Genes are the root of all

genes + culture = behaviour
behaviour in groups + previous culture = culture

genes in a group = culture.

Does this ring true?

Other urls found in this thread:

Anti Christian materialistic theory.

Christianity is a culture no?

Basically. Genes can also be affected by the environment, too. I mean the literal environment, like smog and poisoned water and shit.

good point so,

genes + culture/environment = behaviour
behaviour in groups + previous culture = culture
behaviour in groups + culture = environment

genes in a group = culture


What do Jesus and I have in common? We both bear the name Heroboam. I am the Hero Heroboam from Herosalem, Heromania. I am the Jeruman Jeroboam from Jerosalem, Jeromania. I come in pieces.






Not so much. Genes have a modest influence on behavior and on general intelligence.

Epigenetic factors are probably more significant.

Cultural factors are dramatically important.

Of course there's confounding here, but the pure genetics side of things just hasn't held up as strongly as it seemed reasonable that it would a couple of decades ago.


I think you're correct here, there's some very interesting correlation between incest, low IQ individuals, and Islamic radicalization.

Personally I believe the current epidemic of incest in Muslim countries is one of the key reasons for the high rate of radicalization among the populis.

small differences go a long way. small differences are the difference between a monarchy in Britain vs one in China for instance. Its not pure genetics down the line, but starting out from scratch it would be purely genetics.

genetics creates the culture, culture and genetics creates the environment, environment and genetics carries on down the line.

A circle, not a line.

Pure genes are a myth, there's a lot more to culture and nation then "muh genes" but good job falling for jewish trickery

>t jew

Name a first world black country.

epigenetics man
your individual behavior can actually affect your genes too

wut ?

no such thing as pure genes. groups of genes can be superior to other groups in that the people they create are capable of creating cultures conducive to technology and civilization.


the word you're looking for is memes

>Genes have a modest influence on behavior and on general intelligence.
get fucked you cucked cunt.

>genes and culture
>no other variables included
>genes at teh root of all
>jesus pic hatin on joos

I'm seeing a trend here

I don't think you understand how proofs work

memes are just products of culture and environment, aka genes -> memes

>Genes have a modest influence on behavior and on general intelligence.

It's at least 50% more likely 75% genetic, and lower genetic intelligence in a group is going to lead to poorer environmental conditions and culture, thus further increasing the genetic deficit.

[citation needed]

never claimed I did freind. its an open model please correct as you see fit?

Genes are mostly the result of environmental conditions, however the idea of pure gene's that need to be kindled is beyond retarded. Culture is the product of memetics, a lot of white culture as you know it was influenced by middle eastern christianity

seeand name a first world black country.

Middle easterners of that time were also less mixed with Africans. Literal translation of Arab is "mixed"

few of the tribes of Israel considered themselves Arab as far as I know.

Your premise was basically this:

X + Y = Z

Z + X' = Y

Z + (Y - Y1) = ( Y - Y2)

Apparently proving that

X = Y - Y1
"These studies suggest that genetic factors underlie about 50 percent of the difference in intelligence among individuals."
"The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.75 for late teens and adults."

Alright now link the one saying genes influence behavior at the same magnitude. You claimed both, after all.

its not exactly a one to one mapping to variables either though

>Genes are mostly the result of environmental conditions

[citation needed]

and genes are just a product of environment.

aka environment -> genes

possibly related

Yeah, thats exactly what 97,8% experts say, I'll tell you waht

The way your wrote it, it was, regardless your equations don't really have significant bearing on one another. Apply yourself imo

so genes +memes -> environment -> genes



not following you, please explain.

Close enough, impressed you actually pulled something up instead of trying to play pretend psychiatrist/talk over my head

Short term memory loss?


where am I? how did I get here? Is that you Jimmy?


Culture is your operating system. You can even uninstall if it has been corrupted

You're on Sup Forums, who knows how you got there, but his chest hurts so you better get off.

And my names Wayne.

good analogy:

to expand
operating system running on a 32 vs 64 bit architecture will create different user experiences.


What about people born in a western country who adopt western culture even though their genetics are not western



>who is Wayne


>that's my purse I don't know you

I don't have a purse, I know you.

the entire world practically lives in westernized cultures that still differ wildly from each other.

>western genes

this is scurry :(

Stop watching me mash my mushroom Mr. Cia Man.

>Mr. CIA man

I'm dept of agriculture, stop stealing water.


thats a euphamism for jacking it that Ive never heard before.

well played agri-spook

genes don't determine the nature of your spirit, your soul has ultimate say over your flesh

your soul is your mind. When you die you rot in the ground.

What did Jesus mean when he said those sinners who harm children, that their worm would live on after them?

The biblical soul is a euphemism for the good that we are able to do in the world so that future generations may build a moral scientific spacefaring society. "inheriting the kingdom of heaven"

Race is the seed and culture is the flower

this is a good analogy, iterations of flowers create good or bad soil, effecting the seeds ability, but the seed remains the same in most environments, more or less capable, like kudzu vs a cacti.

((( Civic Nationalism ))) fuck off kike


stop posting random shit


That's an antigenic domain of HPV...

>your antibodies are literally looking for 6 pointed stars

funny inst it?

Not as funny as HPV lesions smell

2 dubblless in a row, today is your lucky day

My digits are always above reproach desu

I'm reasonably sure your mind, your soul, and your spirit are 3 incredibly different things.

Matthew 16:28
Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

what did Jesus mean when he said that when he said you shall not taste death.

reincarnation is biblical. the earth is flat, and space travel is nothing like you think it is.

the biblical soul is your eternal form, and a unification of male and female energy, and no force on this existence can destroy your soul, but you can choose what spirit your soul walks in, your flesh does not matter in the end.

fractality at work


Don't know much about that, did a lot of host/patho stuff in undergrad, and that's the first protein model I've seen that's really "looked like" anything.

things really aren't that simple.

>muh sacred geometry
>muh cryptic rebuttal

Go to bed David

>muh star shaped virus means that symbol means evil jews

>what did Jesus mean when he said that when he said you shall not taste death.

perhaps that they will die knowing that they do not regret it because they work to build something that will last far beyond themselves, that their creation will see the son of future of generations coming into the kingdom.

define male and female energy. Choice, free will and spirit (will) all matter in physical actions that you take while living physically.

You're supposed to highlight the post you want to quote before you open the dialog box to reply.

looks nothing like the manipulators symbol.

its quite literally the seal of an ancient cult followed by King Solomon and adopted by the Red Shield Jews

I'm just going to call your reply shallow, because thats what it is.

>define male and female energy.
Fibonacci spiral. Male energy is the squares, female energy is the spiral. Male energy creates the boundries and limits of creation, the female creates the creations. Adam was originally androgynous, made in the image of God, who contains both energies, until Eve the female energy was separated from him.

without the male energy to impose limits over the female energy, it loses its form, and creates things in ignorance that cause pain and destruction, that are ugly and malformed.

without the support of the female energy the male energy collapses in ontself in deranged depression, imposing grotesque draconian laws. its rules and barriers are incoherent, and serve no purpose.

this is also represented in the Yin Yang, and Star of David. man the right side up triangle, woman is the upside down triangle, together they make the solomons seal. the bible is the word of god, but its incredibly destroyed. and each book of the old testament from Joshua to Hosea are prototypes for Jesus Christ.

>Choice, free will and spirit (will) all matter in physical actions that you take while living physically.

physical actions matter, but I can do things that effect your dweller in the flesh more than I can have an impact on your flesh. when you realize you are the dweller in the flesh, and not the flesh itself, you'll understand.

>looks nothing like the manipulators symbol
>being this blind in 2k17


Woah I just noticed something else!

universal symbol?

what you refer to as energy is just the natural behavioural interaction between men and women and the healthy natural civilization it creates.

the male sign is a delta that of change, progress, female that of support, superimposed they cancel, and do not carry their original meaning or roles. which fits the MO of the people who carry that star. btw.

>physical actions matter, but I can do things that effect your dweller in the flesh more than I can have an impact on your flesh. when you realize you are the dweller in the flesh, and not the flesh itself, you'll understand.

I think we are saying the same thing, however what you call a dweller in the flesh is simply the choices that are made. aka the mind.

we are the choices we make. the mind makes the choices, the mind is the core of our being, we are the mind.

>busty women with pipes

thanks for another damned fetish.

What do you thinks in the pipe tho

pretty jewy reply.

do you understand that pretty much all mainstream science is a lie, we're sitting at the bottom floor of the universe, and god literally made mankind out of the dirt of the earth?

probably powdered breast milk desu senpai