Why do poor whites vote against their own economic interests ?


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Poor whites have other priorities.

That pic has to satire i refuse to believe anyone is that crazy.

>this arrow shot into your thigh has a bunch of barbs and shit to make it hard to take out
>might as well leave it in lol

> healthcare was accessible and more affordable before Obamacare

Fuck off Fox News shill

let me give you a quick run down

it was. i get less care, for more money, less often, in harder to get to places.

>cutting a tax costs money
That's not how it works commie.

> against their own interests
Argument always used when whites vote against commies as a way to shame them. For some reason the same argument is never used when whites vote to enforce immigration law.

>stop spending money will cost us money

Leftist logic is crazy

How does repealing something cost you money? Is this new liberal economic theory that lugenpress just invented?

There are people right now who feed carnivorous pets vegan diets and wonder why they aren't doing so well.

For many, it was. For many, it wasn't.

It's almost as if its a complex topic.

it was, stop being a young fag

Because Bernie was fucked over. There are no representatives of the working man. It costs multimillions to run a campaign. Blame your system

>lol stupid redneck whitetrash wage slave! go fuck your cousin cletus I hope they shut down those coal mines and processing plants, they are so bad! I know because some celebrity told me so. Also, we should bring in more poor brown people to work the jobs no americans want to work. I mean, Im an upper middle class suburbanite with an art degree! Im sure as hell not going to go work on a construction site, so this means literally no other white person will neither, so you see you stupid racist, we NEED to flood our country with more immigrants! You stupid evil white racist need more diversity in your neighborhoods and you should hate yourselves as much as I do. And one last thing, we need to drastically increase taxes on middle class people to pay for all the poor brown people without a job

>WHAT THE FUCK?! Why isnt the working class voting for us democrats? Why are they voting AGAINST THEIR OWN INTEREST?!

>black lung benefits
how about better working conditions?
oh, that's right
you don't care about the workers

Tax cuts are free Gibs to the wealthy

Because voting to give yourself more stuff only hurts you in the long run. It is better the country as a whole gsts better and free market in good times drives prices down. If we make it eternally bad times it will always stay that way.

>> healthcare was accessible and more affordable before Obamacare

As long as you didn't have preexisting conditions it was. Most young people are healthy enough, Obamacare was a fucking terrible idea for them. Fuck, roughly half of the population will never have to worry about getting cervical cancer, due to being physically incapable of developing it thanks to being born a man, but Obamacare drove their rates up by forcing them to purchase coverage for that very thing.

Because even when poor they still aren't fucking jews.

It was if you worked for a living.

Because poor whites don't want handouts. They want jobs that pay well enough to meet their needs. They also realise that large handouts in the long term are unsustainable.

Blacks vote for their economic interests and look how well that's worked out for 'em.

Why don't poor whites constantly rob banks? It is in their economic interest after all.

But seriously, white culture regards taking gibs as something embarrassing, and only to be done in times of great need, and then only temporarily because of the shame.

>implies democrats have poor whites economic interests in mind

I only care about not being a minority in this country. I voted and volunteered for Trump so he would remove non-whites.


>"own economic interest"

"Sorry sir you make too much money for any type of govt support."

> Govt shovels gibs at squat mexi goblins.

"haha isnt this in your interest white america"

> Rubs hands
> Opens Talmud and recites verses

You have obviously never been to England

The OP image is BS btw. Do they even have non-union coal miners anymore? They were the entire reason for unions in the first place and the term "redneck". Seems like they should have plenty of benefits for black lung in their pensions paid with dues.

>t. former AL coal miner

you must be butt frustrated that he betrayed you and promised blanket anesty

Why do feminists promote striking for a day to damage a system that their own movement requires to exist in the first place (sucking from the teat of the state and using the violence of the state by proxy to achieve their entitled existence).

>the "will cost the taxpayers" meme


They vote Republican because that's the tribe of working and middle class whites. This will be true whether or not the party itself wants to listen to their base because it's better than the alternative of voting for the party of the elites and non-whites.

You're retarded then. Not only has he never said he would do this, but he's taking huge steps to stop abortion. Know who has the vast majority of abortions? Black woman. They breed that fucking much. So while you sit their childless, Jamal has his 4th kid coming that his bitch don't want but she has to have it now.

You REALLY don't wanna be a minority? Have 5+ kids. Otherwise get the fuck off Sup Forums and stop pretending you're "helping" or "making a difference".

Only 350 billion of the 1.2 trillion debt the Obama Administration incurred making ObamaCare?