Yfw House of Cards predicted all of this

>yfw House of Cards predicted all of this
>Chapter 46 (S4E7) starting at about 17 minutes
>tfw Frank Underwood is equal part Willie and Barry

>tfw cant find YouTube clip to post and Netflix blocks screencapture

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't watch these degenerate shows so idk what you're talking about

It even features a rumber stamping FISA judge and an internet-savvy, rockstar repub nominee

Obama was even a huge fan of the show, once saying in a video, "Frank Underwood learned it from me."


This is not a slide thread. This is an admission.

Obama is such a huge fan of the show that he plead with Netflix to release it early so he could binge it.

I'm not making this up.

Did he get the idea to spy on Trump from this show? Or did they get it from him?


>Netflix blocks screencapture
how are you even smart enough to use a computer to post this thread?

Well, Bill Clinton said "House of Cards is 99% true", soo

House of Cards went into total pozzed mode in third season. I couldn't continue watching it because I hated them all.

On mobile I mean. I'm posting from my bed.

The gay scene was really unwarranted

Jesus, the entire episode is literally Obama wiretapping beat for beat

Its almost like Obama influenced the show to plant the idea in peoples mind so that it seemed like a fabrication when the actual accusation happened IRL.

Spacey needs to come out already.

remember the dhs pizza video? ninos pizza? didnt clinton and spacey meet on the opposite street from the pizza place?

Once Claire stops throwing her seasonal childish female tantrum and comes back around, Season 4 gets better



>Print Screen Button


>netflix blocks screencapture


Oh wow thanks

Couldnt find it

On Android it does.

Netflix literally doesn't let you take a screenshot amd displays a warning that cites a "security policy." I'd screencap proof but I literally can't.