prommised so much but delieverd NO

>Why your stronk independunt catholic wumynz are coming to Serbia in droves for breeding?

Dont forget the siptar bitches.They crave that serb cock.

>hey look we can into maps and strategic panning and shiiiiiiieth
well after 20 fucking centuries it was about the time

wonder if there was no (((nato))) what would have happened and how it would all play out

if the history have taught us anything is that croats when left on their own devices always fail
like always

>>fighting like rabid dogs over a filthy bone
>>every time

Statistically looking croatia compared to Slovenia is a literall shithole in every aspect of life

on the other hand we had wars, bombings, sanctions and commies partitioning only our land and resources to neighoburing federal units inside YU

croats had all of the opportunity and resources that german empire gave them and later the (((eu))) and yet still they managed to fuck it all and never deliver

Can any Balkanon redpill me on the hate on Serbia?
Is it because of the "EVERYTHING IS MEIN" behavior?

1. Yes, Croatia can, as it for instance publishes more scientific papers, if a far more desired place to visit, and life standards are basically the same

2. Look at Serbian culture, look at Croatian. Not your fault tho, Ottomans deprived you of all European mainstream trends.

3. The pen, the parachute, THE TIE (imagine wearing a suit without a tie) etc. What did Serbia contribute?

4. You know why? Because the AH army had 0 veterans. AH never went into a real war with anyone. While Serbia just went out of two wars, against the Ottoman and Bulgarian empires, having a far more battle ready army. After a while, Serbia lost. Remember Krf?

5. You got rekt too, remember? Neither the puppet state nor chetniks made it out.

6. Same can be said about yours. Not defending savages tho.

7. Croatia defended itself against the Ottomans, stalled them several times, hell, Croatia even stopped the Mongols.

You're right but I'm afraid you wasted time writing this shit here.

you've forgotten Beogradski Sindikat, S.A.R.S., Riblja Corba, Zdravko Colic, Legende...

and what do you have retard except from larping our media.

oh i forgot:
Emir Kustiruca

well at least you got that 51% of that soon to cease to exists meme country going on for you, which is something?!

Serbia is the only Russian leaning European country (former USSR countries not counted)
The war was just jews doing classic D&C and Americans helping them by bombing civilians
A classic jewish D&C scheme of making people of the same ethnicity that speak the same language adapt kosher "nationalism" and fight their own people (the useful idiots obviously think they're fighting outsiders and that their neighbours are somehow different to them, these ideas they obviously got from outside sources)
The same crap happened with Belarus and Urine (All Russians), Turkic peoples (all the same), Scandis e.t.c.
I'm not sure how's it among the Balkan citizens, but "Ukrainian nationalists" are the biggest laughing stock of the Russian speaking people. These "nationalists" don't even know their own language but speak Russian fluently.

8. Still more history than Serbia.

9. Said Russia's lapdog. Thankfully Vučić is ending that.

10. Not defending genocidal maniacs, but you know, you had imams who staged protests to save the poor serbs from genocide in 1941, of course serbs thanked them by genociding them. You have no right to call out anyone about genocide.

11. Yes, ustashe are cringe, but at least have style unlike wookie chetniks.

12. Serbs changed the constitution to their benefit. Croatia wanted a DECENTRALIZED YUGOSLAVIA. Serbs rejected, so Croatia had no option bu to leave.

13. It was destroyed by people who couldn't even comprehend his genius. And either way, had Tesla been born in Serbia, he would have been a cripple or corpse of the Balkan wars.

14. How oblivious are you? It was poorly armed Croats against Serb rebels backed by the 4th most potent defensive non-nuclear army in Europe.

Croatia might be richer but that's all relative. Croatia is still shit and (some) Croats are no less savage than (some) Serbs, as demonstrated in WW2 when they committed the only real genocide in Balkans (in the sense of extermination of an entire group, not just massive war crimes).
I mean you might count expulsion of Muslims in 19th century as another genocide, but that's dubious.

15. Still far more developed than Serbia, and other EU countries like Romania and Bulgaria.

16. How so? Any country you guys joined fell apart, starting from Austria Hungary.

17. Not that smaller nations deserve to exist even more. I say Eurosphere+Far Asian World Government now!

18. Yeah, not really. Maybe try football when you are done chasing those albo drones?

19. We once had some Serbian girls for New Year when we were like 18. Every one of them hooked up with someone (or a few of them) and got drunk as fuck. Serbian """"women""""

Serbs did shit, I won't even deny it, we made many mistakes.
But problem here is that while we are shat on, others, like some ridiculous Croatian and Bosniak nationalists aren't even mentioned.
Since this Armenian mentioned it, it's like this thing with Russia and Ukraine.
Sure, Russians did shit and some Russians are retarded.
But can you seriously apply same standards and claim Ukrainian nationalists are not even more retarded?
It's not really lies (well, not always), but rather avoiding inconvenient facts that cast doubt on black and white story that's easy to digest for masses.

>still a shitholle
>still no history
>still didn't manage to excel themselves
>still can't and won't fight any war without significant nato help
>still (((fake history)))
>still zero contribution
>still stable boy numbah 3 promoted into toilet brusher numbah 2
>still major butthurth
>still obssesivelly jelly and pathologically obssesive about us

when the (((eu))) goes down(and it will, trust me), you go down also

history is cyclical manifestation and in the end you always loose
it's the only thing you have ever known

>blaming the jews

Oh stop it with the "all jews, even beggars, are pat of a massive conspiracy" thing. It's revolting.
If you don't like how many jews are in marketing and banking, well, antisemitism got them there since they were not allowed to do other stuff.

I think you could understand, the shit hitting your country was caused by Ottomans and Azers, not by some Goldberg.

We always were better than you, balkanbro.
>tfw your massive share of federal funding goes south just so turkish rapebabies can spend it on rakija and čevapi and continue being lazy and worthless


>turkish rapebabies can spend it on rakija and ćevapi and continue being lazy and worthless

I fully support any effort to sterilize those people so they don't taint anything anymore if it makes you happy.

>tfw saw a comment of a Serb hoping for heavy armed police to defend Ceca in Macedonia

>Statistically looking,
i can't even, do you even history bruh
besides obviosly your fake made up meme anegdotes from the kraut stables?
9. Said Russia's lapdog. Thankfully Vučić is ending that.
is there even a one period of your "glorious" nation that you have NOT been anyones lapdogs?
thankfully (((eu))) is collapsing and the ropes are waiting for the vucic and his kind?
>1. Yes, ustashe are cringe, but at least have style unlike wookie chetniks.
chetniks are based, they fought both the (((commies))) and the kike poxy usefull idiots (((nazzis)))
your whole nation is a one circus competition of cringines
> Serbs changed the constitution to their benefit. Croatia wanted a DECENTRALIZED YUGOSLAVIA
(((fake history))), croatian politicians were given shekels and power to break away from YU and croatins goyims wanted to be germans bitches again
politicians got money and power, croatians goyims got big fat culturally enriched german cock
>It was destroyed by people who couldn't even comprehend his genius. And either way, had Tesla been born in Serbia, he would have been
what if, what if, what if, what if, moral and historical relativism and more what if, what if, what if,
STILL though Tesla≠Croatian
tell me also why the genocide of Tesla family and his city?
>How oblivious are you? It was poorly armed Croats against Serb rebels backed by the 4th most potent defensive non-nuclear army in Europe.
It was heavy armed Serbians but unabled to use the arnaments from the pressure from the (((internationall community))) and (((nato airforce))) against poorly armed and yet supprisingly unmotivated and demoralised Croats(scratch that, you've always been demoralised sneaky cowards) and backed by the most potent ofensive nuclear army in world.


stfu, serb.

your grand daddy was a toothless villager.
your dad is probably too.

You probably don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes
If there were indeed recent wars not started by the jews then the jew was probably laughing at us and thinking that the stupid goyim are doing it so perfectly on their own that their own plan couldn't even compare in beauty.

based tall as a mountain proud kebab removers

as a serb this post disgusts me

>not even serb
>my maternal line can even trace at least 500 years of urban citizenship
What the hell

Who are these people? The one on the left and the right are as Armenian looking as a human could possibly be.

>Literally 80% of all hardcore muslims here are ex-drunks or junkies.
that is a fucking fact right there.

>tall as a mountain
Dinaric Herzegovinians and Montis are taller tho

>kebab removers
Something you haven't done in 100 years now, the licence expired.


There was some guy who used to go to Ceca concerts, take drugs, and was friends with our crazy licensed town drunk. Now, the guy has 5+ arabic names and a trashbag as wife. The wahbabies from Vienna pay him an average loan for just breathing.

Tho, most wahbabies here still consume opium and whatnot in their houses/seculded villages

>everyone who can grow a thick beard is not white

while ingoring the
>white face
>bone structure
>shape of the eyes
>shape of the face

>being this jelly numale beta failure
wev lad

>((Yugoslavia)) killed all the culture of the separate nations
>separate nations
The only "separate" people in all of Yugoslavia were the Albanians and the Bosnian mudslimes
You miss the point completely, it's not about making the "different" cultures into one, it was about artificially creating the different cultures for the same peoples long before your birth so that these homogenous people would have a reason to fight their own brothers

Glad my grandpa got sent off to America as an orphan.

>Bosnian pretend-to-be muslims
How so?

Notice that it's "separate", not separate

holy shit the mid guy is as paleolithic as it gets

>muh serb kebab remover

You forgot the time the Serbs aided the Ottomans in fighting the Timurids in Ankara as well as helping them against all of Europe in Nicopolis.

FYI you posted a D&C shill pic, delete that crap from your hard drive

Oh yes,the difference between Croats and Serb where created by the globalist Byzantine empire and their records a millennia ago,and Yugoslavia tried to make everybody a different culture by forcing people to identify as "Yugoslavs" instead of their national groups.Makes perfect sense.

And the Serbian and Croatian states in the 800's existed separately because of psychic Byzantine jews who could see the future,right?

Please tell me more about my "brothers".

>tfw romun
>tfw I will never be serb

>the difference between Croats and Serb where created by the globalist Byzantine empire
This is actually not that far from the truth
>psychic Byzantine jews
Not neccessarily

You probably misunderstood me that gommunists with their Yugoslavia project were the ones creating the divide in the first place, I didn't imply that.

Made up stories from a made up nationality.


Welcome to the club brate

All Slavs are fucking idiots.
Instead of sticking together we fight over petty shit all the God damn time.


You are just Mongols who learned Czech.

you are bunch of tribesmen who got rekt at Lech and then got absorbed by Slavs and Romanians, but for some reason you didnt forget the pitiful lament you call a language

This guy gets it right
>Magyar in charge of calling other people Mongols
Don't respond to this D&C shill

Don't get in an ethnic conflict with him
That's exactly what he wants

so glad our leftover balkaniggers are somewhat civilized

sorry got carried away.
I just like the reeeing of butthurt magyars.

Don't forget the elderly! Ah yes, those pre-WWI fossils that still believe that everything can be fought with unity!
Ya know what's worse than a communist or/and a muslim? A communist muslim. Even mouthing it makes me nauseous.
Agreed. The moment religion starts to influence any sort of politics, or heck, your everyday life beyond the point of it being just a hobby, needs to be tuned down. Fast.

Only thing religion is good for is giving people hope that their good behavior in this world won't go unnoticed in the next one.

I'm envious.

Preach, my countryman. Preach!

Splitting the land won't get rid of the people, faggot.

Or we could wait for the numb-skulled veterans, who keep voting for corrupt people, to die out, and maybe reform this shithole.