On 9/11, how would the planes have been able to cut through the towers...

On 9/11, how would the planes have been able to cut through the towers? Even the wings allegedly were able to cut straight through solid steel.

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Probably because it was going fast as shit would be my guess.

Planes? What planes?

Ahmadinejad's magic. He did it all

Well, when I was watching it happen from across the river in Brooklyn, it seemed to me the planes were going really fast.

they were nippon steel

>no planes theory
Nice misdirection there.

They used their 'convert steel into dust' magic trick just before impact.

jet fuel, bro

9/11 isn't even important anymore.

Stop with the fucking general already.



Good morning America.

the fuck

There were planes. But the fact is that there were actually bombs to accelerate the process


energy weapons. well, that or depleted uranium - you can even see the white-hot shit going through the building in your pic.
and these weren't commercial airplaines, but military planes

krautbro is correct

kinda changes things, even if the remote planes thing sounds really fucking goofy at the surface level.

there's also a video of the people using their cell phones on the planes which is also kinda screwy with needing to be way below 30 thousand feet+at a slower speed to have the call hand off to other cell towers, yet some calls lasted for over 20 mins and were audibly clear

I wish vault 7 was 9/11 related.

Post more 911 proofs

They were made out of katanas

jet fuel can't melt steel beams.


All a distraction.

The Pancreas Prevarication. Pancreas? You have likely heard of the mythical little thing that many claim resides inside of you. But you have not seen it. You have not touched it nor do you likely know anything about it. But you think it's there right?


It's a pure fabrication. A lie. Made by those at the top to ensure their diabolical plans for humanity can easily transition into being. One day a new resident of the human body will be discovered and this one will need pills or treatment. As we can gaze upon things smaller and smaller as time goes on it is not hard to believe this future. Your kids may need injections at school for something you did not know existed since it was discovered after your time in school.

Doctors are playing a long with it, the nutters they are. The medical field is ripe with a history of torture, human experimentation and more. This has not changed in our time. The delight in the grand misinformation campaign, playing with our minds and bodies as they LARP the idea of the pancreas with us while we shower the sadists with money.

So, ask yourself, have seen your Pancreas? Do you trust the elites? Do you trust doctors?

If not you are more sane than I started out. Take the Pancreas Pill now.

The Pancreas is a prevarication