Redpill me on depression

Redpill me on depression

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It'll never go away

really sad fags that need to make moves to stop being sad but are to pussy to do it

One of the side effects of taking the redpill

You can fix it but only be re-wiring your psychological habits, which is hard unless you go through a period of sobriety and frequent meditation.

It's a manufactured disease. Man the fuck up and take things in your own hands.

depression is the natural state of mind once you are redpilled. It will never ever leave you, you better learn fast to live with it.
Oh.. and don't swallow the blackpill, depression isn't a reason to do so.

just man up pussy and take cold showers there you go faggot problem fixed

Go outside, get some sun, walk through natural locations rather than urban ones, smell the fresh soil, and stop being a faggot. All proven remedies that will help.

unfortunate side effect of living in modern western society.
you will never be fulfilled.

Fuck off and die

People don't have a common cause or belief to live for anymore. Life has become too easy without giving us something to believe in or fight for.

Can't, the truth about depression is way to depressing

Long time depression sufferer here. Depression is 90% physical, 10% psychological. After trying every drug on the market and every home remedy I can say for certain that the best treatments are exercise, better diet, and meditation. When your body feels good, your brain feels good. It's all connected in one biological system. You can't neglect the body and take drugs to treat the systems, the underlying cause will still be there. Our modern sedentary lifestyles and poor diets are the main cause of depression.

Do not fall for the depression Jew.

It's not real stop being a faggot and go get laid


It doesn't get better, it will cripple you mentally until you think you're better than everyone else.

You'll blame your failures on the fact that you never tried to do something even though you think you can.
The poorly lit room you sit in only brightened by a computer monitor that serves as your connection to the world.

Games will be shit, movies will be shit, and hearing other people make small talk will drive you insane.

You'll find ups and downs and you might even try drugs to help ease the pain.
It never goes away though.
You'll always be alone and the more you ask for advice on any, yes any kind of board you'll be making a mistake.

People that haven't had depression don't know what it feels like.
They mistake a bout of sadness as depression and will tell you how there is some easy cure that wiki-how posted a few years ago.

Take it as you will.

This is a big part of it

People also have no ascribed identity or obligations anymore, from the moment you're born you're an atomistic individual and you get to choose everything about your life from your career to (now) your gender. The problem is it turns out most people don't actually have a strong identity that's independent of or contradicts broader ascriptive (traditional) social structures so they just feel empty, alone, useless, and meaningless.

Another big problem is the breakdown of traditional kinship ties, and these days even the nuclear family. Culture of promiscuity / serial monogamy is making it harder and harder to marry and then have a successful marriage. In general people now treat each other as disposal objects which has resulted in mass-scale loneliness

Of course the left is behind all of this (BLM now says on their website that they want to break up the family and have children raised communally), so I consider liberals and especially communists complicit in human misery and anguish and they all need to be given helicopter rides

>the blackpill
It's the final truth though.

inescapable in today's world. I'm sure our ancestors who lived in peaceful all-white farming communities and married at the age of 19 and spent 100% of their time outdoors were very fulfilled

fuck off yurofag go back to sucking American dick or fucking goats i dont even know what your shitty flag is because all of you fucking yuroniggers have the same flag

>hearing other people make small talk will drive you insane
You too, huh.

That's not how depression works Luxemfag.

this leaf is on point


pretty much this. Can confirm.

look up old therapy techniques user. Cold shower every morning trains your brain to start the day with a challenge.

>you will never be fulfilled.

I used to be depressed, then I got a decent job, started exercising daily, going out on weekends and doing social things.

Depression is a normal phase but it's JUST A PHASE unless you are a cuck who's too much of a faggot for self-improvement.

Depression is a symptom, not a disease. It's a symptom of having a shitty life. Fix your life, fix your depression.

>The poorly lit room you sit in only brightened by a computer monitor that serves as your connection to the world.
>Games will be shit, movies will be shit, and hearing other people make small talk will drive you insane.
fug, I'll try not to get to the drug part

Have you ever felt a dark, hollow empty void in your self?

Have you ever been melancholy even when you were happy and knew you had nothing to be upset about?

Have you ever just stared at a fucking wall trying desperately to zone out because everything around you is total garbage?

If not then you didn't have depression. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one for moping around doing nothing. I actively do as much as possible every day. I get up early. I work out for hours, I read tons, watch the latest news, make an effort to see people in public, meet up with friends, flirt with bitches, the whole 9 yards. But those feelings are there. All the time. 24/7. I can be balls deep in the hottest pussy, or drunk laughing and singing with friends. That hollowed out feeling, like staring into a black hole never goes away.

As another user mentioned, take time to walk outside in the sunshine, get a good workout, eat some good food and talk to some people. It will go a long way to helping you be productive. But it won't cure depression. Only death does it

>you will likely never get better
>you will end up addicted to medications that barely help the problem
>your depression will slowly progress into full blown psychosis
>killing yourself before that will likely not happen until you get into heavy substance abuse

If you're teenage girl emo depressed because you're awkward in middle school, high school, and your freshman year of college, everything we be just fine.

If you have an existential crisis regularly and revert to nihlism, and heavy doses of drugs and alcohol do nothing to solve your problem, you're likely fucked.

My best advice to you is to get angry now, and use anger and righteous fury as a driving force in your life. Better to control it and burn it as fuel than to just let it happen when you become fully psychotic.

it's a thing your brain cells do
it has nothing to do with how it feels
it has nothing to do with what you think about it
it just happens regardless of what is happening outside your head, what you are doing, reading, watching, etc
you cannot 'decide' to be depressed any more than you can 'decide' to be un-depressed
all you can do is ignore your emotional state and disengage it from your rational thought processes
but it is still depressing and debilitating regardless of what you do to ignore it
if you can handle weed it can help
don't drink alcohol as this makes it worse and avoid most antidepressants as they are all experimental and have zero credibility and poison you for life
mdma used to be prescribed by doctors
now it is illegal because no one wants the poor to be happy
only the rich can do illegal stuff
like getting any drug even coke and no probs with popo - that's rich yo
depressing as fuck but you gotta let that shit slide past

It's a loop of self-defeating thoughts.

It seems to be caused (or at least exacerbated by) the soullessness and spiritual emptiness of western culture.

what is the blackpill?

>If you have an existential crisis regularly
>you're likely fucked

I'd try LSD and MDMA honestly.
Both help in the short run.

LSD can make you slightly happier for about a month.

Mdma is something that you'd really want to experience.
The depression helped me abuse this one though and I almost died so just be aware.

You don't have to though but if you end up at that point stay away from hard drugs.

develop your national pride, make the effort to read and review your history yourself as in actual history books. explore your ancestry, shed your white guilt and take pride in the world your people have created. you will be surprised how quickly the depression loses its grip, unless you are clinically schizophrenic avoid medication. Harrowing reality needs to be faced head on with a clear mind. you can still make your ancestors smile op. Don't let (((them))) meme you into oblivion user

I have existential crisis everyday. Like I said in above post you can certainly learn to manage depression. But it doesn't mean you are fucked in a social aspect. (Although I will agree that you are fucked from ever being truly at ease).

I've had it for years. I refuse medication. I do enjoy weed though. Try to stay away from drinking unless at a social gathering, or maybe a beer at night to put me to sleep.
idk. I don't think there will ever be a cure because people with it don't really care, and people without it don't understand it.

>People that haven't had depression don't know what it feels like.They mistake a bout of sadness as depression


Unless you have experienced actual serious trauma, you haven't the slightest clue what "depression" is.

>one post by this ID
>redpill me on X




This shit clearly violates the board rules delet it

A healthy gut is a healthy mind and body.

The proper flora in you digestive system with proper diet keeps your mind and body healthy.

Seeing as how depression affects alot of people all over the world and can be a serious precursor to horrible shit going down that we hear about on the news, I don't think it does. Fuck outta here shill.

No, the real cause for depression (aside from neurochemical imbalances) is a world in which the weak survive. This means that people who would normally likely be killed (the most severely depressed people) continue to live, therefore increasing depression rates. On top of this, the mildly-moderately depressed people probably wouldn't be depressed if they had a sense of purpose (ie. surviving in a world that wants to kill you).

The black pill is just understanding that on the scale of the universe you aren't special. Ultimately, you won't be remembered and you'll have ~0 effect on the universe. Nobody is special and nobody matters, hell humanity doesn't even matter. Some find it depressing, while others find it liberating, and some can't accept it and cling to religious beliefs and shit.

Anxiety is thinking too much about the future.

Depression is thinking too much about the past.

sounds like you have no Willpower. You certainly took the effort to type that out though so you're not lost yet.

We are all dealing with all of those things to a lesser degree, but if you're going to mope when offered suggestions perhaps killing ys is the best way senpai

depression is a symptom, not a disease

you feel depressed because circumstances in your life are unfavorable.

modern humans are essentially dog-allergic people who were raised in a kennel and told from day 1 to they just have "runny nose syndrome" and that you're irrational if you put two and two together and suggest perhaps this "syndrome" is being caused by the environment.

Why are you changing flags user?

i broke up with my girlfriend last june because i thought i wanted to be alone for a while and figure out what i wanted to do with my life. we remained a sort of fwb thing until august. i was wrong. i was too happy with her. being with her kept my mind off the fact that my future is fucked, that the anxiety i have is actually crippling without my knowing it, that everything just makes me more of a pessimist and makes me care that much less

she's since pushed me away and i have no one left to talk to

it's such a crushing feeling that i've never felt before. i've "talked" to a few friends and acquaintances but none of them understand. they think it's some phase and that i'll be over it -- but i've been on the edge of everything for over five months. i don't know how much more of this i can take

i just want her back so badly. i at least had something to numb the pain of reality and something that made me happy

nothing makes me happy anymore

i love you anons

willpower to do what exactly user?
I have a university degree, I speak 3 languages, I've had long relationships with women, I've fucked lots of them. I've had high paying jobs. I've traveled the world, I've been poor, I've been comfortable, I've survived plenty. So what willpower am I trying to grasp that you have such insight into? Please do inform?

Based off both of your responses anyone who has depression knows you probably went through a rough path. A rough patch is not the same as being empty inside.

Some examples:

I am depressed too

My parents are drug addicts I had a really shitty life and tried to kill myself when I was 18.

Depression is for faggots. Get off Sup Forums, go outside. Go to places where people are. You don't have to talk to them now, just get outside every day and fucking sit there doing nothing. Get used to being in the real world.

Also, gym, diet and meditation (fuck Buddhists though bunch of baldy wankers)

I'm not, this is my first post in the thread.

Well, the will to continue living. So great, you've got all these skills- what the fuck are you using them for? Why do you even have them?

i've been exactly in your shoes user.
When she finally accepted to come back she told me that during the 'pause' she met another man.
The pause was 2 weeks long but still managed to be pounded everyday by this guy.
When i asked her if he had a bigger dick than me, she laughed and refused to answer but was keeping smiling.
fast forward few years.
She leave me to marry the bigger dicked Chad.


True living is living within the solar power

It's not a disease or a chemical imbalance and no pill will cure it. It's a self-sustaining pattern of personally corrosive thinking that becomes a deeply ingrained learned response, after the normal methods of self-correction have failed. For this last reason it is extremely difficult to break out of without assistance. In general, depression is caused by sustained emotional trauma that our broken and narcissistic society does almost nothing to properly mitigate in individuals.

>Tried to kill yourself at 18
Sounds like you should have tried harder.
Of course it's the guy who failed at killing himself who is telling others to man up.

Are you as muscly as Ronnie Coleman? When was that last great novel you wrote? What films have you been?

Does your name start with a J or is that just a really common occurrence among people?

Started taking anti-depressants after being dumped and wanting to kill myself. Will let y'all know how it goes.

Thought I was a depressedfag, got sick of it and made life changes including

>lifting at least 3x a week
>eating a healthy diet
>stopped drinking alcohol

Considering giving nofap a try, but otherwise the last few months I've felt better then ever.

you tell me user

tons of people have anxiety disorders
tons of people verge on the edge of anxiety attacks
but you just gotta fuckin deal with it

fear and dread are phantasms, they only exist in your mind
learn some stress and anxiety management techniques
just try to overcome instead of resigning

Sounds like your life was shit so you were sad. The red pill on depression is for some people it comes and leaves, and for others it's a defect. Some of us can't just make it go away by being following Instagram girls advice, it's there in the sunshine and everywhere we fucking look.


Yes I was a faggot then. The whole point of my post was that depression is for faggots. What are you trying to say?

Depression is a meme,

“look I am a special flake because I am depressed you know”

It is an excuse for cowards.

There you go. Get out of your own head. Get out of your own way. It's fine to feel down but dont let it control your life. It only will if you let it.

There is something in your past you really can't let go of. Maybe you can't even remember what it is but your mind is always dwelling on it

>i broke up with my girlfriend
if you think that's depressing just wait until someone you love dies (and not your fucking grandparents) I just hope you don't have to witness it happen.

You aren't trying hard enough, believe me. You're on fucking Sup Forums talking about how your life sucks of course you're not doing the right actions to make you happy.

I'm on here talking about life DOESNT suck and that's bad enough!

I don't know why normies think that every depressed person is ready to off themselves. Guess what they're not. Hence why you get to interact with so many depressed people.

I was in a regionally popular music video about 3 years ago.

I was also on Chinese national television.
I once wrote a poem in highschool that one some bullshit academic reward.
I am 6'3 and 200 lbs.
I have several potato nigger friends and they are the most depressed people I have ever met while also being in the greatest self denial.

based japan

>My depression is better than your depression! I win!

>chasing her
can't blame you, our society teaches men to do the exact opposite of what women both like and respond to.

Probably. I wasn't raped or anything. So Idk

>my problems are worse than your problems ha this means that mental state and emotions are totally not relative between people

lick my gooch and please do not forget to cradle my balls when you swallow my seed

I am more then likely suffering through it
>suffer from a bunch of internal conflicts in my head
>keep trying to change my lifestyle
>keeps going back to the same old shit
>gets progressively worse to the point of not showering
>work gets stressful now when it never did
>making decisions is difficult for me now
>would over eat then starve on and off
>attempt to kill myself by crashing my car in a tree
>get so bottled up with shit that i hate work
>something triggers me to snap and try and find a different job
>supposed to start that job
>now start stressing over even attempting that job
>haven't ate or sleep
I am a fucking mess

I thought I had a depression once, started taking Prozak, was happy and laughing for a week and then it went sideways and I actually got a real chemicly induced depression

For a next week I stayed in bed trying to not wake up.
Feels like an abstraction and irrational feeling of absolute misery and suffering the only reason I didnt kill myself is because i knew it was the fucking pills and it will go away eventually.

Dont take those pills, do 420 if you're feeling down.

Depression is a Jewish meme. Snap out of if and don't get hooked on their drugs

You're bullshitting hahaha. Either you're lying or there's something really wrong with you that you're not aware of. Maybe you just think too much. Have you tried meditation? Not self reflection, I mean Tolle style presence and not thinking meditation?

Also not a potato nigger I'm a britbong invader. You're right about potato's being depressed and its so fucking annoying

Get over it.

Sleep at LEAST 6 hours a night, eat properly, have at LEAST 3 intense one-hour workouts a week (you must be sweating), eat properly, and surround yourself with people who aren't retards.
If you're still depressed after that, maybe there's something wrong with you. But most people just don't take care of themselves.
I'm a pretty firm believer in mindset. Set yourself some goals and toughen up. It isn't easy, but nothing worthwhile is.

Because this site is enjoying. It's not a pity party user, some people just genuinely don't get to have a break from it.

Being sad or unhappy is nothing like the actual depression

Depression is a pretty much physical imbalance of chemical shit in your brain resulting in it refusing to work.
The only thing you can do like that is to sleep for 20 hours a day and to try not waking up.


If you don't ever exercise, your muscles will atrophy until you can not exercise.

Depression is like that.

Social stimulation is exercise for your brain, and if you stop exercising it, you lose your ability and inclination to socialize.

>My best advice to you is to get angry now, and use anger and righteous fury as a driving force in your life. Better to control it and burn it as fuel than to just let it happen when you become fully psychotic.
I've been doing that for few years now. You just start accomplishing shit but you're still depressed. As other anons said I don't think depression will ever pass. No matter how happy you are in the moment there's always that dead part in you that never leaves.
Maybe the best way to deal with it is just dedicate your life to other person like your children or something but that's just my hypothesis.

Chronic symptom of giving too many fucks. I struggled with it for 16 years starting from when I was 6 years old, until I met a shrink who laughed at my problems like they were nothing.

That was eye opening.

Buddhism is the antidote

Said like someone who has never been depressed. I've never been truly depressed (had some bad times, but never actually depressed), but I've seen how debilitating it can be. It's not just "I feel sad," it's "I have no motivation to do anything more than lie in bed all day, which make me feel like a useless sack of shit, thus continuing the vicious cycle." Even when a depressed person gets up and does stuff, it does little to help them feel less depressed.

Yeah, it's this attitude that leads to so many people in Japan killing themselves. Great going, Japan.

Yes I have. And I was never against the idea that there are certainly things you can do on a daily basis that improve your ability to function. Hence why I listed them. But it doesn't mean that these things will ever make it go away. I'm thoroughly convinced I'm just going to live with it until I die. Coincidentally because I'm always looking for ways to get my mind off the void in the pit of my stomach I end up doing lots of new things and always trying to do something new to keep me momentarily happy. It's how I ended up on Chinese national television as a 6'3 white European guy from America.

>someone has a mental disorder
>lol just life weights and go get laid bro

It never goes away 100%, especially if the reason for is serious, but it does pass. The dark clouds do clear. Was suicidally depressed from 9th-12th grass, the worst if it in 2011. Today I'm fine, though I regret losing those years. The reason is both complicated and stupid.

My father is a better example
>be marine
>eary years
>training accident
>forced to see friends trapped and burnt to death and can't do anything about it as it happens
>fucked in the year for years
>never goes away, but it eventually passss

this, we nuke nip last


your brain doesn't know how to deal with the epic boredom of being taken care of by society, also a lack of greenery is proven to cause headaches, depression, and suicide.

Religion is never the answer. Even a religion that is comparatively less shitty than others like islam or christianity is still no solution. The real solution is making changes in your life and seeing a medical professional regarding counseling or medication, but even this isn't a guarantee.