
Why are National Socialists welcomed on this board? They're the shitties ideology.

Usually Sup Forums is quick to laugh off socialists of any type, but nazis get a pass?

Nazism is essentially the stupid autistic shit Bernie Screams about "muh free healthcare muh free college, muh state rules everything" with a nationalist flare. Despite socialism proving to fail every single time throughout history.

Nazis need to fuck off back stormfront and iron march.

Other urls found in this thread:

> Despite socialism proving to fail every single time throughout history
> An American's definition of socialism
The Nazis didn't seize private property and allowed open and free markets in Germany you idiot, there isn't a single Western country at this point which would classify as socialist, there are just ones with generous welfare states. Even then, those ones, which you would call socialist, are almost all universally better off than the US, with higher societal health and cohesion, lower crime and incarceration rates, healthier populations, and cheaper healthcare with better health outcomes. Your ideology is nothing but worshipping corporate overlords which has turned America into such a hellhole in many regards.


It's just that libertarianism isn't edgy enough, and we lack quality memes. I mean, who comes on a Thai knitting forum to talk about supply-side economics? Once we cultivate quality libertarian OC and memetics this board will be ours.

99% of so-called NatSoc posters (including myself) are shitposting ironically for the laughs.

The Democratic Republic of North Korea is not a democracy. I know it's confused, and I myself don't fully grasp, but National Socialism is not socialism in the same way socialism is usually perceived.

Stay mad scared kike

Well it's like this. Your mother sucks cock in hell for beer money. Does that answer your question?

>99% of so-called NatSoc posters (including myself) are shitposting ironically for the laughs.

horrible consensus Mr Kike

When Hitler became President of the national socialist party he kept the name socialist in it in order to keep it unified and keep themselves identifiable still, as they were already gaining popularity by the time hitler was elected. The original national socialist would be the Strasserists, who are more of the classic socialists. And all that was purged from the party on the night of long knives, the Strasserist brothers and other members Hitler deemed to not be enough for the party were eliminated, it was also to prevent a split within the party, from one side forming a Strasserist side and a Hitlerist side.

>99% of so-called NatSoc posters (including myself) are shitposting ironically for the laughs
Is this some shill psyop or do you actually comfort yourself believing this? Because it's very wrong

Im part jewish and i agree.
Anything hitler is better than anything not hitler.
Learn it son

Nazis are as bad a Commies

Nazis are good, commies are bad.

Actual Hayekian Austrian economist here.

>inb4 pseudo-science

Come to Auburn to get your PhD in econ. Huge Austrian collective here.

Also, refer to pic related for Hayek's views on power from the state.

Juden raus

Yet the only ones who stood up and fought communism

>What was Poland
>What is Monarchy
>What was anarchy
>What was Democracy


Well thats in the name its National SOCIALISM
so its basically socialism with a bit of nationalism

What argument are you trying to make?

Refute their arguments then, Shekel Shillbergstein.

Communism and Marxism is not just a different view on economics, its jewish poison that will find other ways to infiltrate society and country.

You need cohesion to resist that or you will lose.

You "won" the cold war yet cultural marxist managed to turn your universities into their indoctrination camp, your government forcing you to pay for this and the niggers and brown people taking over your country.

There are only two choices - Nationalsozialismus oder Untergang!

If all socialism goes away and things go hard right then there will be an equally hard leftist backlash. But National Socialism is a middle of the road way that gives a bit to everyone but globalists and diffuses the communist impulse.

You went to public school!

Socialism is retarded
Nat Soc is about doing what's best for the country, not what's best for "the people". What's best for the country as a whole IS what's best for the people in most cases, so its pretty okay.

>1 post by this ID

how hard is to get in Auburn being an foreinger? Im undergrad in econ, love the Austrian School

btw is it hard to get a job if you dont follow neoclassical economics?

Nazism isn't socialist you fucking halfwit. Do you think the DPRK is a democratic people's republic as well?

NS = glory of the nation and the death of the state.


>btw is it hard to get a job if you dont follow neoclassical economics?
Not hard if you plan on staying in academia forever. Simply become a "political economist" aka someone who doesn't understand econometrics or calculus.

Libertarian (((Austrian School))) cuckery was designed by kikes for you dumb faggots worship your kike overlords

>why does a political post happen on Sup Forums
>we must destroy this degeneracy

it always sucks until all the schoolkids stop posting late at night
like your post for example
it's a shitpost
shitposting is actually against the rules

with all the shill threads that don't say shit about anything political, you should be glad anyone posts anything political here for your dumas

Re-tread. Irony is 80% of SK looks exactly like NK.

Are you even socialist anymore?

Hey Shlomo, can you tell why do jews allowed to have natsoc in israel and it works extremely well for them, but goyim are not?

Flag is wrong. Khaosiung ROC. Not Chinois or Indochinois.

They only act like they like it because Nazi Germany didn't like Jews and niggers

How's you first day here?

>The Nazis allowed open and free markets in Germany you idiot
That's historically false and you know it. Nazi Germany heavily taxed its population and distributed wealth among other various regulations.

>Even then, those ones, which you would call socialist, are almost all universally better off than the US, with higher societal health and cohesion, lower crime and incarceration rates, healthier populations, and cheaper healthcare with better health outcomes.
So you are a Bernout. Healthcare is the most regulated and socialized industry in the United States. If you think the healthcare industry in this country exists in a free market you're a liar or a retard. The government limits the supply of healthcare, doctors, hospitals. The government imposes costs on insurance companies that are externalized on the consumers. The government gives patents that benefit big pharma. This is not a free market. Most of those countries you say are better than us have a much smaller population, have a much smaller regulatory system, and have their entire military backed by a foreign power (the United States)

What are you talking about. The Nazis and the Commies allied themselves to take over Poland. its called the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.

The clauses of the Nazi-Soviet Pact provided a written guarantee of Alliance by each party towards the other, and a declared commitment that neither government would ally itself to, or aid, an enemy of the other party. Socialist and Communist, Working side by side, as Karl Marx intended.

>TFW you will never be a National Socialist and helping your communist brother

>just let your zionist overlords misuse your nation's resources goyim
t. mr shekelstein

We've had this thread every day for a week now, you don't understand National socialism and piss off to a hug box if you don't like it.

Libertarianism is a Jewish invention.

Ayn Rand is a Jew. Milton Friedmann is a Jew. Pretty much any modern day libertarian is a Jew. Also, the "IT'S HAPPENING!!!!"-man is a fraud who made millions selling snake oil and telling people that the world would end. He is not a serious political philosopher, he is a fraud earning a quick shekel.

Ask yourself, when did libertarianism get its great revival?

Answer: It was around the financial crisis.

What benefit could anyone have on pushing libertarianism during a great economic crisis?

1. To avoid social unrest. The crisis clearly showed that supply side economics has its problems. Therefore, those who benefit from it needed protection.

2. To earn billions of shekels from convincing people that the crisis means that privatizing public property is a proper way of getting out of the crisis. I know that you are American and don't follow international politics, but Denmark just sold off its entire energy sector and part of the medicinal sector. Every time a public company was sold at very low value, it later COMPLETELY ACCIDENTALLY turned out to be worth a hundred times as much as was paid for it. Hmm, lucky Jews, huh?

>Arbeit macht frei
>Work liberates you

>socialism, muh free shit
Seriously dude, don't drink Thursdays and get Crowders dick out of your ass!

Wrong, faggot.

Why don't you do a little bit of research into the pre-war economy of National Socialist Germany?

Nazism is socialism done right. Read Spengler.

Libertarianism encourages degeneracy and has no respect for the culture or welfare of a society.

Many on Sup Forums are not 'quick to laugh off socialism', merely Marxist socialism, which is a disaster always.