There's a professor at my uni who unironically supports this shit

there's a professor at my uni who unironically supports this shit

what do we do about this?

why are western countries besides the US so susceptible to cancerous leftism?

>a professor

Learn from that wise and respectable person, of course.

>besides the US

You're kidding, right? Where the fuck do you think it stems from?

They were all over my neighbourhood recently, posted everywhere, as well as Resist Trump posters.

They were all covered up by footy posters.
Ideologies can't beat panem et circenses

Who is it? I work at UOW

>tfw Marxist professor at my school who literally drives a BMW

I hate these faggots so much

America has a big red party to keep them in check though

Ask if you can borrow it, he shouldn't mind.

Report him to asio for domestic terrorism

Alternatively film him on your phone for 6 months and make a video

>They were all covered up by footy posters.

i really shouldn't say it could be considered doxing. just know they are in high places in the schools of political science

>Report him to asio for domestic terrorism
crossed my mind. he said he wants a revolution to get rid of all the "right wingers"

We already know that professors are no longer promoters of thought and guiders of education, but propaganda material. As for irl activity, just attend and take as much info on them as you can to provide evidence to the people as counterargument.

fucking tell us the name you faggot

That's not really doxxing. It'd be different if you told us an address, phone number, email, etc etc.

Name and place of employment is all you really need, can snowball pretty quickly.

Free helicopter ride over a school of box jellyfish.

Tear them down and deface them

Pic related, saw in Bondi

Kill all marxists.
You know what to do OP. Make Australia Great Again

If only.

good cunt doing God's work