Where to go if Marine Le Pen become president of France

Hi Sup Forums
Y'all don't know where to flee if Marine Le Pen becomes president of France ? Countries huh

Go back to Syria.

Back? I ain't Syrian dude

Cuckden or Cuckmany


are you afraid she'll ask the pope to tell her what to do user
catholics should never be allowed political power
flee to a non-catholic country

Back to wherever the fuck you belong

Okay, thanks
Imma see for that

I belong to France, you cockminded fuck

then why are you fleeing , coward?

Then why flee France if le pen wins?

Bretagne or Aquitanie

Because I hate Le Pen
Sorry but I don't want to live in a country where the leaders are fucking retards

I guess he really is French.

Probably because he's really Syrian

Sure thing...

He should go back to JVC. Where retards like him belong.

Sorry but I was born in France, my parents were born in France, my grandfathers & mothers were also born in France, and my ancestors fought for France so I guess I'm not Syrian...???

what were you doing in France for all these years then? Fuck off and die, moron

Foreign legion pics or didnt happen...

>Foreign legion
Believe what the fuck you want I don't care I ain't a attention whore you retard fuck

You should flee to Syria. Its the only option.

Sure, I wanna be "fiché S" now.
Thanks for making me laugh.

If you are really white French but just lefty with low testosterone and cultural marxist hence want to flee from the eventual reconquista by Le Pen, I would advice you to go to cuckdeau-ruled Canada, Quebec .

Your pm is a socialist retard my dude

>>Imma see for that

anywhere in Africa?
just a guess.

This could just be the greatest red pill a leftist would ever know: realizing that, as Europeans, there's nowhere they can flee to.

Every western country is far too busy with (((poor war refugees))) to care about wealthy frogs leaving a country with free healthcare.

Every non-western country hates westerners and they'd either be refused entry, or allowed only to realize locals hate them. Most are also third world and they'd get abducted for ransom, and because no one would pay, beheaded a week later.

Immigration only works one way, from Africa to Europe. Europe is the final destination, and this is where we all die.

You had Hollande for 5 years. Are you gonna tell us he is not a fucking retard ?

you can flee to Algeria, it's a liberal wonderland


you can't flee this is the future you chose.

>Where to go if Marine Le Pen become president of France

Me? France.


>Frenchman hates political enemy so much that he wants to run away

Cry more faggot

The current leader is LITERALLY retarded though, a socialist aswell. So.. what?

Beautiful, isn't it?

Slovenia, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, plenty of choices

This. Didn't he have like 6% approval rating? He basically turned France into Africa.

You're welcome frog. Here fascists are getting shot in the head, not elected presidents.

why do you think she is retarded as you say?

I see, thanks

This. Top kek

fascists are also getting stabbed in the heart

You could have stopped this but you were too far down the media rabbit hole. Go to your "feminist" "tolerating" muslims and cry there.

Si tu ne supportes pas Le Pen, tu es un traître. Elle est la seule à vraiment défendre la France (appart Mélenchon peut être, mais pro-immigration).

Va voter Macron et meurs.

Seriously, what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums if you don't support her? You are the retard here.

Canada has open door policy with Syrians. You could try to get guns from them. Not many white Christian nations for you to gib from left honestly.

The US lmao

Former Le Pen supporter here. It's been hilarious seeing her crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let her get her tiny orange hands on the nuclear codes!
Les musulmans et les intellectuels françaises all voted for Macron/Fillon. Only rural and suburban baguettes ont voté pour Le Pen.

Not gonna lie former Le Pen voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching her dance the french cancan. But in all seriousness we can't serve Cabernet-Sauvignon with a blanquette de veau sacrebleu

Les musulmans et les intellectuels françaises all voted for Macron/Fillon. Only rural and suburban baguettes ont voté pour Le Pen

>défendre la France
Sans déc. y'a quoi à défendre là?

Si tu es devenu un putain de nihiliste désespéré, y'a rien à faire pour toi. Va te pendre ou retourne jouer l'emo sur le 15-18 de JVC.com.

Franchement, tu fous quoi ici si tu déteste Le Pen?

Cest plus simple que ca
OP est Un bougnoule

not yet but will be if needed

In your country.

Je me doute.

Not gonna lie former Le Pen voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching her dance the french cancan. But in all seriousness we can't serve Cabernet-Sauvignon with a blanquette de veau sacrebleu

So its over. No La Pen, no Nazi France.
Sorry guys.
I am sure some of you will be in denial over this but it is in the process of happening.
Its over Pen-tards

Former la penpf supporter here. In all seriousness though

not gonna lie, former Le Pen supporter here, it's hilarious to watch her crash and burn.

It was fun and all but we need to stop memeing her to the presidency NOW.

Sup Forums you don't know what you are doing. You don't want the atrocities of the 3rd Reich to happen again, do you? Don't forget 6 million innocent Jews were slaughtered for absolutely NO reason.

So, if you are French, you hate the idea of someone loving and serving France in the Elysée because...?

It's like a leaf but dumber somehow.

pay denbts

Le Pen will kill this country, Allah does not will it.
Rise my brothers.


The holocaust never happened.
The 60000000000000000000000000000000 are fake

eat shit

Then Algeria

You belong in Sweden actually.

Now go frolick about with your Muslim dogs.

Sorry to break you but we got 5 years of THAT guy, and before we had little Nicolas the corrupt, and even before Jaquot the sympatoche.

No thanks, I'm not hungry for Greek food.

Go to Germany, we need cucks like you to weaken them from the inside before we reconquer the left bank of the Rhine and maybe a little bit more

Remember the SIX GORILLION

Postez des mêmes français.

good good

the more sadist you become the closer you get to complete the transformation

you have no idea burger

Go back to Algeria.

i dont have to , were rich
greeks on the othee hand...

>Sans déc. y'a quoi à défendre là?

Si tu consière qu'il n'y a rien à défendre, alors il faut reconstruire le pays. Tout défaitisme à ce stade est une trahison

Get the fuck out of my country, you fucking cuck. Your existence isn't needed.

>mêmes français

You can hide in here.


>fought for France

Really makes you think.

Pay denbts and maybe people would


Reminder that France is not white anymore.

40% of the births are not white.
France is not white.

Not anymore.

already been there

rich but can't type properly, finger cancer?


> Oy goym, that is my VIP lounge!

You know, there IS a solution to that problem.


Top kek

I'll go move to France if she is elected.

can't and won't


Considering that the US is 40% non white on the entire population, the births are probably majority non white there. And they're still saving our country. It's far from being over

i would personally welcome any redpilled frogs to denmark if they migrated here

You can always sell your people into slavery.

>And they're still saving our country
By having a good president for 4 years?

Demographics will get the last word of it.

So, do you enjoy being a defeatist cuck, or are you just depressed, user ?

germany and sweden.

Don't come to Belgium you leftist cuck. Wallonia already has enough commies

their* country

And mudslims