Why aren't famous people allowed to be Right Wing?


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Forget about being conservative. Why does she have to get political? It kind of undermines feminism, ya know.

Because we live in a country were we need everyone to have the same opinion as us, or else they are considered enemies of everyone

It's so they have some bullshit to spread across all the normie media

>Taylor finally speaks her mind

They're obviously trying to keep normie sheep away from the wikileaks dump news. Or maybe so they can parade her opinion.

praise kek.

we all know that racist bitches opinion on drumpf anyway

It doesn't matter if she says anything, because either side is going to attack her for going against them. It always the same shit with these people.


Even if she is a lefty I respect her decision not to get involved in politics, really professional

Nothing stopping them now that these Liberal smear campaigns are becoming increasingly ineffective and irrelevant.

Because Jews control the entertainment industry.

>Started as a country singer

Quite the coinwinkydink

Every celebrity who doesn't loudly counter-signal Trump, supports Trump.



B star actor here vacationing in Penang.
Ask me anything, I'm secretly /ourguy/.

Not gonna lie I was a former TayTay fan but after her silence on Trump I'm not sure I can listen to her anymore. Anyway, we shouldn't allow this white bitch to get the nuclear codes


Because the jew

brand wise it is stupid to come out as politically on any side

you are always going to piss off half your customers no matter what you do, better to stay quiet and keep people happy

You're right user. Controversy is bad. Look what it did for Joy Villa.

Have you learned nothing from Trump?


>Look what it did for Joy Villa.
Literally who?

Because politics is downstream from culture. Most people are afraid of being ostracised so conform their opinions to perceived norms, culture creators shape the perceived norms.

there's something about her... I want to shove my dick up in her vagina, if you know what I mean

why would someone that loves to grab pussy be aganist Trump?

wow it's almost like they have higher IQ and a better intellectual culture so they're over-represented in most elite positions

you sound like the blacks who bitch about whites being better than them

>we're not actually garbage humans, it's just that a relatively more K selected group is pushing our shit in and brainwashing us

it's so fucking pathetic. sort yourself out.

future madame President

All part of her masterplan to stay under (((their))) radar until the time is ripe.
Just like how she pretends to be friends with some oompa loompa.

Competition perhaps?

Jew wise anyone having a career in entertainment has to not piss off the jews who own the industry

Its not like it was the movie goers who didn
t want more Mel Gibson films


Perfect cover tho

Hi schlomo.


Grace Helbig got a little surprised when she found out.

Hopefully this stick thin bitch will come out calling Trump a controlled opposiiton kike.

Even on that level of pretty they still need that one ugly girl to be next in pictures to

For fucks sake women.


reminder, she was KEK blessed

Because due to some (((coincidence))) certain tribe controls MSM and entertainment, and they absolutely hate white people.
If you are right wing, you will be ignored and have no job.

Fuckin jewlets, when will they learn?

surprisingly ugly
the more you look at her face the more ugly she becomes
>this is what will be considered white in the future
idk hitler sounds better and better all the time

>you will never be in a right wing death squad with taytay
>she will never bite her lip and look at you with lust as you execute undesirables

why even live

Mp7 nice


Do you guys think she voted Trump?

She is so fucking disgusting, just looking at her you can tell how rotten a person she is. Sister fister piece of shit

Because for (((them))) and the culture they created today, it's either conform or get alienated and branded something you're not.

Like something similiar to this shill's picture for example .

She looks visble unconfortable around this kosher meat cow.

>there's something about her... I want to shove my dick up in her vagina, if you know what I mean

What did he mean by this?

take a picture

fuck off jew

>Why aren't famous people allowed to be Right Wing

They'd get blacklisted. In german alt media, there was an open letter by a Hollywood actor recently.

>tfw you'd never be taytay and choke on chads cocks everyday


There is no gray for progressives, only black and white. They need their idols to be 100% for everything they believe, or else.

You guys realize Tay Swift is one of us, right? She has given shout-outs to Sup Forums in the past.

she's daddy girl, and her dad seems quite Resp from his faceberg.com/scott.k.swift.5

The elitist snobs running the "resistance" want as many famous faces championing their cringy cause as possible to manipulate people. Being against them, or even just neutral now is not allowed.

It reminds of a Marilyn Manson interview i was reading back in fall when amongst questions about his actual music he was asked about his thoughts on the election. He replied that he didn't care for Trump or Shillary and that he wasn't gonna vote, and then the interviewer got off on some cringy spheal about how even if Clinton sucked don't you have to vote for her to stop trump from "empowering white supremacy" or some nonsense? Manson replied back that he still didn't care and moved on.

It isn't "time" for Taylor Swift or anyone else to give some cringy anti-trump statement. If anything celebrities focusing on their careers rather than spouting their shitty, unnuanced, frequently hyperbolic political opinions would be a good thing. I don't even like Trump that much but his opposition never fail to make fools out of themselves



>mfw even celebrities have an ugly friend to make themselves look better.

It's OBVIOUS that beside being /our guy/, taylor voted trump

every single shillary voter virtue signalled around the election

Controversy is only good when you're unknown or fading from the public consciousness. Controversy is usually bad for personalities who are already well known

Nice I spent time working in Penang. Nice place.

b-but I thought she was racist ;__;

Taytay is so sweet. Even caring for victims of fatal burnings.

What a good soul.

>we will never know who she voted for

Her totally not gay "platonic lifepartner" voted shillary tho.

>Her totally not gay "platonic lifepartner"
spoken like a true cuck

>anglo talking about cuckoldry

I don't know what you mean. Could you expound upon that sentiment?

She's a closet liberal but doesn't want to lose the conservative fan base that helped her become popular when she was solely country music

Nowhere to go but up.

Swift's fanbase is entirely bluepilled women, she's a female John Mayer.

>anglo talking about cuckoldry
you fuck midget kikes twitter.com/krsnavatara/status/838455820853604352

Look, man. I'm not going to call you names. I'm not going to make fun of your argument, or even refute it. I'm just going to tell you to look down at your keyboard, and find the key between U and O. Do you see it? That's "I". That's what you need to worry about right now. Take the next five minutes and think of a few sentences that begin with "I". I'll help you out.
>I am angry.
>I am lashing out.
>I am disappointed with my life.
>I am upset with my situation.
>I post inflammatory and upsetting statements online in a sad attempt at human interaction.

If you're interested, I have a challenge for you. Turn off your computer, or more likely your phone, and walk into your bathroom. Take a long look in the mirror. You will probably avoid eye contact with your reflection at first. You need to overcome that fear and look deep into your own eyes. Face yourself and think about what's going wrong. Then, go take a walk. Chances are high that you haven't seen the sun in about 4 months. That's okay. Just drag your overweight frame out the door and take a lap around the block. You'll feel better. I promise. Then come back and let us all know how much better you're feeling. We all await your apology. Take care.

>most certainly racist
That's how you know it's clickbait. saying "most certainly" as if it's just another in the pile. if it were racist, they wouldn't need that extra line.

>Every day TayTay gets older
>Her oven becomes more and more busted
>Soon she'll be an old dry spinster once Hollywood Jews have sucked all the lifeblood out of her
>No white children to carry on her perfect DNA

Even Britney Spears managed to break away from Schlomo in her early 20s and do her part to have children. Two white blonde boys of her own. TayTay on the other hand is in her late 20s and still nothing.

>Even Britney Spears managed to break away from Schlomo in her early 20s and do her part to have children
what business is it of yours?

Just the ((Hollywood)) culture

/pol General Discord:

Will Jews ever stop trying to imperiously command people to think and do things?

This poster is right. The CIA has only our best interests at heart and we owe it to them to believe whatever they claim. Those rumors about Evan McMullin being a pedophile are neither true nor appropriate to a political discussion.

She wore that shirt as a subtle nod to Hillary, Lena Dunham wore the same type of shirt.

How the hell did she end up with o.j. simpson?

ok jackoff

>wore that shirt as a subtle nod to Hillary

>not picking sides means you're on my enemies' side and I'll treat you as such

And they're surprised Trump won.

What even is this post. If you consider asking that not every famous person be peer-pressured into giving some trite anti-trump speech that doesn't address any substantiative issues "inflammatory or upsetting", the person with the problem here is you.

I want political discourse to be policy focused and engaged in by people who are informed and care, not dominated by virtue signaling.

I ate her vagina and tasted death

>higher IQ

With the sheer number of white goyim you can find all the high IQ people you want to fill those positions, and in a much larger number than what you can find among jews.

Tribalist favoritism replacing meritocracy is what explains this situation. So it's rather rich when those same medias try to explain to the populace that society is rigged in favor of non-jewish whites.

dirty nigger can't even trim his fucking finger nail.

somewhere down the line, the talent they're being paid for isn't their music, it's their influence, and if it doesn't pander to (((their))) beliefs than they will destroy you; that's called starkilling. the music industry has an incestuous relationship with the hollywood propaganda machine, they may as well be one in the same. that's why 'good' (positive) rappers never make it to the tip top, even if they get their foot in the door.

yuri bezmenov said it himself. idealist liberals are useless, the ones they really want, worth a thousand idealists, are the kind with big blue eyes, that can look you dead in the eye and lie to you about their idealism.
listen to ben affleck here, he is exactly what they're referring to:


>pressing people to endorse your stupid politics
>crucify them if they don't
It's funny how SJWs got it right: the US are turning into a fascist state.
It's OK if celebs get political since it's their right, but they also have the right to remain their vote and political allegiances/symmpathies for themselves.
Taylor Swift probably doesn't want to alienate half of his audience. Smart move whether she's conservative or liberal.

Do you think he wants to fuck her?

The problem is the left has jumped off the cliff. If you're not with them, you're against them.

i don't think he likes her

You know (((why)))