Giving women power over men

You athiest cucks wondering why the nuclear family is dead and why western society is the shit hole that it is? How about you look in the bible and read what it says about women. I cant believe a dune coon book over 9000 years old has all the answers. All throughout the bible it tells you how wicked women really are.

“Give the water no passage; neither a wicked woman liberty to gad abroad.”

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."

Other urls found in this thread: Maccabees 1&version=KJV

Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."

Stop worshipping woman.

“Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die.”

... Go on

“Stumble not at the beauty of a woman, and desire her not for pleasure.”

Pic related, NEET OP is salty she wouldn't fuck him even when he said "please"

I'm afraid I'm gonna need some sauce on that pic

"And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her."

I stopped reading when he said "look in the bible". Who else did that???

He is right tho.
Its same according to evolution retard.

Back to tumblr

Youre the reason the kikes can push this bullshit propaganda through hollywood. Women over men, gays, etc. Just accept it all. The kikes know exactly how to control you because they actually know whats in the bible.

Back to plebbit for you faggot.


Looks like prime jailbait.

Would fuck into another dimension.

The Bible is more redpilled than 99% of pol

I fucking love Christianity, if we listened to the Bible, white countries would still be white.

>faggy smug reaction picture

Shouldn't you be in school?

also fucking

Wonderful. Slavic beauty

It actually is if you read it and research yourself. Dont let pastor porkchop at his 501(c)3 church read you the "god loves everyone" cucked version of the scriptures.

sola scriptora is bunk

>claims christianity
>cites OT

nu/pol/ is trash. You need to leave


What's the best version of the Bible to read?

King James Version. not the new kjv, not the international bible version. etc.

Stick to the KJV

What's the matter, kid? Can't handle the based memes of God?

What's the matter, kid? Can't handle the based memes of the almighty?

What year was it published?

This is a big problem with modern Christianity. Aside from Catholic and Orthodox churches, every Protestant/Anglican, etc service is cucked beyond belief. The biggest protestant church in my city has a fucking rainbow flag having over the front door, and it's been there for years. Female ministers who can't interpret any part of the bible besides a few select passages of Christ

I've read the bible twice, and the English translation of the Quran once. The more I read it, the more it becomes obvious it's written by man. I know exactly why the west has gone to shit. Not an atheist but I don't believe in creationism, too much evidence and logic point towards anything but. See how misogynistic you sound because of religion? All religion is degenerate, I loose all respect for religious individuals that preach outside their own conscious. If you want to believe in a fallacy, then do it on your own time, soon as it becomes public you become same level as Islam. Practice what you preach. I don't need a Religion to act right, i'm what you call a rational individual. If you want to talk philosophy and spirituality then let's do it. But don't bring up the bible if you can't handle the truth.

*flying over the front door

KJV is about as bad as you can get

Douay-Rheims was used pre-reformation even and yet not as archaic sounding as King James, better translation as well since I believe it's from the latin Vulgate.

I'm a conservative atheist and cannot listen to christcucks jerk themselves off about how great god was and how great the religion is and how fun it is going to church

church is not fun
god is not cool
jesus was a fucking kike

the only thing I support from this religion is the morals. And because of that I'm considering actually reading the Bible my spouse received from their great grandfather before he passed away. I really do wish I could take any religion seriously, but it's all a load of cultist bullshit that I can't stomach for more than two days.

Degenerate daddy issue thot bot

>Energy drink

dropped, what a degenerate.

King james version



if a church is constantly changing teaching how can it have any claim of the truth? When protestants at large accepted gay marriage it was over. Merely pandering for parishioners.

Women are not supposed to teach in church.

"And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church."

>r/atheism condensed into a single post.

Not the point they were getting at, I'm pretty sure. Other versions outright change verses to mean something entirely different.

>A beautiful woman without good sense is like a gold ring in a pig’s nose.

>A wise woman makes her home what it should be, but the home of a foolish woman is destroyed by her own actions

>It is better to live in a small corner on the roof than to share the house with a woman who is always arguing.

>It is better to live alone in the desert than with a quick-tempered wife who loves to argue.

>26 My son, listen closely to what I am say- ing. Let my life be your example. 27 Prostitutes and bad women are a trap. They are like a deep well that you cannot escape. 28 A bad woman waits for you like a thief, and she causes many men to be unfaithful to their wives.
>Greedy people know only two things : “Give me,” and “Give me.” There are three other things that are never satisfied—really, four things that never have enough: 16 the place of death, a woman with no children,

>20 A woman who is not faithful to her husband acts innocent. She eats, wipes her mouth, and says she has done nothing wrong.

>Lmao let's just force 51% of the population to become unproductive baby popping welfare queens

>protestants at large accepted gay marriage
Find a Southern Baptist church that does this.

Has anyone else here read the Septuagint? My orthodox bros are looking into the original Hellenic Jews and Greek..based?


Women are only good at 3 things. Cooking, cleaning, and vagina!

reddit please leave, the election is over

Yeah, the services are dwindling in attendance because the older folks can't put up with that bullshit. They've destroyed their Christian identity in an attempt to pander to gay street kids. Pretty much turned themselves into a (vacant) afterschool club for kids, because modern children hate christianity and don't want to spend time at a "lame church".

I have no fucking clue what they're thinking, you'd think they'd catch on once their entire flock leaves but nooo

>tips menora

I just started looking at the sexy women in this thread.

Nice meme, but the so-called "jews" of today are not the Biblical jews. You would know this if you actually read and researched yourself.


The last time I went to church, it was a few months ago. It was a Catholic church. And I stopped going because my priest sounded like buk lau, they constantly praised Israel and did huge fundraisers to go there. They raised money for a Muslim family from syria to come here, and not a Christian one. And this might be funny to some of you anons, when i was talking to one of the choir girls, i overheard the other choir girls making fun of one of the handicapped members of the church, which made me feel disgusted with them. Not to mention they dressed quite slutty. It ruined muh pure church girl meme i had going on in my head.

>Other versions outright change verses to mean something entirely different.

the KJV is missing three books found in other bibles exactly because of that. In fact even Ecclesiastes whom OP is quoting I'm fairly sure isn't in the KJV. Song of Solomon certainly isn't.

The ironic thing about that pic is that it was probably made by kikes at JIDF Who hate christians.

>force women to stay in the home and be faithful again
>welfare queens

Book of Maccabees isn't either. I like that one.

and yet could it be possible christianity is now irrelevant because theyve been pushing false teaching and empty doctrine; alienating actual truth-seekers

Isn't that what they are already?

I always laugh when I see some random non-super hero women fighting guys. I mean an average man can take on the top tier of woman MMA fighters, but they show tiny blonds punching out /fit/ level guys.

>men commit almost all violent crime
>dude weomen are so evil lmaio

captcha: 4385438 almond

thats how many almonds I activated


Sounds like you went to a protestant church instead of a Catholic church.

The Catholic churches that I've gone to over the years are quite the opposite of what you describe.

Nice try kike

they are leeches anyway, working in the ernomous public sector mostly created for them to play "work" in.

No, it was Catholic, and they praise Israel like good goys.

Even more rightgeous is in thr Quran where Mohammed said if you have to be alone with a strange woman, she must breastfeed the man so that lustful thoughts are abated. All real wizards and sages know women are only good for their sexual fluid nutrients. Reminder that soulless people exist all around you and there is no saving them.

You're looking at it from the perspective of a cucked culture that surrounds it. Women are wholesome separated fro a gossiping society, pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. It's pottery.

Nice try kike #2

idiot detected

God has a plan for you, as he does for all of us. Bless you my child, may you find the light.

Absolutely. Like I mentioned earlier, all of the ministers stay within the same parts of the New Testament, particularly the most "accepting" bits. I wouldn't be surprised if they literally googled "30 friendliest bible quotes" and created their service around that.

The Living Word. Also, look at the passages surrounding those you posted op. We men have a responsibility as well. The Bible also says that the woman is the crown, and that a good woman is more valuable than jewls. Both of which I have found to be true.

Read it as a collection of stories / moral that has persisted for ~6000 years (Genesis is basically lifted from the Persians). If it survived that long, then it's doing something right.

Try Orthodoxy. They do not praise rabbinical Jews at all generally although sometimes at photo ops they keep the peace.

wanna see my slavic beauty

fuck off gypsy albanian scum

Do you think anything the Jews built on the Temple Mount could possibly match this?


weird you had to use a different site... Maccabees 1&version=KJV

>based memes

Oh my bad. You're right. I'm not a kike. I'm Orthodox Christian. I've never read kjv I like the koan Greek.

Women should never have been allowed to vote. The Bible was right

Gj spotting the soulless nigger speak

I'd give you 1 slave for your efforts

She can lick my monster.


The Vulgate/St. Jerome version. Forces you to learn your Latin.

The X chromosome is siman and women are literally monkeys while Man recieved the semen of God no hono

When will that zeitgeist meme end? Heretic.

is Alina still single?

>using the (((Bible))) to justify your sexism

i'm not an albanian or a gypsy.
i used to be christian normalfag than i read the bible and realized that it was total bullshit that was made 2000 years ago.

Youre a fucking retard. The kjv 1611 has those books. Go back to your pastor porkchop 501c3 church and stay there.

>prov 7:26

wtf MGTOW is very real

Eve was the first roastie slut. Instead of listening to man, nor God, she listened to the devil and the beast.


Gaytheists are too retarded to realize that atheism is just the religion of globalists, and that it's the whole reason it's' being pushed in every fucking corner of the world. Unless you support having the nuclear family dissolved and women having the freedom to be complete whores, in which case you're probably just a faggot leftist/Marxist, then by all means embrace it. Just know that the Muzzies won't be so kind and tolerant and will happily capitalize on the degeneration of the West, just like they're doing now.

Latin is terrible. Learn Greek and read the Original Septuagint from which the Latin is a second hand translation. Latin makes me throw up it's such a garbled and imprecise pig language.

Puritan cunts going feminist is what destroyed the nuclear family
After nuclear families were damaged feminists fought for the patronage of politicians for single (or soon to be single ) mothers giving them even more insentive to destroy families.
Christians lukewarm faith may have killed the family unit but it was still Christians.

Okay reddit we get it you're really smart, so fucking smart we can't handle it. Please leave now. You don't wanna spend time around idiots such as ourselves, because you're just so goddamn smart