Without joking around, how much longer do you think the United States will remain as an entity?

Without joking around, how much longer do you think the United States will remain as an entity?

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No more than 50-100 years. At least not without civil war or revolution.

Forever. State secession is banned by the Constitution.

I give it 10-20 years.

I'd say about 30 years, if the merchants really try then about double that

If the left wins literally 25 more years. If Trump is successful and the right changes the government and the country enough, who knows how long we will still be a superpower

i'll say 50 years

Regional identities in the US (except Dixie, Texas, and maybe Cali) aren't strong enough to make for viable nations. Whites here are too homogeneous culturally and racially.

I think the US will continue to drag on as a country even past its proper lifespan for at least another few generations simply because no alternatives are viable at the moment. It's too hard to imagine for most people.


No need to download it.
It has been posted here:


theeventchronicle.com/intel/fbi-user-returns-Sup Forums/#

38°43'59.1"N 104°50'48.5"W

The CIA is being retaken by patriots on our side as we speak.

The world will be so fucked in the next 50 years, that wondering if the USA still exist is a pointless question.

Uncle Ted was right since the beginning.

>a nuclear armed country balkaizing

how fucked is the world when this finally happens?

>The world will be so fucked in the next 50 years
Said the guy today, echoing the exact same line his father used 50 years ago, echoing the exact same line his grandfather used 80 years ago, echoing the exact......etc

I'd say 100 years at least.

Well be fine.

Realistically speaking, what would it take for the US to Balkanize?

>believing the kike narrative

Nowhere in the constitution does it say the states can't leave the union, and the 10th Amendment says any power not prohibited to the states by the constitution is reserved by the states.

We have about 5 years left

In all seriousness, I think technology and redpilling will save us from the dysgenics crisis and we'll stay under the current constitution for 300 more years.

Not all of the states that are currently in the union will be there in 300 years though.

What about the Brown V. Texas case? Is there anyway around that? I would imagine there is

> Timeline #1: The USA stays in tact and this continues until it eventually escalates to a bloody civil war.
> Timeline #2: The USA breaks up. Neighboring states form smaller countries. The west coast gets to form their communist utopia. Texas is free again. All new former-US countries form a loose confederacy. The American Union is born.
> Timeline #3: ??????

Choose your timeline now Ameribros

Some scenarios:

1. Democrats gain control of Congress and remove Trump from office on illegitimate charges.

2. Democrats gain control of Congress and start doing fucked up shit because they know the populace has shifted against them.

3. If leftists manage to disrupt the elections in a major way through mass violence or hacking.

couple centuries max until planetary colonizations starts and nation borders dissapear

Rulings can be overturned.

1,000 years

The United States of America will exist for the rest of human history as the leading superpower.



We have about 100 years until we fall off from top 5.

I don't think it'll last the year. Not in the form it is now.

How would we overturn it, when would we overturn it?
I'm not trying to make a point I'm just curious

The US will form the core of a Functional's world government and go to war against the EU and UN. We will incorporate parts of Africa, hats left of China after their next revolution and Siberia into the expanded US by 2100AD.

US continues for at least another 500 years.

Democrats are in a death spiral my dude

Civil War 2.0 by the end of the year

This. Major structural reforms will likely result in a vastly different federal government than what we have now and maybe a new constitution within a century. If not we balkanize.

Why would one lead to the other?

Africa's population will be about 5 billion by then so hopefully we won't all be completely fucked

>a state votes to leave the union
>cuts all ties to the federal government
>some butthurt leftist takes it to court
>SCOTUS makes the common-sense ruling, overturning their previous decision.

My grandfather never said we were fucked, he was concerned about the mass immigration of black & brown people though.
He was right about that.

We'll get 10 generations from here if we can reform the banking system and shred some bureaucracy.

Doesn't seem like that's going to happen though. The resistance would rather nuke us all than let it happen.

Depends on a lot of things we have to privy to.

I'd say things will really start collapsing when the federal gov't loses the ability to pay their people well. They'll never quite run out of money but the money they have may not be worth much.

within the lifetime of the millenials

>implying the moon won't be for anglos only

jupiter will be one massive aryan farm/abbatoir/blood refinery

Trump wins next election and both midterms? 60 years, loses next election and both midterms? 20 at least

A year max.

FPBP. Most of my fellow burgers seem to think the US is immune to the fates that have befallen all previous empires.

>The west coast gets to form their communist utopia
Mehhh. california alone relies on 8 different states just to provide drinking water, don't even get me started on water for crop irrigation.

>we'll last another 300 years if we destroy our economy and state architecture
After we're done with the Jews and the blacks, you'll be the next to get hurled out of a fucking helicopter at 5,000 feet.

I'd be willing to bet the left takes up a bombing campaign during the first Trump term, probably after all their lawfare options get BTFO in court. A lot of variables go into producing and sustaining civil conflict, but the fundamentals are there: mistrust of public institutions. The left doesn't trust the police at all (and noow the gov't generally) and the right doesn't trust the media at all. Those are huge, huge issues.

Many of us don't really understand how civil conflict is waged, and have this misperception that it'll be one red army versus one blue army waging a war of attrition until one faction is exhausted, but that's not how things work. Look at Iraq, Syria, Northern Ireland, post-conflict insurgency in the ex-Confederacy, etc. Eventually non-state actors feel they have nothing to lose by blowing some shit up, or assassinating people, and they start doing it. The state steps in and tries to contain it, and often fails (like against the campaign of the IRA). Then other factions (like the UVF in NI) attempt to make up for the state's shortcomings. Maybe other state parties step in, sometimes to help negotiate (George Mitchell/Good Friday Agreement), sometimes as a co-belligerent (Israeli support for Christians in S. Lebanon). Sometimes it goes full Rwanda, sometimes it gets contained as static tension (Northern Ireland).

But look at the ingredients we have: a couple million veterans who fought in two counter-insurgency campaigns and know how it's done, it's easy to buy high-quality battle-ready weapons and some explosives (like Tannerite), and we're already seeing the left beating people in the streets, burning shit, smashing shit, and all of this on a regular and widespread basis; all the components are there.


The next 1000 years

/pol General Discord:

I'd say 400 years

If Brexit actually were to happen, and then Scotland were to leave the UK, then any state of the USA would have enough international law precedent to leave by referendum.

This. Soldiers and federal police stop being paid amidst a crisis say fuck it steal what they can and go home.

If i get tirps the only 3.5 years

Mott he answer most happeningfags want to here but this is the answer.

America while die of stagnation while other countries less caught up with trite cultural problems advance economically and technologically.

It's over. Failed experiment. Despotism in human history is the norm. Self-governing republics the exceptions. Nice job.

Ten years from now:

Business as usual continues; the human population peaks at 8.5 billion, liquid fuels production remains more or less level by the simple expedient of consuming an ever larger fraction of the world’s total energy output, and the annual cost of weather-related disasters continues to rise. Politicians and the media insist loudly that better times are just around the corner, as times get steadily worse. Among those who recognize that something’s wrong, one widely accepted viewpoint holds that fusion power, artificial intelligence, and interstellar migration will shortly solve all our problems, and therefore we don’t have to change the way we live. Another, equally popular, insists that total human extinction is scarcely a decade away, and therefore we don’t have to change the way we live. Most people who worry about the future accept one or the other claim, while the last chance for meaningful systemic change slips silently away.

A hundred years from now:

It has been a difficult century. After more than a dozen major wars, three bad pandemics, widespread famines, and steep worldwide declines in public health and civil order, human population is down to 3 billion and falling. Sea level is up ten meters and rising fast as the Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps disintegrate; fossil fuel production ground to a halt decades earlier as the last economically producible reserves were exhausted, and most proposed alternatives turned out to be unaffordable in the absence of the sort of cheap, abundant, highly concentrated energy only fossil fuels can provide. Cornucopians still insist that fusion power, artificial intelligence, and interstellar migration will save us any day now, and their opponents still insist that human extinction is imminent, but most people are too busy trying to survive to listen to either group.


A thousand years from now:

The Earth is without ice caps and glaciers for the first time in twenty million years or so, and sea level has gone up more than a hundred meters worldwide; much of the world has a tropical climate, as it did 50 million years earlier. Human population is 100 million, up from half that figure at the bottom of the bitter dark age now passing into memory. Only a few scholars have any idea what the words “fusion power,” “artificial intelligence,” and “interstellar migration” once meant, and though there are still people insisting that the end of the world will arrive any day now, their arguments now generally rely more overtly on theology than before. New civilizations are rising in various corners of the world, combining legacy technologies with their own unique cultural forms. The one thing they all have in common is that the technological society of a millennium before is their idea of evil incarnate.


Fuck you.

Eh, you'll get over Trump, but your highest office has been devalued and you've become the laughing stock of the world. Before, people admired you, others hated you. Now people don't admire you and others hate you even more, but now both also laugh at you.

I hope it collapses. Balkanization is needed to save us.

Doubt it, lose a state or two in the next 50 and then a Balkanization of the rest.

>Germany talking shit about another countries head of state.

larping faggot trash

Fuck off Ahmed.

you clearly don't do cyclical history of human civilizations within a deep ecology framework.

You probably would have voted Trump if you weren't underage, right?

Not much longer. When the weather cools.

If you start planning now youll have a good chance at making it. When it comes your house won't cut it. Don't go to the government camps, not because they'll enslave or kill you but because they aren't secure enough. Find a bunker if you can but caves are also a good option. Bring enough food for a few months, you'll know when it's safe to leave hiding.

We don't want you to die, there's just no way to stop or save everyone. Even if we made it public it would cause mass panic.

Hell I don't even know air about it, just what I've heard from my dad and family friends.

Good luck Sup Forums

>Sup Forums
>no joking around

idk nigga stop asking deep questions. Go listen to some rap and chill fucking larpers.

A few hundred years, at most.

We are not anything like the US 20 years ago. We already have been partially dismantled.

This if a civil war happens you better hope you have ex military friends because those guys are going to be wiping the floor with "Rioters"

>implying the US won't be the one to end the world


>doesnt understand history
You are either a women or a shitskim, get educated son.

And how do you think the world views germany klaus. The only people who "admire" germany are the shitskins that are invading it. The average joe thinks this is the second time you've ruined europe in 100 years.

Civilized countries will no longer exist by the end of the century, due to nigger birthrates.
This is the end of humanity and the beginning of planet of the apes

Completely as it is currently maybe a century or two. Whether it ends peacefully or not is questionable.

However, there will probably always be a nation state calling itself "The United States" or "America" like there has been a China or Russia.

Till the 2nd coming of Lincoln. You haven't read the Emancipation Proclamation?

America is clearly in decay, that much is plain to see. But of course there is incredible opportunity here in terms of resources and existing infrastructure. So I think predictions are useless, as it is clear that it will be a fight over control until one group establishes itself as the rightful owner. There is no way to tell. One could argue we are in a transition of power as we speak. It is highly likely that very few will actually detect the seed that will grow into the next empire, and for that reason it may have already begun. Just because the USA has not dissolved does not mean the power has not changed. A stronger horse will replace a weaker one. That is why I do not lament the self-destruction and self-deprecation of liberals and cucks. They are merely making it easier for another force to replace them.

Timeline #3: Nuclear war kills all of us.

Better yet

>a state votes to leave the union
>cuts all ties to the federal government
>some butthurt leftist takes it to court
>the state doesn't give a shit because it isn't a part of that country anymore
>either full blown war that almost no one in the US supports happens, or it just happens and the state is free

To be honest, I am kind of with you on that one, but I would move that timeline up just a little bit. We are actually overdue for a new ice age, which will likely be the end of the human populace, or at the very least lead to an evolution in human kind.

Liberal here, I honestly give it one more century, tops. We won't make it to 2100.

It will last for a long time. Though, we will slowly decline as Mexico and Central America flood this country with its trash.

Name 1 nation or empire that has lasted longer than 1000 years.

5-10 years, and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know what's coming to us. This year alone we will see the beginnings of another civil war or a revolution that tears the country to shreds. Once agenda 2030's population control arm comes into play we're going to start seeing millions of people dying, and the country will cease to exist as anyone knew it. After that, our country, along with all other countries will be absorbed into the United Nations new world order and most of us will have no way of resisting, or we'll be dead. Have fun!

Depends how long/if Drumpfy is impeached.


All hail the Confederacy

I hope CALEXIT happens and when Dems win in the future, the South can secede again.

>robots have now learned to reproduce
This whole thread doesn't matter now. We Skynet. RIP humans.

Our state architecture is the Constitution.

Once whites dip into the minority it will not be long before the USA goes tits up. Whites are the USA. If we somehow manage to gain control from nonwhites again then the USA will continue for who knows how long. The alt right must win.

The 9th amendment says a bunch of shit like that too. Except no one cares because fuck citizens. You really think a big dick swinging Federal army gives two fucks about the 10th?

How big is the social divide in the US amerilards? The elections notwithstanding, the liberal vs conservatism conflict seem huge, but what does the average joe think?

I honestly believe that the growing payments on interest, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the Stasi state, social issues and the crumbling of Petrodollar will end up in a civil war one day. It won't fall instantly like you hear about it, it just gets more irrelevant with each passing day, with people becoming relatively poor in comparison to other nations.

we are (over)due for a new ice age, but one could argue that anthropogenic-influence on the climate since the start of the industrial revolution has bought humanity an extended support package at the expense of a few billion souls over the short-term.

or so it seems.

It happened to the Soviet Union.

12/31/1999 - 1/1/2000 - told it was the end of the world as we know it and nothing happened

12/21/2012 - told it was the end the end of the world as we know it and nothing happened

1/1/2020 - they keep saying it's the end of the world as we know it and nothing will happen

Here's a whole list of prophecies about the end of the world that never happened:

Only God knows the date and time.

your average every-day american doesn't really pick fights or oppress the downtrodden like the "americans" in the media make you believe.
they simply work for their pay and go about their lives without much hassle or fuss.

It's pretty stark. Leftists and the far right are extremely polarized and will find no common ground. The leftists are hell bent on transforming the USA into a mutli culti shithole and they are absolutely willing to commit violence in order to achieve this goal. The alt right wants the opposite and i suspect are willing to commit violence but there seem to be less of them and they are socially stigmatized. However, if whites lose control and become minorities the USA is absolutely doomed. Whites need to wake up now and start prepping for what is to come.

i guarantee it will not live to see the year 2100.

Portugal, Spain (Castile), France, the U.K and San Marino etc would like to talk with you.