This is what CNN is reporting on rather than the CIA Leaks. When will this travesty of a news network die

This is what CNN is reporting on rather than the CIA Leaks. When will this travesty of a news network die.

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its pretty pathetic. Fox is doing the same right now. Sickening.

What the fuck, that sounds like such a BuzzFeed/Huffington Post type of subject line....

They've accepted their place in the world as an utterly worthless sham of a media outlet. They are defeated and they no longer try.

It's a sad, slow death.

Lügenpresse thread?

why do you have a painting of Hillary in the White House?







there's more people reading this thread than watching cnn






Its actually humiliating that instead of being the first woman president her legacy is that of a shitty portrait for being a wet hole of a former President who cheated on her ass





One is BBC, the other is CNN.

Yeah, I think it's more of a jab to Obama than the press.


Another intentional Trump move to show how shitty the media is.





That legit makes me laugh



Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names




Whoa, why single out CNN? No one is talking about it.

This is the first story on Google News though




He took a pic like a retard

They dont want people doing that




Exactly. Crooked frame of Hillary in the bottom right.

That explains it


I did it and nobody said shit. Nobody cares.

Never forget her thick ass


please help am confused. is the fake news: transcripts from the investigation of team trump working with ruskies?
or was the fake news: trump was never investigated?

they couldn't get a warrant for Trump so they got one for 4 of his staff most likely Manafort and Flynn were on the list due to obvious Russian connections(Flynn is close with RT television and Manafort has run political operations in Russian influenced countries)

but yes (((they))) "tapped" Trump tower

>Wet hole

Kek nigger that pussy has been drier than the Saharan desert for over two decades now. Bill probably hasn't been near that since he got elected.

I've been observing the Clinton's for decades now. I'm fairly certain Bill hasn't been near that hole since he was elected governor of Arkansas.