Get ready for the biggest MSM smear campaign in history

Fake Tapper and his gang of interdimensional toddler gobblers are scared shitless about the remaining 99% of Vault7 and will do anything to attempt to discredit Wikileaks

they going to release something that's actually groundbreaking? finding out the cia is incompetent and on the level of scriptkiddies isn't news

This is likely part of a Russian disinformation campaign meant to undermine the U.S. intelligence agencies in general, and to more immediately lend credence to President Donald Trump's allegations that former President Barack Obama spied on him.

Learning that ponyfags are under covered CIA shitposters was pretty good news.

Crashing your car into a fucking telephone pole isn't on par with script kiddies, fucking kill yourself faggot.

But it isn't likely at all

Reminder to all Sup Forums users: Be out by the 15th

Nice copy pasta


fox was already shilling an anti-russian agenda

it's not possible to be critical of the police state as an insider, it has to be the ruskis

good morning Jake, it's going to be so fun to see you and your buddy Colbert sobbing in a courtroom

Go on...

why do they just parcel it out?
why dont they just fucking drop it so we can get rid of these people?
its like the whole thing is just an act to keep our attention on them.

be out where?


Probably so that they can keep the guilty parties on their toes. Death by a thousand cuts so to speak.

Truly exposure is the ultimate weapon.

Spook threat classic pol countdown meme. Worlds going to end and isis comes out as trans otherkin. They can't contain us.

Nah senpai.

They're on par with the local police department?

I bet Tapper uses the CIA to get his daily dose of cheese pizza


>but seriously we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

Holy Shit... all that rich info that came out yesterday was only 1% ???

Who leaked this shit? Trump? LOL

>Crashing your car into a fucking telephone pole isn't on par with script kiddies,

but it is on par with the mafia

Damn it there's gonna be a lot to go through. But what else is there? What kind of subjects will be covered

6 days to go

What's the Fucking difference? Oh right a regular paycheck and benefits.

For vhat purpose? We are here forever.


How bad ass would it be if Trump dumped all the info on the deep state to wikileaks the day after he was inaugurated?

Someone go date a Comey daughter to get his insta.

t-thats the day my milk expires...

huehuehue cia is looking at his photos.

guys, what if wikileaks' releases all of CIA's cp as a CIA-plot to get us all arrested for cp-possession?


Pick one

i dont think the CIA do the CP stuff, that's the FBI

USA all day bongo

>Kenyan Flag
Is this Obama's mother's obstetrician?

I love this new pasta

The FBI already got busted with their own server. Dont think theyll try it again for a couple years at least.

Best bet dont touch cp you sick fucks.


Oh nothing to worry about then. The CIA is just like the Mafia, with the additional power of being able to be anywhere at any time. No problems here!

That would be bad-ass. He would have accomplished that which JFK could only have dreamed to accomplish.


>my milk expires
alt-light running out of white power juice. hang your head in shame niggerlover

>Mr. Broc- I'm sorry I forgot to call you fluffydumpling, please forgive me, but I've discovered a way to track the efficacy of our fear-mongering.
>We just need to scare them away from the site and monitor traffic.

I've hardly seen this covered in the news. I think Fox reported on it and I know the WSJ did as well, but this shit is something that needs to be headlining everywhere.

Instead it's hardly mentioned or being downplayed

>Fake Tapper and his gang of interdimensional toddler gobblers

A wise sage would stop reading right there.