Why is hating the military part of the Extreme Leftist Agenda?

Why is hating the military part of the Extreme Leftist Agenda?

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amazon.com/Kill-Anything-That-Moves-American/dp/0805086919/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1357740979&sr=8-1&keywords=kill anything that moves

because they hate everything that contributes to protect or advance Western civilization.

Because everyone in the military worked for what they wanted and went through more bullshit then anyone should in their late teens early twenties. It's not unnatural that over 70% voted for anyone other than Hillary.

>It's not unnatural that over 70% voted for anyone other than Hillary.

Why is hating the military part of the CIA agenda?

>CIA slip up

Oh shit

They think all murder is evil and ironically believe we can all just stop and love each others

murder is killing of the innocent. Killing an enemy of your country that is actively a threat to your people's existence is not murder, it's defense.

Because liberals think in concepts and ideals, rather than practical reality.

Liberals claim to value peace, pacifism, tolerance and dialogue, and think that if you follow these principles, everyone else will, too.

The military on the other hand, is there to wage war, and is inherently based on hierarchies, violence, domination, masculinity and following orders. These are things liberals hate.

Of course, the liberal view of the world is insane. You don't get peace just because you value it. You have to fight for it, or at least have the ability to defend yourself from those who want to oppress you.
Liberals also don't understand that the enormous sums that the US spends on the military actually results in fewer deaths than if the money had been spent elsewhere. While collateral damage is still an issue in warfare, it's been drastically reduced thanks to precision weapons that are more likely to hit their targets. But I guess they want to go back to WW2, when you had to carpet bomb entire cities if you wanted to hit your target.

>> think murder is evil

>> murder babies and say its a human right

liberal logic everyone

what the fuck are you talking about? when did anyone talk about abortion?

He's staying liberal ideals of peace and value of life that make them critical of the military conflict with their views on abortion.

They believe that without militaries, the world would be more peaceful, when in fact, it would be exponentially more violent.

>hierarchies, violence, domination, masculinity and following orders.These are things liberals hate.

out of bed, that is

Because the soldiers pledge to uphold the constitution. The left hates the constitution.

>The left hates the constitution.

Because all the things they want to do are banned by it. Doesn't stop them, though.

Abortion has always been a bizarre issue to watch other people discuss. I personally don't have a moral problem with abortion, but I'm against it because the birth rate is too low in the western world, and banning abortion is a brute force approach to rectifying it.

Either way, people on either side don't seem to realize it's a moral debate with issues that aren't mutually exclusive. Liberals value a woman's right to choose what she does with her own body, while conservatives value the unborn child's life.
However, this doesn't mean that liberals want to murder children, nor does it mean that conservatives don't want women to have autonomy over their own body. It's an issue of how they perceive the world, and what issue they value the most. Liberals don't see fetuses as complete humans, while conservatives don't see abortion as a women's rights issue.
It's really just a willful misunderstanding between both sides.

Liberals are hypocrites, so what they say they like and dislike isn't what they actually like and dislike.
This has been made very clear in the past few years.

Maybe we should focus on the root of the problem; Why are women getting abortions?


maybe because of us war crimes

actually, i'll make a new thread for this.

Appeasing the world peace hippies.

they hate everything they do not control

when they fully take over previously vicious and oppressive military will magically transform into the progressive force guarding world peace

>Russia accusing anyone of war crimes

they dont want kids

can't easily kill the goyim if they have guns


Unwanted Pregnancy thread, by the way

We have 1000x smaller war crimes, than murrica

really, and who are our enemies and why?

you violenty raped and sexually tortured every woman you could find, aged 7-90, during the Second World War in Germany

like those dirty fucking japs that bombed pearl harbor
because the imperialists were megelomaniacs who wanted to ruin the US because we wouldn't sell them steel anymore. because they fucking suck and wanted to destroy china... Because, again, megalomania.

there's no 'millitary hate' anywhere on the left\right political spectrum . the closes thing to is is libertarians that want a smaller military and anarchists that want it to not exist.
there is nothing about left-wingness that is against millitary , literally all the lefties i know have served\are serving in the army and some of them are even fairly respected high ranking officers in their units .

i think pro\anti military opinions have more to do with how patriotic someone is then his left\right politics.

>gorillion of raped dindunuffins germans


lol no

Because criminals can't get away with crime if someone is there to stop them.

everything with the left is a means to an end.

Maybe in Israel, but that's not the issue in the western world. Vietnam vets in particular were treated like shit.

>Degeneracy of the West
>Demilitarize the West
>Destabilize the West
>Overthrow the West

>hating welfare queens

Ah yes because the 8 year old who just wanted her older brother and father to come home from the war was responsible for leningrad

The left or rather commies are the best friend of the military friendo. its the eggy lefty goons are hating.

Its calld farmers and soldiers staate for a reason.

pay raperations!

>reasoning with slavs
you're trying to clean the germs off a turd, man.

>too bad a president wasn't convicted of treason for turning the other way while it happened

well done soldier, you can come home now

its not 'hate', its just resentment of the adulation given to yet another welfare program. the right worships the military, when in reality it is just welfare for corporations and a welfare jobs program for southern high school dropouts

Because apparently rape is an epidemic, and using contraceptives is useless, by their logic.

They toss morality and personal responsibility right out the window at every turn.

A lot of right wing people hate the Military aswell. We've been getting involved in wars that we should of had no business being in. We have destroyed the lives of millions of innocents and created terrorists groups.

That was because most Americans are dumb as shit and thought the soldiers had chosen to go to war no one wanted - most people realized how fucking stupid and awful that was and stopped pretty quickly. Notice how that's changed with Iraq war vets

>just wanted her older brother and father to come home

they weren`t welcome here, so their home is grave near Stalingrad, Kursk, whatever

why should I respect people who sign their life away to Jews in order to interfere in bumfuck countries full of dune coons? if you were drafted it's a whole different story, though.

You still see them referred to as war criminals and baby killers. Of course, the left pays lip service to the military, but there's still plenty of resentment towards the military on the left, both in the US and in Europe.

right after you`ll allow to place russian military in east Germany

>Being a dirty mercenary boy for Saudis, Jews & CIA, driving around in latest equipment, raping women and men, for money and not even knowing what's going on or who you fighting against.
At end you will lose.
Extreme left had mandatory military btw which was about protection of home land and race, while you are a Mexican in USA, joining military to come into USA and destroy USA.

maybe because what they did was dishonorable

amazon.com/Kill-Anything-That-Moves-American/dp/0805086919/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1357740979&sr=8-1&keywords=kill anything that moves

>blaming the US for japan's violent actions

>implying they weren't drafted and were forced to serve under fear of being sent to a concentration camp

I know you hate the Germans and all for invading but Stalin killed more Russians than Hitler ever could

tbqh it sounds like you have had a bit too much of limbaugh's and hannity's rancid cum gurgling down your throat

hey retards if no one is dying its paid camp for adults that tax payers pay. its just another social wellfare program with out war and u reeeeetards hate those.

that sounds like you're writing about your homosexual fan fictions and have no idea what you're talking about

>disrespecting the people who serve in your nations armed forces and risk their lives for your safety.
maybe by people that hate their own nation or some wierd anarchocommie\religious\antidemocratic types. but no one who dosn't want to see his own country burn would ever disrespect veterans .

i think hating people who volunteered to serve is despicable and incredibly hypocritical of the people that are protected by them. but if i recall correctly in the vietnam war people were drafted into the army. i cant even comprehend how anyone born\living in the US who isnt actively engaged in trying to destroy it can hate them.

>but Stalin killed more Russians than Hitler ever could

more than 30 millions? oh just another ameretard fake news, Stalink kileed less than 1 million of people

>but no one who dosn't want to see his own country burn would ever disrespect veterans .
I see you don't have a lot experience dealing with liberals.

>>blaming the US for japan's violent actions

don't be a moron. they saw it coming. they let those soldiers get destroyed to stoke public opinion to get us into a war that cost us dearly.

but if you think that is an acceptable sacrifice, hey, more power to you cuck.

>Stalin killed less than 1 million of his own people

Because it is traditionalist and masculine as fuck.

Arguments could also be made for the straightforwardness, discipline, and disdain for PC it instills in people.

>but no one who dosn't want to see his own country burn would ever disrespect veterans .
ah yes, gotta salute all the vets I meet who spent 4 years pushing pencils on bases in fucking allied countries.

because they kill A LOT of people

most are non combatants

I know this won't make sense in Sup Forumsand but this is actually a very bad thing


liberalism has nothing to do with any of it, the OP spoke of the left wing where as there are both left and right wing liberals .
>I see you don't have a lot experience dealing with liberals.
the only people i know that never served in the army are non-liberals . liberals are concerned with liberty and equality and the political philosophy of liberalism has no connection whatsoever to hating the people protecting the country.

Aside from all the numbers in that infographic being wrong, where do the supposed 30 million Russians you said the Germans killed fit in?

No one cares what you subhumans think.

i would much rather have my tax dollars go to Boeing so they can work on a new plane that can go mach 2 and bomb cunts from 300 km away just in case we ever actually need it instead of my tax dollars going to some cunt in western sydney who has 9 kids and a rental TV

modern "liberals" are not liberals schlomo

I'm using "liberal" the way Americans use it, which is a colloquialism for the left-wing.

Because the people in the military don't share their pathetically weak views on life.

>And thus Ivan experienced the only ray of sunshine in his day. He posted his pro-Stalin infographic. As he sat back in his chair he gave the only sober smile he'd had in years. But then the sound of his mother OD'ing on Krokodil reached his room and he chugged an entire bottle of Vodka to cope with the crushing existential psychological trauma of being Russian

then why are you calling them libreals ?.

>there's no 'millitary hate' anywhere on the left\right political spectrum .
In the US political spectrum there sure-as-fuck is.

In the 60's the anti-war movement started. The children of the WW2 generation were looking at draft notices and started getting scared they might actually have to fight for all the free shit they were showered with.

As such, a creeping fear and resentment turned to outright hate. All warfare was evil and every soldier was a "babykiller." Anti-war became synonymous with anti-military. Extensive treatise were written about conspiracies by the "industrial military complex." This was played up on college campuses by lefty professors that used academics as a way of keeping students out of vietnam.

>hippie doesn't want to go to vietnam
>uses college enrollment as draft deferment
>lefty professor gets to poison his mind with leftism and use the military/government as a common enemy

And yesterday's hippies are today's professors and congressmen. In their hearts they feel every soldier is a murderer, every war is bad, everyone that participates is a war criminal/profiteer. The average leftist in america looks at the military with nothing but scorn and disgust.

But, they're not stupid. Their long game is to attain power and use that same military to crush any and all opposition.

>Vietnam vets in particular were treated like shit.
Can confirm. Soldiers were actively told to not wear uniforms in public and wear hats to hide short cut hair. Yes, they were spit on and cups of piss thrown at them as they walked down the street. These were draftees that the lefty hippies hated, they really expected every draftee to somehow join them in revolution instead of going to vietnam. And their resentment hangs over through to today.

just to rephrase why would you refer to
>modern "liberals"
what ever that is (not liberals ?) as

Because the ctrl-left has co-opted the term liberal.


what a great butthurt

Being a turbofag that's offended by everything doesn't mesh with the warrior mindset.

i didn't use the term liberal, but most people call them liberals because that term has been co-opted by the leftists

first be a big superior boy for your wife and see if she doesn't cheats on you, then pretend about common American superiority
Your national argument is invalid. Mercenaries don't fight for countries, neither you have a definition for race in USA, neither you are united with your fellow people. You be happy to be united with an STD-free hooker you spend your army money on.

holy fuck

Classical liberalism vs social liberalism.

In the US, classical liberals are effectively represented by "Libertarians."

Our "liberals" are actually "progressives" or generally speaking, leftists.

100 years ago, liberalism in the US was hijacked by a desire to promote "equality." And how best do you promote equality? Through handing over insane power to the federal government, of course! And thus 100 years ago, liberalism in the US went sideways and hasn't had anything to do with classical liberalism at all.


What's wrong with disrepescting rapists who go to other countries and murder people on the orders of their kike owners?

JIDF please leave


Depending on trade/immigration views a lot of people who think they are classic liberals could also be paleocoservative.

Really blurry line between the 2

being anti war has nothing to do with being anti military . in fact its closer to being polar opposite of it . antiwar people are against the civilian government ordering the military to go to war with someone .
the distinction is very clear when you actually talk to people ,nearly everyone i know is antiwar but i know maybe a handful of anti-military people .
>they were spit on and cups of piss thrown at them as they walked down the street
that's not leftism, that's anti-american, antipatriotic hypocrites , not to mention antiliberal .
also this is a symptom of your country's culture being fucked, antinationalist,self hating and antipatriotic.
when i walked on the street with IDF uniform most people didnt care but ANYONE who did acknowledge it was always smiling at me and greeting me , you feel respected and proud wearing a uniform wherever you go. and there wasnt a week when people didnt offer me discounts\to eat for free because i was in uniform.

>people who think they are classic liberals
That's the most sickening part.

The left still calls themselves "liberals" when they abandoned nearly every aspect of classical liberalism nearly 100 years ago.

Yet still today there's people that read about classical liberalism, and think they should identify with today's liberals and democrat party that use the name "liberal" as a complete cover.

They somehow think conservatists oppose classical liberalism when they're basically the only supporters it has left.

But that just proves how effective media and marketing can be.

Man Israel sounds comfy as fuck
>tfw goyim
I was in Fiddler on the Roof in high school and have a big nose, what are my chances of passing myself off as a Jew?

the very idea of 'co-opting' is so retarded it boggles the mind. for the life of me i cant understand why you people embrace it.
so if i 'co-opt' the phrase 'attack helicopter' and say im an attack helicopter that means im an attack helicopter ?.

objective reality doesn't change because someone decided a certain word's meaning doesn't suit them.

again there's nothing wrong with perusing liberty or equality and nither conflict with respecting and honoring the men and women serving in your nation's armed forces.

>being anti war has nothing to do with being anti military .
>respecting and honoring the men and women serving

It shouldn't, but that's not how things work in the US. Yes, in some other parts of the world maybe you can hate the government sending people off to war but still support the troops. But that's not what happened in the 60's. What happened is every little pot smoking hippie decided everyone in uniform was their enemy. It had to do with extreme narcissism and hippie culture. You're way too young and foreign to understand.

The american left HATES the military. And that's what makes them so dangerous because not only do they hate the military, they can't wait to get their hands on it and use it against their opponents.

Welcome to post-modernism

ok be serious are you a naive 16 year old jew or are you just some cunt with a proxy
how can you not possibly know this is what your kind does, schlomo?