I need some input. I'm writing an essay about how manipulable, lonely and egotistical they are turning our society

I need some input. I'm writing an essay about how manipulable, lonely and egotistical they are turning our society.
For example, what crosses your mind when you see pic related?

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how do you "have it all" when you don't have children? posterity?

A childfree life still implies women being involved.
I will not be shackled to the whims of a whore.
Reus Vult.

Children cost $250k USD over the course of 18 years. And that's as of 2016, which will undoubtably increase. I could by a McLaren 650S or 2 Audi R8's or travel the world a couple times for that much money.

Fuck having kids.

It's fucking true. Children are a money pit and it's extremely unaffordable these days.

Just face it, the Jews have won.

>don't get married or have children

what is even the point of your relationship then? millennial "relationships" are all dead-ends.

You fucking idiot.

Studies show that relationships weaken after the first child


>what crosses your mind when you see pic related?

>by Lauren (((Sandler)))


> implying the reason that most of those unhappy couples tried to have a kid to fix their relationship

If you "have it all", but have nobody to give this "all" to, you are basically forced to indulge in your own hobbies and ways to pass the time until you die. That might sound fun ("yeah, all that money, i can buy all that cool shit), but it is basically a life lived entirely for the moment, for the next hit of quick indulgence, for the next payday. It's a life not lived to fullfill a purpose; not one with a future goal, let alone a future generation in mind. Nobody who doesn't plan on getting children can tell me anything about future generations and our responsibility for them (i agree that i have a responsibility, but you don't get to fucking lecture me).
I'm not saying that you need kids to have a purpose in life, but the life this times cover paints is definately not one of people who strive for anything else but vapid luxury for it's own sake


You can go on about money or the breakdown of marriage, but those are all excuses.
Even if we made having children cheaper, millenials would find another excuse to avoid it.
Even if we made it so that getting married and keeping a family together was easy, millenials will still avoid it.

Western culture is so intrinsically anti-family. 50% of all western millenials will never have kids because they have been fed bullshit about money and freedom over everything.

Look at pro-family cultures in africa and the middle east. Children aren't seen as a luxury to have only when you are a millionare. Its just a normal, rite of passage of life. Whether you are rich or poor.

Not like in "enlightened" western cultures where they approach the subject of having children so coldly, that people only see it in terms of cost and investment.

This society is so devoid of family values. These millenials think they are going to be happy forever. As if, when its too late, the existential angst isn't going to hit them with the violent force of a runaway truck.

>I need some input. I'm writing an essay about how manipulable, lonely and egotistical they are turning our society. For example, what crosses your mind when you see pic related?




What matter what you believe or discover if that truth dies with you?

Selfishness, laziness and defeat. They do not strive to extend their genetic line, and they'd rather have third world subhumans do it for them and let their genetic heritage go extinct. Why work so hard in this life if you won't have children to pass on the fruits of your labor?

That's what I see, anyway.

There is no greater joy that reading your kid your favourite children's books at bedtime.

> *puts on wayfarers*


They don't feel like it due to prior conditioning, and THEN they rationalize it.

Muh overpopulation
Muh economy
Muh travelling

Fact is they'd rather indulge in hedonistic and materialistic lifestyles because that's seen as success, whether having 4 children (especially in Europe) is usually something only the people at the very bottom do (migrants, gypsies and the like, who live on free gibs).

So yeah, I'd really to see what way there's out of this other than extinction.


Well to put it really short.
We've abolished spiritually, replaced it with hedonism and materials. It ultimately leads to nihilism and individualism. We don't care what was before us or comes after.
Can't really wrap my head around why this masturbatory lifestyle is so fulfilling.

Smart people who realize it's going to shit so they don't want to children in this world

May as well live it up

Evolutionary and biological failure. Universe looks down upon such and even more so their ancestors who trough all the difficulties and odds stacked against them were able to reproduce unlike these 'humans' who live in an age of relative safety and stability (not great but compared to the last thousands of years it is exceptional).
