These are the top comments to the Vault 7 thread on /r/news

These are the top comments to the Vault 7 thread on /r/news

How the fuck do we make people start giving a shit? This is pathetic. Are these shills or just "haha dude we can't do anything anyway" *hits bong and votes for bernie* faggots?

Other urls found in this thread:

I bet you will also stop caring in a few weeks. Can you name the largest program snowden """exposed"""?

Don't worry. There are people that care out there. But stop pretending you do.

PRISM? It's mentioned on Sup Forums on an hourly basis.

the /r/technology thread on the front page is better

We've known for years they can use every device to spy on us, there's nothing new here

I've thought this entire thing was just guided or purposeful leaks to get it into the mainstream, to be accepted and "just something we can't do anything about" for a while.

I remember reading about PRISM on fucking Wikipedia in 2009. When the Snowden thing happened years later I was thinking "wait, this was secret? People didn't already know?"



reddit is completely astroturfed and controlled, remember when assange asked for questions and any mention of those podesta emails in pizza code got absolutely voted down until they dissappeared

reminder you still can't do anybody about this.

no, but he can

Dude I seriously think there's no saving people like this, I know so many people who are just ready to get violently ass raped and submit to this, they're eternally complacent at this point

The CIA singled-out reddit as a base for disinformation campaigns years ago when they say it was le front page of le internet, a good amount of the posters and up/down votes in anything state-related you can expect are going to be spooks

We push the shit out of it everywhere.

Yeah he just increased the Military budget.

The few post that pointed out how this story might be bullshit get's either deleted or voted to the bottom.

GTFO shills

>using common sense is shilling
Fuck right off to the_donald or /x/

he's right .. Stop calling everyone who doesn agree with you shill it make you sound like the shill just sayin...

The reaction of the leak was the point i thnk...

>"But perhaps what is most notable is the purported emergence of another Snowden-type whistleblower: the source of the information told WikiLeaks in a statement that they wish to initiate a public debate about the “security, creation, use, proliferation and democratic control of cyberweapons.” Policy questions that should be debated in public include “whether the CIA's hacking capabilities exceed its mandated powers and the problem of public oversight of the agency,”

It's what the leaker said himself.

No wonder IoT was being pushed as the "next big thing" in computing.

Really fires up the 'ol neurons.

Speaker == microphone.

>All these bootlickers

So sad. It is even worse in the comments sections elsewhere. What is even more troubling is that these people being on the CIA payroll is actually a possibility at this point. I am so glad that I installed Gentoo when shit went down earlier.

Technically you can use a speaker as a microphone. The quality may be worse but it means that even things that you wouldn't think record audio in fact can.

Isn't Snowden reddit's eternal /theirguy/?

the military is right wing

Fuck off with your identity politics. Right / left wing is a dog and pony show.


These wikileaks are only released to serve a specific purpose. Just like the podesta ones helped expose pizzagate and secure Trump the presidency.
These leaks are to help Trump with his 'wiretapping Obama' case. The CIA coordinating with democrats to illegally spy on Trump during the election. He could use this to bring down both and completely clean house of corrupt intelligent agencies and destroy the integrity of democrats in the eyes of the public for decades.

They can't connect the dots themselves so it needs to be explained in plain english

"These guys more or less share the same talking points I do! I don't mind if they rape me in the ass and get off scot-free!"

lmao wtf is this?
yea left/right has largely been subverted by globalist jeuus BUT the military is still largely to the right AND left/right is just normal politics, not identity politics.

Please learn what buzzwords mean before attempting to talk about politics thanks

It's because all the fags from reddit are complete technophiles. They have a massive hard on for the whole Luciferian control system being created by silicon valley and cant manage to admit that they have been cheerleading literal evil

All I see in comment sections is "release trumps tax records" and "Russia is giving this info to wikileaks."