Does Sup Forums thinks that islam has to be exterminated...

does Sup Forums thinks that islam has to be exterminated?I dont wanna muslims dominating the world but you have to admit,they are extremists but they are the ultimate redpill

Because Islam commands Muslims to conquer the whole world and force everyone to either convert, submit, or die.

Who taught you to speak

Not destroyed but out of western countries. It is currently in its true form in countries like Saudi Arabia, so it should remain within its original countries. Similar to how Christianity needs to stay in western countries and Buddhism in the east.

Though to be honest, if things don't change, I think a lot of people will turn heavily anti-islam if nothing is done about immigration and people will truly want it's entire destruction. I'm Ok with either, just as long as it's not here.

/pol is not united on this issue. Many feel it's at the point now where white men would be better off converting and subjagating women. Islam is on the rise. Nazism is on the rise. Feminism and its sponsors are panicking, as I would be if I were they.

absolutely explosive!

>science can't exist because Allah says so

I'd prefer to wipe my ass with paper or spray it clean in a bidet rather than scraping it off with my bare hands. Thanks.

Greetings, infidel

Oh the terrible terrible Muslims are going to come over and force me to convert to Islam!!!!

They're going to take away my burger munching Pepsi drinking brain withering internet addicted molten brain, and then corrupt my free womyn daughter who is living out the second ammendment right of sucking every dick she can slurp within a 1000 mile radius while shaking her ass for likes

Thank you, Fox News, for giving me more legitimate paranoi, as without you the Muslims would have taken away my liberty

Woe is me!! I feel nothing but fear and adrenaline, please, Shlomo shekelberg, come ease my mind by giving me more reality tv shows and making me accept that gayness is really cool.

Bro first go fight off the Jews that are draining your soul and life force, then come act like you have any sanity left to be conquered by Muslims.

Yeah, because Christianity originated in the West hurrr durrrr!

It's been here now for centuries so yes it stays.

That doesn't matter at all, it originated in the Middle East and it belongs there, by your retarded logic. Does it hurt to be so fucking dumb nowadays?

>islam has to be exterminated
yes, it is the ideology which is a problem, ive got nothing against muslims

Sup Forumstards in a nutshell, top quality post there

And it became established in the west. Similar to how Islam is established in the middle east. The origin isn't relevant I'd you have to reverse centuries of tradition just to get a fucking one up on me.

Thats a bit rich.

Burgers are hell of a lot less retarded and degenerate than muslims, that's for sure and burgers are fucked up.

>And it became established in the west.
>Similar to how Islam is established in the middle east
How the fuck is that even remotely true? Do you even notice how fucking retarded you are? Christianity fucking originated in some desert and spread across the fucking world, just like Islam is doing today, just that christianity had decades of time to do so beforehand.
By your retarded logic once again, Islam in my country has been here for centuries, so it's part of my European heritage, rite?

let the butthurt flow through you, m8

I was telling him that Muslims pose no threat to the US as compared to their Jew problem

I wasn't talking about who is more or less retarded

Are you sure you're not retarded? Think before you open your mouth, this is why your dad wishes he wore a condom

And it's strongest presence is in the west and always has been. What are you not fucking understanding about this?

Literally the only thing in this post that is truly insulting.

slavery isnt an ultimate redpill

they are hese famous "fascist" of our era, and need to be decimated/ eradicated including nuking meeka, maybe it will stop them "because real muslim need invite mekka, go ahead travel to nuclear ground pit"

you know that pic is of male far-right activists playing a prank on some banks. redpilled about women
Prove me wrong
Protip: you cant

'islam' literally means 'submission,' the whole point of the religion is unquestioning obedience to authority, how the hell do you get a redpill out of that besides fag hating and keeping women in the kitchen

Islam is literally the worse thing in the world. I know Pol will hate me for this but muslims are worse than jews.

They aren't redpilled, they are primitive. Redpilled is knowing that the wage gap doesn't exist and have evidence for it, primitive is saying that women driving causes earthquakes.

They are literally subhuman and need to be exterminated ASAP

>Arab calling other degenerate