Obama was one of the most-liked presidents in history and is still young enough to go on to do great things

Obama was one of the most-liked presidents in history and is still young enough to go on to do great things.

Trump is currently one of the lowest-liked presidents of all time and is so old that he'll be lucky to live through his term.

Other urls found in this thread:


No one will assassinate Trump. No one benefits from assassinating Trump. Other countries don't care, and the leftists are too big of a cucks to do it themselves.

Are you illiterate? I said he'll die from old age.

Overweight septuagenarians don't have a high life expectancy

most liked ha!
more like had the best pr in the bis.

Our current unfortunate state of affairs is that some very dull people, mainly from Hollywood, have an emotional investment in the liberal status quo, and every time something is shown to them that contradicts that, their ego is severely bruised and they lash out like savages.

Nice flag

Ok, do you have anything else to add? What the fuck was the point of this thread?

Trump is a lying sociopath living in a fantasy world, got it. Half his Tweets (god fucking help us, this is our presidency) are easily verifiable as outright lies.

Let's start here, remember when Trump said all through his campaign he had this grand plan for healthcare? Then all of a sudden they're fumbling all over the place trying to make it happen, because it was probably unrealistic as a mother fucker.

"Who knew healthcare was so complicated"
-Donald Trump

The only people that support him right now would drink a kool-aid and chemical cocktail if he told them it would MAGA.

Obama had one of the lowest average approval ratings since WWII. It would've been even lower if they media didn't shill him 24/7 and he got a spike at the end when he was doing fuck all but virtue signal BLM shit.

>trying to make memes out of kiddie rapists

Aren't they cannibals too?

Fucking inbred filth. I can practically smell the stink from here.

>Obama was one of the most-liked presidents in history and is still young enough to go on to do great things.

you're fucking stupid

have a red pill

[citation needed]

Alternatively, fake news.

America though Obama did such a great job that they voted to give Republicans control of the House, Senate, and Presidency as well as 2-3 Supreme Court appointees.

HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHA yeah Obama is a real winner

his approval rating is pretty good right now, though

I didn't like him. War crimes trial when?



yes, they do. Look at Kissinger


0.8 per cent of David Brock's cock has been deposited in your anus.

Fake news.

All polls are fake, remember?

Lol Trump is at 43%.

Obama was at 61% at the same point.

correction: 62%

>most liked presidents
China made him exit out of the ass of a plane.

Hillary is a year younger than him. cunt

Obama also was given a Nobel peace prize for doing fuck all. Everyone on earth was sucking him off and he still hovered around upper 40s for most of his term. Pretty sad desu.

Dont forget fucking collapsing in the streets already.

Hillary isn't the president.

So how the fuck did Hillary lose?

Could Obama run in 2020? Would he?

Don't be willingly ignorant my friend, it helps nothing. It doesn't even matter that it is not fake.

If this is relevent, then we should talk about how Trump will be lucky to see even a 53% approval rating while in office. He'll be lucky if he doesn't start dipping in the to 30's 3 months from now

saudi arabia paid $10,000,000 for obama's college education at columbia & harvard

breitbart & clancy were going public with bank account #s

RIP Breitbart & Clancy

Obama dickriders won't address this

>most liked
>lost thousands of democratic seats nationwide
>leading to an unfunded reality tv star to become president

Public school, user?

No, you only get 2 terms ever.

France wants him for president. Serious, look it up.

I'm not being willingly ignorant, I'm just refusing to accept the same information that you refuse to accept. Those numbers you're saying mean absolutely nothing.

Trump is in the low 40s and this is supposed to be his honeymoon.

The country is polarized af and right wing retards lost their shit when a black man became president.

Obama ended with very strong job approval numbers, especially compared to previous presidents.

She lost by getting 3 million more votes.

Illegal votes.

He never got a honeymoon, that's the point. He will only go up from here, instead of cratering like Obama did for most of his term. His overall rating was buoyed by the fluff at the beginning and end when he wasn't doing anything.

Also this

No. Republicans fought for a 2 term limit because they need affirmative action to have a chance. Otherwise great Democratic presidents like Based Bill Clinton and Based Barack Obama would just keep winning elections.

When Democrats won 5 elections in a row Republicans fought for the 22nd amendment. I still can't believe they hoodwinked America on that one.

There should be no 2 term limit. It's just affirmative action for Republicans.

>. He will only go up from here

He just hit 41 in the latest Gallup. He's about to hit the 30s.


And she never will be

Only on Trump's side.

I'm so glad Obama did such a great job as president that he literally handed over 2-3 Supreme Court appointments to Donald Trump.


She lost by only getting major cities.

Jesus Christ, you are in this thread too. Stop spamming pol you fucktard

Post yfw Donald Trump blows everyone the fuck out in 2020 and Obamaleaf kills xerself

>can't handle facts this much



Trump is doing phenomenally. he is surpasding everyone's expectations and he's just getting started.

Theoretically Obama could become president of Kenya, which has no term limits.

Would they call him the first white Kenyan president?

>implying the fat fuck makes it to 2020

>my team scored three field goals, yours only scored two touchdowns. Checkmate drumpf.


I would post more but I'm on my phone.
Numbers with periods are dates.
Israel is included because they're our closest ME ally, their opinion counts.
Once again, I have more, just can't post at moment.

Majority of voters believe Trump will fulfill 9 out of 10 campaign promises this year. Politico poll. (Daily Caller, 3.8.17)

Trump says he is keeping his promises, the people agree. (Another poll) (Free Beacon, 2.16.17)

83% of Israelis believe Obama will be pro Israel. (Times of Israel. 12.5.16)

63% of Israelis believe Obama worst for Israel in 30 years. CNS News. 2.1.16

"More Americans feel Obama divided the nation than united it." Associated Press, APC-NORC poll. 1.9.17

Jobs report doesn't come out until tmrw. Right wing retards still don't know this.

Btw thanks obama

Good idea.
All of America just needs to jam into LA and New York.

>riding on Obama's job growth

Wew lad.

You realize that even Trump denied the birther thing, right?

I actually like Obama. I just hate people spamming.

fake news lol. stay triggered Obama leaf.

86% of Israelis believe Trump*, not Obama.

Better than jamming into right wing retard rural freak shitholes where Cleetus Trump voter's entire family is ODing on opiates while wearing red hats.

Not an argument. He is in fantastic shape. His doctor said so. His health is fantastic, tremendous, bigly.

Leaf btfo once again and for all times. Banished back to plebbit from whence you came

>He had fuck all to do with that.

Top zozzle. All those trips to Maralago are really getting shit done. So much so that business owners are saying "I did not expect it to be every fucking weekend".

Democrats were the party of right wing retards back then though.

^These people.

Are you retards gunna deny it when the jobs report comes out tmrw?


I'm not saying it won't be good, I dunno. I'm saying it comes out tmrw.

You retards know fuck all about your own country.

yeah, really gotta wedge into Iowa

you seem to be upset that Trump is doing an amazing job.

Trump's doc increased Trump's height by 1 inch so he wouldn't qualify as clinically obese.

top kek

Meanwhile he looks like he put on another 20 lbs since he took office.

Last call for Obama semen slurpers


Projection the post shill

The media lied to cover for Obama, he sucked or Trump wouldn't be president.

I would love for him to do an amazing job. However, he is not. He's vacationing every time shit gets heavy in the white house. But keep believing nonsense

the adp jobs report is a respected source. fuck off with your fake news shit

Hue hue leaf
Wtfdyee? Rake yourself

Pretty sure that orange blob at the top middle is Minneapolis-St Paul

he is doing a great job though......

amazing job golfing

Obama's ___ENTIRE___ legacy (which is really shit let's be honest) will be undone by President of the United States Donald J Trump and there is not a GOD DAMN thing you can do about it.


soros still paying you guys? didn't he have enough from wasting a billion on such a failed campaign

Trump 2020
Pence 2024 + Trump VP + Pence Resign



ITT Obamaleaf making a huge fool of xirrself once again as always

Good job at what? Tweeting? Lying? Vacationing? Repeating Fox News talking points the day after they air something?

What are we talking about here

The BLS jobs report is the main one. Just please pay attention to the headlines tmrw. You'll see. Try to visit some non right wing retard sources. Again, I'm not saying it won't be a good report, I'm saying the BLS jobs report has been the gold standard for decades.

It didn't become a conspiracy until right wing retards got triggered by a black president.

Yea the job is so easy for the guy he can create thousands of jobs and still find time to golf.

not at all

he created thousands of jobs and market confidence is very high. and he's just getting started.

Get back to me when Trump creates 15 million. So far all he's doing is taking credit for the Obama economy.

I can't wait to see how hard u right wing retards dindu Trump's economy 4 years from now

Time is up and checkmate stay assblasted Obamashits HAHHAHAHAHHAH

>Appeal to popularity
Woman detected

Post tits or get out whore

>Obama was one of the most-liked presidents in history because the fake media said so
what did he mean by this?

trump is a shitbag, but he does an awesome job at triggering you fags

so go grow some tits and fuck yourself


>huu huu l-look at m-my n-nigger criminal and loser cunt l-laughing t-they'll laughing a-at TWUMP!

No, they're not. Hillary Clinton had a screaming, shrieking drunken tantrum after she got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT in November, and aged ten years in one week. Barack Hussein Obama is desperately clawing at the ground to try and stop Trump from uncovering his crimes and trying him for treason--in vain. Obungle is going to be the first nigger president AND the first president to go to jail. Fancy that!

Oh, but please, tell me how happy they are to be getting their teeth bashed out. Tell me how mirthful and smug Hillary "screaming and hammering her fists on the ground" Clinton is about being humiliated and reeeeeeeekkkkkkkkled by a Reality TV show host. Tell me how above it all Obongo is while he's setting up a command center in DC to try and keep Trump from destroying his legacy--which is already done. Obamacare is dead.

Obama's legacy now is DONALD J TRUMP, the Emperor who will save this nation, and put your nigger president in jail in the process.

Thanks Obama... again

Obama just took credit for the Bush economy

>wall of text just because of a funny picture

TL;DR. You sound butthurt.

That always happens. Show what the graph looks like over 30 years.

>putting us into much more massive debt to "stimulate" a bunch of government and unskilled labor jobs
Fucking awesome!

He's already 2% of the way there and he's just getting started.

>pumping billions into the market at 0% IRs = sustainable growth
Wonder why Jewish Yelling is suddenly hiking interest rates now that a Rethuglican is in office...

Donald Trump is hardly old, remember McCain

I thought to myself if they made McCain president, he should be turned into Liquid Ocelot, this incredibly old man who ends up being surprisingly buff, with a futuristic robot arm

He hasn't "created" shit. I will give him props for his personality and business though, it does lead to the markets looking good for the future.... hopefully that isn't just what they call "the honeymoon prospect" period.

Yeah, because I want my country to become as shit as your because of Mr. Business Meme Man. No, and I will continue to be outspoken about it. If we have 12 Trump General threads every day, I think your ass can handle some anti Trump rhetoric. It's not gonna hurt you