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latest leftard meme being shilled by Google

just a playlist of the most feminazi bullshit you could imagine

Is tomorrow that no women day? Nobody did it over here, not that it's a surprise.

It was international women's day here today. I still had to go to work even with my cunt card.

i dont see anything

tits or gtfo

I don't see shit

Think it's just in 'straya mate. I got nothin here.

i don't see it

Yous will see it tomorrow, probably

fix your country roo

Stop it, seriously.
If you kill threads this quickly what are we gonna do with our spare time?

> can't bant japn'.


Who's top America's bitch?
> Us

But it is tomorrow for me. It's past midnight.


International women's day
What crawled up your assholes

International Womens' day FWIW

First our lego, and now this shit?


Dude, women's day isn't about feminism or female empowerment
It's a day to thank women like your mother or grandmother for what they've done for you

It used to be that. Now it's about you having to be a grateful cuck.

Times change bub.

Really spiced up my noodles


Hopefully they will do something similar for international Mens day

Her voice IS my voice.

Why do these big corps get involved with bullshit politics


Australia BTFO

Who's voice?

Liberal media shit

Can we downvote this into oblivion?

google yes!

>Greek YouTube is so poor they can't even afford a new logo


>What the fuck is going on

It's YouJewb OP, come on it's predictable as hell.

Modern western women unironically believe they exist in the Mad Max Fury Road universe

Protip: let them have one day, you fucking idiots.

>all these fucking cartoons
>no actual real women
libtards continue to live in fantasy worlds

ITT: Poor people

Does anybody that use youtube notice suggestions videos that are creepy-tier predictive? Like I just played a car racing game on PS3 and my youtube suggestions had a car related video in it. Google is too powerful at this point honestly. We gotta axe the servers at google before the AI awakes

>implying women have ever done anything to deserve a day


>giving money to the jew


That's Mother's Day.

Women's day is about as relevant as hug a stranger day. It's not a real event, or at least wasn't until the media went tits up

Michael's content is decent tho

fucking cunts what are they even good for if it can't get me a day off work


you just blew it, now you can't buy an axe online.

God fucking damnit the European gotta ruin the fun. It's 2am EST fucker. Go to sleep Europeans, this is precious Canada-America-Australia-brazil time only.

Now they're enforcing affirmative action quotas in gov departments with new HR policy 50% of employees must be women hired and promoted to mangaing roles. Ontop of minorities getting preference. No fucks given to anyone who is the best suited person for the job

M8 I say stuff in conversation and predictive text puts it up after 2 letters or less. Privacy is dead unless you become a hermit or something

i know my dude, military have a 70% selection bias for female applicants, meaning out of all the applications they push through 70% female 30% male

shits fucked

No, they choose which countries that are the most liberal to put them there.



Yeah nothing here OP, I guess its for outside the country maybe? Currently 12:21am here so it should/porbably be implemented on US servers already.


i knew youd show up to shitpost sooner or later u god damn fiji

Poo in the loo

>i don't know what thepiratebay is


underrated appreciation of bantz


where the fuck is international mens day

i want a fucking day too

Where the fuck is this place?
>looks on map

Oh it's new Zealand JR

Not as bad as Facebook where searching for engagement rings online will cause wedding dress ads to be targeted at your gf and ruin the surprise

men have a day, its everyday, but everyone forgot

Why are they shilling Hillary even after Trump was already elected?

Real Western Europe here. it's morning now. it's probably time for you guys to fuck off

Then the gays want one, shit the blacks have a whole month for it. Then the kikes, literally no one gets anything. just like life

let them have it and enjoy it, you might actually get laid one day

When is International Men's Day?

Indeed I will Europe Sup Forums is a bunch of faggots anyways. Friendship with Europe over, Australia is our new friend.

sunday 19th of november

google is a hell of a drug

>precious Canada-America-Australia-brazil time only.
Fuck off.

>Some chick said it's good to have women's day because it's only right to fight for the right of women to some day be able to become whatever they want
>Ask the chick what exactly she hasn't a right to do that a man has
>Never an answer
>Always mad

And they wonder why I don't take their opinions seriously. Not women in general, mind. Just that chick and those like her.

oh yeah, we should start meming "men take a day off work" now so no man goes to work on november 19th

the world will catch on fire but it will probably be worth it... probably

fuck you, cuck

What? I remember legos had female themed builds, so what's their fucking problem again?

its not there for me and I am in US?

I'm just super lazy

Nothing a cold beer cant fix

We love you too, bunch of fat retard lunatic shitposters. have a good night, we'll take over now

Ok Europe user, good night. Keep Sup Forums boring as usual when the bongs and krauts wake up to shitpost

I don't know that feel poorfag

t. cuck

my beer of choice


Nothing here. Looks like canada isn't as cucked as you wymminfags.


lol no

fake news



>reeeee im a triggered cucktard because women are getting honored today
>which will equate to social media changing their logo for the day, some tweets that honor women, mild stuff that ppl will forget about the next day

but yeah make 20 more threads crying about this bro!!!!! all youre doing is giving it attention and shit people can screencap to say why having a womens day is necessary

We just need something to shit on to make us feel better. Join us

I have a custom theme in FireFox that only displays the regular YT logo, so I don't see this propaganda

who gives a fuck?

>Beer of choice

Beer me broski


Same here

>let them have it and enjoy it, you might actually get laid one day
>Implying you need to be nice to get laid

Leave this thread and take your friendzone lifestyle elsewhere.

Whenever someone does that it's just goofy, I just picture a neckbeard giggling.

