Yugo axe in Dusseldorf - or African machetes?

Trigger warning: No mainstream source

As we all know, the official story is that yesterday, a "psychologically labile" man from "former Yugoslavia" "ran amok" at Dusseldorf main station and injured "five to seven" with an axe.

But why is an Austrian witness talking about "3 Africans attacking people with machetes and axes"?


What is going on here? And why don't we have any pics in spite DD main station being littered with cameras everywhere?

This will be another Munich probably, a terrorist attack faked out as a "single culprit amok run".

Other urls found in this thread:


Those racist austrians are at it again

Its a huge clusterfuck, first they said the attackers were german citizens, then that they came from "the former ottoman empire",then north africa.

At this point they are doing mental gymnastic in order to not show the country of origin of this criminals.

I hope it gets better, german-user.

>I hope it gets better, german-user.
It won't.

We aren't a sovereign nation. Our media is laughable. Our rulers - unknown, but they want to kill us.

I know, the german people are in the crossroads again, they need a swift and powerful change, because if they dont act quick, they will be overrun and ejected from their homeland.

It looks like (((them))) are still mad about it and are looking for a scapegoat.

sorry to hear, you need a real alternative to the lugenpresse.

You got a nice flag there, irish bro. It just needs an eagle in the center,you know, to make it REALLY cool.

He's from Kosovo, "Fatmir H.", 100 % Muslim.
I love how the german media just calls him from "Ex-Yugoslawia" those slimey cunts.


It looks tasty, to my mexican sensibilities. I love the name of the pic file "realheathyrecipes" LOL.


>He's from Kosovo, "Fatmir H.", 100 % Muslim.

source ?

It was an Albanian.
Quite common for them to start up shit.
Here we just arrest them and put them in a cell with a 150kg Homo or lynch them.

Hopefully the next one is a Bosniak(Muslim) so (((they))) finally agree to Croatia and Serbia spliting Bosnia between them selves.
Seriously the muzzies are gearing up for war and we need to stop them before it's too late.

Not that user, but here


spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/duesseldorf-kein-terror-anschlag-mutmasslicher-taeter-wohl-psychisch-labil-a-1138118.html (use the translate option for this one)

Not a lot to go on, but judging by his name (Fatmir) and him being from Kosovo, it is highly likely he is a mooslem

They came through the former Yugoslavia on their way to Germany, therefore by Liberal Denial Logic they qualify as Yugoslavians rather than Africans.

I think i found this nigga's LinkedIn

>Fatmir Hyseni
>From Kosovo


Found his Twitter

If this is really the dude, then he really has a hard-on for soccer and outsourcing jobs


>witness says it's africans
>actually it's his gf/female friend/whatever saying it's africans
>wait no, it's her saying someone told her it's africans
Not that I'd doubt that German media would like to keep this quiet if true but this does reek of a game of telephone.

Oi vei

I think this guy really is Albanian

we need confirmation but the fact that there has been no pictures or mention of name or race or description is a huge red flag pointing to the religion of peace

afterall your faggots in power have a presidential election to win

Well I've been looking at the guy who I think is the dude, since his name is also Fatmir H. and he is also from Kosovo

Found a pic of him

He's got a link to an anti European economic book too.

Coulter's Rule applies in Europe.
If they don't say the race of the attacker, it was a non-white.

>the face of germany
what will we do when germanys beer culture dies off to sharia?

That's when Germans wake up

You can take their daughters and their freedom and their free speech

But you cannot take away their beer

A new day, a new axing...

>+++ Express +++ back large-scale usage of #Polizei in #Düsseldorf: man has attacked a man with a machete, seriously injured, is on the run


We're still with the mentall ill yugo narrative?

Is a bosnian/kosovar or not?

Your rulers are the Jews. Once again your people must rise up against the sickness plaguing the world before communism destroys Europe.