ITT we post reactions from our country's MSM on the wiki dump

Sky news : not discussed but did appear on scrolling ticker.
BBC news : nothing, utterly ignored.
The only international MSM that I could find that acknowledged the leak was....
RT: Not mentioned yet, but ticker is currently scrolling it.
FOX: Not mentioned but ticker is scrolling it.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's because there's nothing to report on.


Now this is fake news. Tons of places are reporting on it.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness I just went through it and it appears to be nothing substantial sadly

Total surveillance of the populace via tax payer funded entities?!

Yeah, nothing to see..
Fucking idiot.
This is the biggest story to break in decades.

>BBC news : nothing, utterly ignored.

I can't see this appearing on the news anytime soon

I'm not seeing it, and I really should be.
I'm watching fox and CNN and others.. Only tickers, no discussion.

Glad it's on the web site, but I'm asking specifically on broadcast networks.

search wikileaks vault 7 and there are tons of articles out there. it will take time for it to hit live tv.

Yes, agreed. Online there are lots of articles. Why is there no discussion of it on live networks? It's being slid.

I have also read through all the files. Unfortunately, there's nothing to see here.

because everyone is on their phone watching the news channels right now right? web is a more commonly used medium, so it will hit the masses just as well if not better as simply ((((news)))) articles.

There's at least a few months worth of shit to talk about.

t. CIA shill

Oh yeah this won't hit the TV, I hope so badly that Piers Morgan says something in the morning though, he'll be the only one who does

Neither acknowledged nor discussed in either tv news or printed papers.
Passing mention on mainstream news sites.

Shareblue insider here, I've spent multiple days reading through all the documents and there is really nothing substantial.
Please feel free to waste your time though if you think you are somehow better than a professional shill such as myself

don't give the MSM clicks, use

BBC news:

So I just went through it, it appears to be nothing substantial sadly

Australians haven't turned on the morning news yet, only seen one Australian article so far and it was really barebones, just outlying that it happened, 'experts' think its real (this site, probably), and until Associated Press and US Gov respond there's really not much to say about it.

You have to buy a broadsheet paper to get anything but "Simplified US Politics for Dummies" here in Australia. Our journos really don't go into details, instead spending all their resources following the Australian political shitshows, bants, and non-happenings.

>mfw I still have no idea what's going on

Can someone give me a tl;dr?

This is being actively slid on the major networks.
The BBC and Sky are just ignoring it at the moment.

Press are just scouring all the data quickly enough to make sure nothing they choose to say will come back to hurt them. It'll make the nightly news globally, but there's not going to be much to say other than 'CIA hacking practises and tools leaked', 'whats Trump gonna do?', 'does he have ties to Russia?' etc etc talking heads that don't know how to computer, etc.

Thanks Anglo ally. So we won't know anything decent for a few more hours?

It's already on BBC news as front page news.

>8000 files


Nice strawman, Opie.

Main focus on Frankfurt claims, throughout all outlets.

Nothing whatsoever except for sputnik news and Russia Today

>RT: Not mentioned yet, but ticker is currently scrolling it.

>Wikileaks posts alleged CIA documents, appear to be nothing substantial

Canada news: Trump evil, Trump is hitler, Trump kills refugee doctor, Trump deports 6 Million Mexican intellectual children starving, Why we need more refugees in Canada, Trump is Putin, How trump will make the Canadian Economy crash and why importing 10 gorillian refugeees will help