/polder/ altright sleeper cell detected in Netherlands



EXPLANATION OF PARTIES: pastebin.com/rM2x5tqQ




THIERRY INTERVIEWED AT RTL (Dutch, no subtitles):



Other urls found in this thread:


Migration successful, where is my free money?


Second for NieuweWegen


literally who

People like Davis Aurini called themselves alternative right back in 2014 when gamergate was going on. Back then it was more of a sort of paleoconservative monarchism than the kind of 1488 edgyness you see now.

The PvDD of infastructure.

Uit de stemwijzer kwam SP als enige "normale" partij het hoogst.

Moet ik mezelf maar gewoon van kant maken?

10th for VDP

Sneu dat dit tegenwoordig verplicht is

First 10 years no free moneyz


Ja. Maar voor je dat doet, verdiep je eens in de maatschappij

Can you redpill me on this guy plox, netherbro?

I have no idea who he is.

first party in the OP pastebin

Threadly reminder that Geert sacrificed himself for our sins.


He is Thierry Baudet, /polder/'s favourite candidate.
You can see him speak here:
You'll love it if you're pro-Brexit.

Ik wil gewoon betere infrastructuur, basisbeurs en wiet gelegaliseerd broseph. Rassenoorlog komt vanzelf wel, wat we ook stemmen.

Thierry the cartel breaker. Destroyer of partys

Bogdanoffs bow down to him

Thierry Baudet, the FVD party leader


It feels weird, untill recently I viewed myself as left leaning, but now I'm suddenly on the worst far right forum

>the worst far right forum
This is not Stormfront.

10 is misschien overdreven, maar sta wel achter het idee van "werk je niet dan eet je niet"


Klinkt als FvD, PVV, VNL
Heb je de stemwijzer wel eerlijk ingevuld of zat je naar een partij te vissen?

Oh wait, I think the author thinks a "Sup Forums" is someone who is politically correct.

Similar to (((Wilders))), but smarter and not jewish.

Same here, one year ago I thought D66 was an okay party. Now I'm just sitting here hoping we'll get a strong right-wing government. But then again, one year ago I was still in high school.

>The Matrix

In what slab of bogroll can I find that waste of ink?



Eerlijk ingevuld, uiteraard. Wel iets andere uitslag; vorige keer kwam er 50plus en piratenpartij uit als meest overeenkomstig.

Ik heb me echt moeilijk weinig in de politiek verdiept voor deze verkiezingen. En de informatie die je hier kan vinden is ook helemaal niet biased, dus geen idee wat ik hier eigenlijk doe.

Intellectual, PhD in Law and BA in both History and Law
>Wrote books, his most important one is Oikosfobie (Literally, in greek: fear of the house meaning the opposite of xenophobia, we have become afraid of our own home, our own identity, standing up for our values, etc. This is what Baudet addresses in his book, that we should have a Renaissance in Europe to rekindle our pride in everything what made Europe great (the classics)

>Thus, Baudet also wants to invest in aesthetics, meaning that our architecture and our 'house' so to speak, is not merely constructed out of sheer practicality, but should also resemble an aesthetic and an identity from which we can feel a shared identity, history but also meaning

>He worked extensively with Roger Scruton which, if you haven't seen it already Iwould highly advice you to do so, made the documentary Why Beauty Matters which elaborates on the point I made above.

>Is realistic about the failure of multiculturalism and particularly immigration, he has mentioned time and time again that the biggest problem Europe faces today is immigration and the refugee problem (which I absolutely agree with, global warming being a close second)

>His more general stances include
>Out of the EU (great, we want to be the leaders in our own country, and the EU as an institution has, unfortunately failed, dictating what we can and cannot do in our own country. The demagogues of the EU, perpetuating the idea that the disintegration of the EU would lead to the rise of toxic nationalism and the resurgence of war within Europe is just absolute fucking stupid
>Referendum based on Swiss model
>Immigration based on Australian model
>education based on Finnish model
>visa based on US green-card model.

>the worst thing you can be is Sup Forums or politically correct.

Good article.

>Altistisch Rechts

Posting in a Dutch bread

>heem sleepy

1999 yes


So what does this mean? That one of the other parties may now work together with the PVV to form government?

Please fill me in. I'm just a dumb Abo who can't speak Dutch.

Stiekem vinden ze hem allemaal lekker, maar omdat hun liefde niet kan zijn noemen ze hem een boze blanke man.

>So what does this mean? That one of the other parties may now work together with the PVV to form government?
No, it's certain.


Het is eigenlijk ook niet zo ingewikkeld.
Waar liggen jouw sympathieën, word je uitgekafferd als racist door vrienden of collega's als je ze uit, denk je dat de huidige grote 4 of 6 partijen daar wat aan gaan doen, dat soort dingen.
Van daaruit kom je een heel end.

the look in sylvana's eyes etc etc...

In the Dutch system you pretty much always have to form a coalition, you need a coalition of at least 76 seats.
Don't think we'll get there though, but you never know how correct the polls actually are


That all sounds good but why is global warming a threat to Europe?

Also why do all you Europeans think the Australian immigration model is good? We have a population of 23 milion and take in over 200,000 a year, basically 1 percent of our current population each and every year. We have gone from being over 95% white in the 1970s to under 75% now.

Sounds almost too good to be true.


global warming causes africans to flee to yurop

I understand how the Dutch system works but had read several times the other major parties have said they will never form a coalition with him.

So one party has now said they will but the 2 of them are unlikely to have 50% of the seats is that what you're saying?

Could they convice a smaller 3rd party to join them?

Posting some rare Therries

Thierry "KK op met de partijkartel'' Baudet



Yes but if you've secured your borders and don't give non-citizens welfare they won't come to you.

Logistially it woud be much easier for them to make their way to the middle east but they don't because they know it will achieve nothing.

Ik zie hem het nog doen ook

Because our system is far worse, know that unlike Australia that is surrounded by nonwhite countries ours isn't and yet we are 20% nonwhite, 5% of those legal while the rest came here from micro and turkland and were allowed to stay here , add to that the multiple general pardons to illegals and you have yourself a shit show.

If the PVV becomes the biggest I think maybe the VVD might want to work with them as well.
If they don't it's useless, reelections will follow, making the PVV even bigger out of spite against the other parties.

Well I'm living here in the hills in (((Limburg))) so I'm fine, but if the sea level will rise, half of the Netherlands will be flooded. I guess we like your immigration system, not your intake, because you just send away the people that aren't valuable.

Are we really gonna do it Dutchbros?

And if they win, is EU exit likely?



Mark wil die negerlullen zo graag likken

vanavond bij pauw jinek


>Wie Thierry Baudet zegt, zegt ‘partijkartel’. In een kek verkiezingsplaatje bevecht de drakendoder het vierkoppige monster PvdA-GroenLinks-D66-VVD
>in een kek verkiezingsplaatje
Dog whistle?

Together /ourguys/ are polling at 30-40 seats, so most likely not


And he does that with a smile, followed by a laugh

PVV is anti-eu, FvD is anti-eu, VNL is anti-eu but the rest will only go as far as reforming it from within. Maybe SGP and CDA would consider leaving the EU too if it means they get to throw their political weight around. Its very likely we'll do it soon enough, but with the current polls it's going to be impossible.



He's definitely the best looking candidate of this election.


I'd bet they're going to talk about nothing else than how muhsoggykneestic his novel is.

By 'work with' do you mean form government?


Mooie zet van Wilders.

Ps. Hoe vaak is de kamer wel niet met reces?

Waar haal je die info eigenlijk vandaan?

hopelijk is hij daar op voorbereid

Bij het filmpje van de verslaggever maar niet aan tafel toch?

Then they should have invited him yesterday, for that shitshow about women being more rational than men (lol)

So what do you think will happen after the election?

reminder that the author of this article is a PhD candidate who advocates intelligence above superficiality
>these are the intellectuals of the future

zie zijn twitter
kan ook kloppen

Hij heeft geen voorbereiding nodig

van onder naar boven lezen


No, partijkartel member CDA is only pretending to be more right. They are still pro EU, pro open borders.

No, it's unlikely we'll get a right government. We're just trying to get as many votes as possible so a non-right government is either impossible or unstable, so we get to vote again and win some time.

>82% van de Nederlanders kent het woord Kek
>22% van de Vlamingen kent het woord Kek
>kek = bij de tijd


Just counter it with all women liking 50 shades of grey. Its true.

It's all yours my friend :)

Volgens mij is alleen die verslaggever langsgeweest bij de FvD campagnebus. Die beelden zien we dan vanavond.

When is the soonest the next election could take place?

I see you're a man of culture

I'm afraid we might get a central left coalition, because those parties are constantly sucking each others dicks for how respectable they are, except during election times.

Niet eens slecht geschreven van ze, al neigt het af en toe naar "te oud om te begrijpen". Dank voor het delen!

mijn vader zei al kek voor dat het in was