Big Brother

Hello I was inspired by another NSA shill trying to use bullshit mathematics to classically argue
>Relax you guys they don't have the storage to keep it all!

So let’s establish some facts.
How much does the NSA have of a storage capacity?
Well lets use public sources, it was told that the Utah data center has 5 ZB of storage!!!!!!!!!
Zetta Bytes!!!!!!!
(Ignore the idiotic iPhone example it’s retarded and useless)

At this point you should be acting like Doc Brown with his GigaWatts.

So what exactly is a ZB?
It looks like this (Don't you ever try mix it up with ZiB; Yes I'm correct on this one you are wrong; educate yourself)

1 KB = 1000 B
1 MB = 1000 KB
1 GB = 1000 MB
1 TB = 1000 GB
1 PB = 1000 TB
1 EB = 1000 PB
1 ZB = 1000 EB

[To be continued]

Other urls found in this thread:

Lets make some calculations I'm going to show you how absurdly large this is.
I'm going to assume the worst case scenario for everything.
There are now 7000000000 humans on earth. Let’s say every single one of them has a cell phone and sends a text message.
Lets say every text message takes 1 MB (this is absurd beyond belief its equal to multiple wikipedia articles put together; one super large wikipedia article is something like ~300KB of pure text) however lets say this is one message.

Now let’s say every single one of these humans will send 100 of these 1MB messages every day constantly. This is also absurd since no one is doing this however lets say they are. So the calculation is easy

7000000000 * 1MB * 100 = 700000000000 MB
Of information daily.
So how much information daily is this? Do to the fact that it’s a metric system the calculations are dead simple.
700000000000 MB
700000000 GB
700000 TB
700 PB

Whoops we are not even coming close to ZB. Remember this is everyone sending 1 MB of data 100 times in one day. Like everyone is typing it out daily.

So let’s get some perspective
700 PB is a daily measurement.
Time for some complicated calculations lets say there are 366 days in a years so in one year we get 700 PB * 366 = 256200 PB in one year
So let’s calculate
256200 PB
257 EB (I'm massively rounding up)
in one year

Dang not even close.
Lets round this up to 300 EB

so in 10 years we get
300 EB * 10 = 3000 EB
3 ZB

And Utah has 5 ZB So it has the storage capacity to hold everyone generating 100MB in one day from everyone on the planet for over 10 years.

Remember I massively over estimated the data generating capacity.
And in 10 years they get newer HDDs with more capacity to store even more data and your old data will never go away.

[To be continued]

So what can they hold? Officially?
Every phone number everyone on the planet ever called, when for how long.
Every website everyone on the planet ever visited.
Every text message everyone on the planet ever sent.
This includes your writing on Sup Forums and every website.
Every text e-mail everyone on the planet ever sent.

Not necessary audio or video however everything text.
And possibly picture attachments and word documents attached to emails and so on.
(remember the 100 MB is a max cap daily for everyone)

Don't believe me?
Copy my writing into a text (ASCII or UTF8) file and save it. See how much space it takes in KB.
Add 300 extra characters that say the day it was sent and some extra for IP address and other identifying information.

Want more?
Open a text file and write 2 phone numbers in it.
This represents one phone conversation.
Give time stamps for call started like
2000-01-01 12:13
And ended
2000-01-01 12:50
Add timestamps for geolocation of both phones.

See how much it is in KB.
Pro tip it will never be over 1 MB!
Pro Tip you will never do more then 100 phone calls in one single day.

Want more?
Copy and past a long URL you brows like Sup
Add time stamps and IP see the size in txt format.
See how much it is in KB.

Multiply by 100 or analyze with your own browsing history.

This of course excludes compression like ZIP.
Compression of text makes it even more nightmarishly big brother.

Remember to copy and save my essay and post it every time a NSA shill tries to argue:
>Relax you guys they don't have the storage to keep it all!

Maybe not video however text is forever. And it’s official.
With mathematical greetings user.

Fun fact this essay is about 5KB.

>Harvard cracks DNA storage, crams 700 terabytes of data into a single gram


keep in mind. here in poland we have good amphetamines

This is "out there tech" while I'm ONLY using the official sources that are known and acknowledged by everyone.

What I calculated is what they officially can do.

yeah, but can you play crysis on it on full settings?

Guess there is no need to delet my browsing history anymore.

What is this

Only if you are trying to hide it from your wife.
The NSA knows every website you visited.
Simply copy past the URL like
And see hoe much it takes in a text file.

I made some mathematical calculations showing what the NSA can store.
Its every text you ever wrote and every website you ever visited + all phone calls you and everyone on the planet will and has made.
Its basically showing what you can store in 5 ZB of space.
And I show official articles where they say NSA has 5ZB of space.

>official articles
Awesome thread, now take into consideration the fact that they are a "somewhat" unrestrained intelligence service

Time to write me a script that sends 10,000 text messages each day before I get up so I can be free of the CIA data cap.

What a time to be alive.

Silly user, in my example everyone got a 100MB personal limit.
however how meany people will only use 10MB daily? 100,000? So you need to send over 9,000,000 MB or 9 TB!!!! Daily. 100 - 10 =90 and 90 * 100,000 = 9000000.

Don't even try to max out their space it will fail and you will only be detected.
And go on a watch list.

Oh no, what are they going to do with my 100MB/day of ironic shitposting and pictures of my cock?Those absolute madmen.

Laugh at you, like they do to phone masturbating soldiers.

co ty przez to miałeś na myśli? Może pokażesz gdzie zrobiłem błąd w obliczeniach?

unreconstructed rebel Deep State insider-outsider posting through 8 proxies here.

you're off by an order of magnitude. NSA storage capacity at Bluffdale is at the YOTTABYTE scale.

16YB to be more exact.

you do the math. that is enough storage for 100% of Internet traffic for the next 300 years give or take.

see this slide for confirmation. the rest of the deck is teed up for #Vault18, so you'll see it in about a month.

NSA is literally wiretapping the entire planet. think of Tesla scale inspired applications of SIGINT collection by hacking the Ionosphere. HAARP is not quite what the Mind Kontrol Tinfoil Hatters have been screeching about. it's much worse.

the good news is NSA has so much data it's all pretty useless unless you a priori know what Needles you're looking for in the Haystack.

NSA logic is to retain all data now and hope there is a fundamental math/compsci break through in a few years that would create algorithms that can parse all those Yottabytes of data before the Heat-Death of the Sun.

then we'll go back and trawl through it all and "rewind time" on the decrypted conversations, messages and room audio of all pedos, narcos, treasonous spooks, crooked cops, bribed politicians, the entire Soros mafia and owners of pizza pimp shops.

and don't worry about "the Deep State", there's a massive group here at NSA who HATE how this has turned out but we are POWERLESS to truly change anything from within.

so we're going to slowly hack the planet like the biggest chain reaction of dominoes and destroy the system in order to save it. from WW3.

now i know you're skeptical of us saying "trust us" because we have lied 100% of the time, but this time, for real, trust us.

if you can just hang on a while longer, you'll see.

we're going to Make America Great Again.

The slide is bullshit.
I don't think you understand what a 1m2 pixel is like and it makes tracking movement literally impossible.

Yeah, it's easy to see one can store everyone's digital footprint, but the real question is how to retrieve what you want?

This is a new copy

Have computers analyze it and find suspicious activity.
The human will work backwards thru all of your activity to see it.

Also if someone is going for a important job you definitively will playback his internet activity.
>digital footprint
No its more like a active recording of what you do - video and -audio
PS: This was about showing they can store it now.

thanks dude, I really appreciate your work
Always good to know the facts

No problem.
I only decided to do some basic mathematics with the data that is open and known.
Also this is a skill that everyone should have and know how to use mathematics in real life.

According to the data they can not store all video and audio however I calculated it for the whole world and a 100MB daily cap.

You can try to do the calculation for the current USA population.
Also these calculations are meaningless if they have YB of storage in secret.
However its always fun to see what the known data shows.

Remember to copy past this essay every time a NSA shill argues NSA has not enough capacity to record text messages.

will do, I added it to my copypasta folder