Divorce should only be possible after 5 years

All these marriages that last 1,2 or 3 years. That makes no sense.

I think, if someone wants to get a divorce, fine, but then only after 5 years or after 10 years or 20 years. Whoever wants to get a divorce after 20 years, sorry, tough luck, you are married forever.

Even better, marriage should be a contract that cannot be terminated early, but expires after 5 years, and if extended after a total of 10 years and if extended further after a total of 20 years... only after a last extension should we call it a true marriage which is lifelong.

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i need a quick rundown on her ex-husband

will never happen
women will weasel the fuck out of it no matter what binding legal contract they have signed

reminder to boycott Kike in the Shell

All I know is their daughter will be ugly.

They should do like in the middle ages, lock you in a room with your spouse for 3 days and if you still want a divorce after that then things would continue.

Til death do you part. You know what needs to be done.

women are the number one cause of misogyny

>tfw batou looks like a fat San Diego cosplayer

Easy divorce is the real key to the manchild problem. Bring up no-fault divorce and female initiated divorce in all discussions that try to blame porn and video games.

>Kike in the Shell

Their rebuttal will just be "a real man doesn't let himself get divorced"

she married a bogdanoff?

Well she is Jewish

kek, thought the same thing

So why does celebrity marriages often end so soon?

the average 7/10 is used to being put on a pedestal.

just imagine the fucking entitlement a 7/10 actress has.

plus, they are rich so don't need a man to squeeze resources out of as much as the average girl.

celebrities are not real people. they dont make their own food, they dont grow their own vegetables, hell they dont even goto walmart for food. they are surrounded by slaves that do everything to maintain their hollywood image.

they try be normal by getting married, try and prove they are human but it never works out.

they don't know hardship, they don't know what it is like not having money to do things and having to spend a quiet one at home.

how can it be expected of a celeb to deal with a sour relationship. they don't have to. soon as it goes bad for 1 minute they have the power to jump in a airplane and fly to another house at a holiday destination.

real people work things out for two reasons. one reason is they want it to work. second reason is sometimes you are forced to. nobody wants to break up and move out over stupid shit.

I'm from the US, so speaking on US law.

Marriage is pretty much solely a protection for the woman. The laws, when they were made, made sense.

In the 50's, a woman could leave a marriage, but unless the husband was committing adultery, abuse, or could not provide, she got nothing. Alimony made sense at the time, when woman did not work and the man was not acting as a husband.

Now, with no fault divorces, spiting of assets, and alimony, it has become to easy and to much incentive to get a divorce. Not feeling happy? Well fill out a simple form, spend a few hours in court and take half of everything then leave.

I think we need to take a step back and say ok, we will allow no fault divorces but you walk away from all shared assets. Assets should only be split when the person leaving is the victim of adultery or abuse, or if the spouse is committing criminal actions.

>getting married

Well it's your own fault for setting your foot on an obvious trap. You were warned.

Why do "celebrities" seem to only date and marry other "celebrities" or high profile people? Even when it doesn't work they jump straight to the next one available.

you just don't UNDERSTAND her

she will sing the song of herself no matter what you say you sexist shitlord

>I think we need to take a step back and say ok, we will allow no fault divorces but you walk away from all shared assets. Assets should only be split when the person leaving is the victim of adultery or abuse, or if the spouse is committing criminal actions.

I disagree. It is hard to proof fault. I am against outlawing no fault divorces.

You should make divorce proceedings easier, not harder. HOWEVER, if someone wants to get divorced, it cannot be immediately, it can only be after a long period of time, e.g. 5 years from the initial marriage. This way, there are real consequences if someone marries and wants to get divorced. A marriage cannot end up being just for a year or two.

Another daughter for sacrifice to Moloch.

>not outlawing marriage altogether

thanks for the kek kiddo, I have sufficient information to form my opinion on german "intellectuals" now.

>not boycotting every movie

how fucking dense can you be?

Aren't they way too busy?

>>not outlawing marriage altogether
Fuck off cryptoleftist.

The murder rate will go up if this happens.

>her ex-husband

Which one?

This is how you do it. I haven't been in a movie theater in like 10 years. I stopped watching TV around the same time.

They are only done as a publicity stunt in the event that both are infatuated with each other. Most of the time the celebs themselves arent even the ones who have the initial thought of getting married. Like middle eastern arranged marriages

I would even argue that Kanye and Kim's marriage is just a money grab but I feel like he actually loves her.

>The murder rate will go up if this happens.
And that is bad, how? If there are real consequences of being a bad husband or a bad wife, don't you think people would just make a bigger effort?


I've saved so much money by stopping myself from seeing the quick cash grab piles of shit that are in theaters.

and the point of this is what? marriage doesnt legally require women to provide sex anymore, so it is meaningless anyway

Just make marriage contractual with renewal periods every few years like a lease. Unless the contract is broken (abuse, infidelity, etc.) you can't leave early without forfeiting claims to the shared assets. After the contract ends you choose to renew or part and upon parting all shared assets are split.

Children stay with the parent who can best provide for them, unless there is some legal reason against this, such as abuse. Children remain under the last contract between the parents as far as child support and as such any new income beyond that is given at will, but not mandatory.

>I would even argue that Kanye and Kim's marriage is just a money grab but I feel like he actually loves her.
Definite money grab by Kim deliberately getting pregnant in the first place but yah I get the impression there's love on both sides too. Gotta admit they're well suited to each other.

>Children stay with the parent who can best provide for them
No, the contract should specify upfront where the children will primarily stay. This way, there cannot be custody battles. If the parents want to amicably find a different arrangement, fine, but I think it should be a MUST to agree on who will get the kids in case the marriage contract is not prolonged.

Aren't they both black? What is the chance of a black-black marriage to last? 5%?

kek'd hard

thx user

You cannot get remarried unless you are divorced. And you cannot claim assets from your spouse if you are still married.

So it makes a huge difference.


No fault divorce /w legal alimony rape is retarded.

Because they can. Would you marry a 7/10 normal chick or 7/10 A list celebrity? They have no reason to date down.

Also maks you less insecure about them being with you for the money.

how can he cope with that shit

I agree, a 'marriage' of 1 to 3 years is not a marriage but a bf/gf relationship. Marriage should not be legally recognized as marriage till after 3 years. Finally a good idea out of this shithole

Fair point. I was thinking of the case where children are unexpected, but it would be easy to write a section into every marriage contract about them

In Catholicism divorce is pretty much impossible.
A marriage can be annulled but only under specific circumstances.
Why dont we simply go back to that understanding of marriage?

How about divorce should be fucking never you manwhore

1. Everyone wants to fuck them all the time.
2. They're spoiled by having everything they want. They can't make compromises for serious relationships to work.

Why did ScarJo marry Igor Bogdanoff jr in the first place?


Divorse. Now.

i dont disagree but that will only incentivise faking abuse or adultery to get a payout

Women fucking hate it because you have to have a reason to get a divorce. Getting rid of no fault divorce would solve so many fucking problems but womens are whores. They can't just divorce there husband after a couple of years to "find themselves" or do some other bullshit. While we are at it make it legal to kill your spouse in a crime of passion if you find them cheating.


With all the conspiracies surrounding Hollywood, I wonder if the sheer volume of divorce is one of them. If you want to break up the family unit, normalising divorce is a damn good way to do it.
>good goy it's OK to get divorced, look even your celebrity role models are doing it!

She looks uglier every year.

Aside from the skin tone, she looks almost as much of a Bog as he does. Can Bogdabots be transmitted sexually?


in this interview you can tell that she will flirt with any chad holding a microphone. they probably went back to her trailer to practice lines afterwards

What Angloroo said.

It's also bad that young girls see these celebrities and '''reality''' TV stars and think it can relate to normal life. e.g. riding cock carousels and still being millionaires with great lives instead of being trash bags dumped by their own family.

She's reverting back to her previous form, goy.


So, monogamy is "hard work" and therefore "unnatural", but a court case for custody rights isn't and so can be pursued freely?

As far as I know, there are a lot of animal folks who live monogamous. Yet I haven't seen any of them initiating legal proceedings.

Seems like Ms. Johanssen is making up stuff !

My cousin dated someone for some 10 years. They were getting married, and she cheated on him like a week before. He didn't find out until after the marriage. You want him to wait 5 years to get divorce? I think it was time served.

Get rid of the legality of getting married. Stop with the tax breaks and divorce proceedings and make it a strictly religious ritual. And if you put your property under two names, then you both put it up for sale. Same with the kids.

>The year of our kek 2017
>having an internet connection
>having vacant hard disk space
>owning a keyboard
>still paying for movies, music or TV shows
Really gets those neurons firing

Is she that fat thing from ghost in the shell?

Possibly, but that would still be better than what we have now. Loads better.