Today is the international women's day . What do you have to say to women everywhere /pol?

Today is the international women's day . What do you have to say to women everywhere /pol?

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STFU and back to the kitchen.

Don't listen to the Jew

Mexican """""""""""""""women"""""""""""""""""""

Uhh, Men and Women need to come together women are our greatest ally. They will help us end Jewish World Control. Women, at this time, can be a great influence which is why when a women tells the truth public she is harassed and attacked viciously usually.

Come on, don't you want to lick dem eyebrows?

>it's a man's world, bitch stay in your place

don't think I can imagine a more irrelevant date to set your day on then the 8th of march

in terms of originality, it's the david of the dates

If you want equality, please stop making straight white men the supposed root of all evil when the real root of all evil for you is Tyrone and Muhammad

Women aren't women anymore.

I have a dick.

I would say you are celebrating a Marxist holiday designed to subvert divide and destroy western society by dividing men and women.This is why there is no men's day.

How does it feel to be used to subvert and destroy on behalf of a dead oppressive regime called the USSR?


fucking overrated as fuck


Just fuck on right off. She had no talent other than in portraying herself as a martyr. Fuck feminist """"""""""""art""""""""""""

>What do you have to say to women everywhere /pol?


You are such a goddamn fucking idiot.

>but every day is men's day

She invented the selfie. Painted hideious childish paintings of herself over and over again. Only famous because she was fugging that famous painter guy.

The monobrow is reminding me of someone . Pic related

>(((((((((FRIDA KAHLO)))))))))))

Good one. Like all kikes, she was a commie who hung out with other commie kikes like pic related.

She ugly af

The point was to subvert femininity. And thanks to her the stereotype of Mexican women with mustaches stuck, even if she was a German-Hungarian jew.

That's a big plan.

Please die already.