Did we blow our load too soon...?

Be honest pol... would things have been better if Hillary had won? Recently, I've noticed that every time I true to argue about the merits of nationalism, or the dangers of multiculturalism, or the complete liberal domination of media/academia/other institutiions, I get attacked as a "Trump supporter" as if that invalidates all my arguments. If his Presidency doesn't change course soon, he could be used as a counterweight to our arguments for the rest of our lives... do you want that pol?

Fuck off


Search "Donald Trump might save the E.U. " ... his surprise victory and presidency so far have made right-wingers everywhere look worse. I get pissed when I hear Le Pen compared to Trump negatively.

This isn't bait this is an honest concern.

Be honest user... would things have been better if Hitler had won? Recently, I've noticed that every time I true to argue about the merits of nationalism, or the dangers of multiculturalism, or the complete liberal domination of media/academia/other institutiions, I get attacked as a "Nazi supporter" as if that invalidates all my arguments. If his leadership hadn't changed course so soon, he wouldn't be used as a counterweight to our arguments for the rest of our lives... do you want that user?






You'd rather let the world go to shit than have people speak poorly of you? People with principles don't say shit like this.

You're wrong anyway. This is Hillary "Bring Them to Heel" Clinton, we're talking about. She would have already proposed a bill to shut down Sup Forums and arrested us all as deplorable Nazis. She outright said in public numerous times that she thinks we have no intelligence, no empathy, no agency. She thinks people who hate her must not really be human, guys. She tried to purge America as the fucking First Lady, what do you think she would have done with the power to write executive orders?

As a non American it looks like Trump is actually doing a good job. If someone thinks that saying "Trump Supporter" invalidates someone's argument then they aren't worth talking to.

>Be honest pol... would things have been better if Hillary had won?
sure if you enjoy ww3 with russia
oh right it's shareglue:)

do it

Who's the semen demon ?

Stupid fucking ass. Did Brock come up with this?


>would things have been better if Hillary had won
Nope. I'm not religious but I thank God everyday that piece of shit didn't win.

We're all dead in the Hillary timeline, hence the forced switch. You didn't really think (((they))) would let Trump win out of the goodness of their little hearts, did you?

This proves Shareblue is actually retarded.

Saged and reported.

I think it just fed.

>do you want that pol?

I welcome it. Logically and ethical fallacies are not legitimate arguments.

Virtue is more important than the hive. Traditional western culture is worth more than my life.

In less than 10 of the remaining 47 months of Trump's term, the anti-Trump offensive will be extinguished. The only thing that will be remembered from the election is how liberal cuck fags said Trump was literally Hitler, the worst person on the planet. When America is fine in 4 years, their outrageous arguments will hold no power. Trump didn't win the popular vote because the left fear-mongered illegals into voting, they won't be able to in 2020.

"blow our load" that is a democratic party term used in private over and over when they are being casual.

This is a shill slide thread. you are going to get fucked when the hammer drops, asshole.