Elon Musk...CIA?

Now we know why the government bailed this hack out. He was on the verge of bankruptcy with failing Spacex and Tesla...then he magically got billions from NASA even though his rockets disintegrated on takeoff. The gov't doesn't care about humanities future in the stars, what they really want is to make self driving cars the new sex so they can kill whoever they want.

And big surprise, mars boy is currently working on networks of underground tunnels. We know how much the government loves them, right?

It was a fix all along.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's his endgame?

not to mention we've just discovered the CIA can remotely hijack cars to use them as weapons

driverless cars, you might even say

This rundown is my favorite on Elon rundown.


Its really cool actually if you dont know you aren't supposed to.

SpaceX is Enron 2.0. Musk is a conman.

Musk is a jew puppet

America getting cucked by afrikaner immigrants.

Get used to it.

t. Breitbart Editor in Chief (also South African)

>And big surprise, mars boy is currently working on networks of underground tunnels. We know how much the government loves them, right?

That was op's point, moron. And it's been comon knowledge for years kids at UT did a proof of concept in 2013. If compsci undergrads at a mid teir public university can do it the cia can do it.

Op is a fucking moron

>"Yeah that's right, lets spend billions of dollars funding self driving cars so we can do what we already can do"

In this case, it's just you finding a pattern or making a conclusion when you're too ignorant to do so.
You're probably a shill, since this is the perfect shill question to ask. Anyone who disagrees will be called a shill. Regardless, you're a moron either way.

Will they take advantage of it? Yes.
Did they "fund" it purposefully for this reason?
Don't be fucking stupid.

you must be a redditor who worships musk. sorry to hurt your feelings faggot

>muh iron man
>muh paypal

I was telling you assholes he was CIA the whole time, you know how you can tell? he gets press coverage, just like Shrikli is also CIA

nah try again tho
>"but muhhh reddit"
try read something and doing your own research, you ignorant mong

If Elong Musty is CIA than so am I.

There is no way this is not a troll post.

/ic/ here. that is a piss poor illustration. needs more loomis.

Fuck off juden.

So his shitty no-range cars could get us killed for eating one too many redpills, it seems.


>we've just discovered

What a nigger

He's right about the tunnels.

yeah, they just push billions dollars into electric car R&D so they can kill couple people in these before they are completely erased from the market

i don't think they are THAT stupid

They're not going to get erased from the market. You'll be made to shut up and accept these 'unfortunate accidents' just as surely as you've been made to accept the 'suicides' of hundreds already.

They are THAT confident.

Might be, but we already knew about car hacking decade ago. I don't think all people will be willing to keep silent. That said im sure (((they))) will use every tech gadget to (((their))) advantage. Im just saying i don't really think Musk is their plant. No government will push billions of dollars into electric car manufacturing just so they can kill people and some anons here are implying it pretty hard. This is just silly i m h o.

Some people work for 'the agenda' without even knowing it. That's how compartmentalized they keep it. He is serving a purpose to them and he may not even know it. Let the idiot dream of space, they say, that crap just adds prestige to the Tesla brand name.

>Elon Musk...CIA?
Of course, nearly all of the major "new" businesses of that era received large amounts of seed money from the CIA.

Look at Google and 23 and Me as well for examples of that.

>23 and Me

So if they are compromised is there a better way to check if im not a PotatoJew?

>So if they are compromised
The company was started using CIA seed money and states that they own your DNA and can use it for research/profit. You pay them to patent your genetics.

You stay away from such services unless you read the ToS and it says that you retain the rights to your genes.

This board is really full of retards now if you dont know this.

What are the alternatives then?

I dont know because I dont care, it isnt my job to read the ToS of services that I dont want to make use of for idiots online who cant even be bothered to read what they agree to.

And no government would sell drugs into their own inner cities to fund black ops either.

Unless that government were a supranational Molech-worshiping globalist shadow government that would welcome the destruction of all sovereign nations.

Don't worry, if someone would give me ToS like that i would nope out the fuck.

No you dumb fuck, Sup Forums isn't one person. Im lurking here from the beginning and never dabbled in 23 and me threads so no, i didn't know they are CIA. I just saw the threads and though its a neat idea. Now i know.

Dang. Forgot about that to be honest. This shit always gets on my nerves.
Fuck you Sup Forums i can't trust anyone now.

>Sup Forums isn't one person
I never said it was, did you miss the usage of the plural form of the word?

This board has always been low quality, look at the way that people "research" no primary sources, generally secondary sources in the form of videos for easy digestion.

It really is laughable.

You guys really don't understand how the CIA works.

He's not an AGENT, if anything at all he works with them on a contract he has no care about.
>government approaches you
>says we will give you x amount of money for access
>you decline
>government comes back
>says they won't leak sensitive info + x amount of money if you give them access

That's how it operates.

Capitalism and Federal Threats are a hell of a drug.

I am literally shaking!

I Just went through it and it appears to be nothing substantial sadly


theeventchronicle.com/intel/fbi-user-returns-Sup Forums/#

38°43'59.1"N 104°50'48.5"W

The CIA is being retaken by patriots on our side as we speak.

We came rather close to having a state media blackout via a "Ministry of Truth".

There is an obelisk on phobos.

An ocean under the moon.

Global warming is a hoax created by the globalists to cripple western industry.

The globalist elite believe humanity are the reproductive organs for a machine consciousness, interdimensional beings are real, and that stars act as gateways to other dimensions, if you believe their conversations as revealed by Wikileaks. Extraordinary!

Elite pedophile technocrats are the globalists, including the Bilderberg group, the Club of Rome, the Davos oligarchs and of course Soros.

Facebook and Apple are CIA tentacles, attempting total information control.

Canada is even more fucked than we imagined.

Chemtrail and biological weapon testing on citizens was legalized under Obama.

JFK, the last gunslinger, was killed for trying to stop secret societies embedded within the Federal Reserve.

Neil Armstrong killed for trying to speak about secret space program,

Obama's mother was a CIA sex operative, and that's literally declassified.

CNN is part of the CIA Hollywood disinfo division.

Patriots now in open rebellion against elites, an intelligence agency internal coup is underway - Wikileaks came from within patriot agencies.

The globalist elite believe they communicate with extra-dimensional beings.

The globalist elite want to enslave humanity and wipe out the remains with bioweapons.

9/11 was a combination of bombs inside the building and reshelled drones. Fly-by-radio drones have existed since WW2, now highly advanced and widely deployed.

Sup Forums was always garbage

You're a fucking retard.


Also, to add to my statement, Nicola Tesla was approached by the Federal Government multiple times before his death.

Einstein worked with the Federal Government for the study of Atoms, as well, but that's less sinister.