Prove your not a blind hater and name 1 (one) thing you liked about Obama

I'll start:
>actually, i can't think of any right now lol

Other urls found in this thread:

He was half white

He's a good figurehead, but too bad he is an evil corrupt Dem.

Reforms for credit cards and debit cards.

All the power his administration placed in the CFPB.

fuck obama

His speech pattern reminded me of Captain Kirk


He likes to fuck (or get fucked by) men. Homosexuality is the true red pill.

He's gone

he was clearly charismatic, which is why he was elected twice.

and why the media sucked him off

and why people think he was a great president with zero scandals despite all the shit he pulled

He got the government out of space exploration and let the free market step in.

I mean, he did it for the wrong reasons, and he turned NASA into a progressive POZfest. But still.

I like that he's not president any more.

if his policies weren't retarded he would be the perfect person to champion them, considering how calm and in control he always seems to be.

I like that he was going to end the wars. Like pull of the tents and gtfo.

I was ready for drastic measures like this. You get to a point where its like fuck all this necon war crap. I was really excited about our guys no longer dying for dipshit muslims.

he didn't act like a typical nigger

he was kinda funny, but Trump is better even in that aspect.


He was indeed a good face for the country. He was good at talking, even off the cuff. He was smooth.

Also he did give the greenlight for the op to kill bin laden. That call took balls. I will give him that

He was pretty good at keeping his Islamic faith a secret. I don't know how he managed to hide from his staffers to pray 5 times a day.

Trump probably never could have been elected if it wasn't for all of Obama's lies and scandals.

Does that count?

Plain and simple if he was not black he would be considered one of the worst presidents in history.

He caused the death of the Democratic Party

He made it so that a lot of Muslims died

I liked when he got elected because by publicly supporting him, I could show everyone how not-racist I am

>then I took a redpill to the knee

Apparently he bombed the fuck out of Mudslimes in countries we weren't even at war with and deported 2.5 million Beaners back to tacotown. All while avoiding media backlash, golfing and getting Michelle's boi pucci.

Bretie gud/10

he likes playing basketball I enjoyed playing basketball at recess when I was in elementary school

We could (and still can) make good memes about him

He killed more blacks than the Klan.

I liked how he bowed in subservience to third world leaders.


at least he wasn't a mudslime

>Prove your not a blind hater and name 1 (one) thing you liked about Obama

His incompetence. I can't imagine if he is competent and being evil at same time.

He wasn't a fucking crusty orange cheeto.

Deporting illegals with criminal records

He's really good at killing people while appearing to be perfectly normal.

Like Ted Bundy.

He's tall.

For you.

He didn't negatively interfere in the fuel economy

>Iran-Deal and improving relations with Cuba
>Helped preserve environment and national parks

his icecream-sharing daughters

he was black and black people are better than white people

> 1 (one)
are you really this fucking retarded?

> That call took balls.

No it didn't. Nobody on planet Earth wouldn't have given that same call.

Obama just saw an opportunity to make himself look good and "tough," and then he preened like the narcissist he is on television afterward. Why should he be commended for that?

He drone striked some shitskins

1. Ended the War in Iraq: Ordered all U.S. military forces out of the country. Last troops left on December 18, 2011.

2. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan: From a peak of 101,000 troops in June 2011, U.S. forces are now down to 91,000, with 23,000 slated to leave by the end of summer 2012. According to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the combat mission there will be over by next year.

3. Eliminated Osama bin laden: In 2011, ordered special forces raid of secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in which the terrorist leader was killed and a trove of al-Qaeda documents was discovered.

4. Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry: In 2009, injected $62 billion in federal money (on top of $13.4 billion in loans from the Bush administration) into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity stakes and agreements for massive restructuring. Since bottoming out in 2009, the auto industry has added more than 100,000 jobs. In 2011, the Big Three automakers all gained market share for the first time in two decades. The government expects to lose $16 billion of its investment, less if the price of the GM stock it still owns increases.

He was a better option than Hillary Clinton.

you're the reason everyone moved to endchan

all those demm celeb photos that they released ,just to fit the media narrative.

When he has a teleprompter he's a pretty damn good public speaker.

Trump is even better, though.

We was good at speaking for a nigger

Your prime minister is an effeminate SJW cuck. No room to talk, leaf.

>blind hater
>one thing you liked
nigga what
I didn't like anything
that's why I hate him

He was a better president than Bush Jr.
This and only this.

He did a better job then George Bush Jr
That is all

>That call took balls.
On what basis? What factors would have compelled him not to do it?

He was classy and respected the office. He "acted presidential".

Like what Trump is doing or not, it's hard to deny that he's a massive douchebag.

I thought he ran a very effective campaign. Ultimately, he was elected because he united enough voting blocs (niggers, spics, millenials) to overcome the middle white majority, and he did it all with two words: "Hope" and "change". Until Trump's relentless 4D chess, I think Obama was the most effective campaigner of the last 50 years or so.

It could have been a sticky diplomatic situation. Pakistan is technically an ally, and we technically needed permission for that op. The intel was pretty weak. If Bin Laden wasnt there, it would have been

"Special forces crash helicopter and execute family in pakistan"

"Seal team 6 killed in illegal pakistan raid by pakistani airforce"

It could have gone down a lot of ways I dont think it would have started a full on war, and the administration would have survived the scandal. But because bin laden was there; pakistan looked like assholes, we didnt.

I remember hearing this Obama speech in 2004. I was taken by how much passion and charisma he had, how he was able to make so many people feel unified.

He played basket ball.

And stuff.

This, and exactly this.

He gave Trump all the executive powers he could ever dream of

You're missing the big point, which was that he took a big chunk OUT of that "middle white majority". Union members, etc. Obama was the guy able to unite all the "Democratic" blocs together into one coalition.

Now, though, he's gone, and the Democrats have to choose. Not hard to look at a demographics chart and see which they'll pick.

oh my god is so obvious, its actually funny at this point

Instead he was a dirty, floppy-eared nigger.

His immigration reform (DACA) was pretty great. Also his family are pretty classy and seem to be pretty good people (who knows how anybody is behind closed doors though).

if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if

Honestly what is up with these "prove you're not a robot and list 1 X" threads? Is this some sort of shill campaign?

>Prove your not a

Iran has the nuke now.

Please don't remind me of those shitty Biden memes