Hey pol. look at this. Does it make you angry?

Hey pol. look at this. Does it make you angry?

Reminder what happens when you or your decrepit ass 1945 hilter loving daddy comes out of the woodworks. Reminder, its not your world to covet anymore ASHAMED ALBINO SUBHUMAN MUTANTS.

Look at it pol. ARe you scared for your future? You should be. Your future belongs to me albino motherfucker. Im going to make you drown in your own fucking hate.

Come try us Dylan Roof, anders brevik, lonely and depressed loser motherfucker. BRoken home billy ass bitches.

If yoour lucky, we will just beat the shit out of you, and thats it.

Stay hiding in your moms basement, dont come out to the real world with your pathetic self-appointed supremacy.

We will stomp you out on the floor, do you understand pol? You lonely pathetic betamale pieces of failure. Try us. Come. Show us coward.

911 neggar 911!
Priceless. Reminder pol. Karma is coming to take your fucking head. And Ill be there to collect your agony when she does.


Other urls found in this thread:


kys racemixing faggot

you have autism

native americans btfo once again.


fuck off nigger. also saged.

Reminder who the real subhumans are. Fucking ashamed of yourself. So pathetic. So cowardly. Cant even handle the truth. Im going to destroy you.

Fucking OWNED you beta lonely pieces of shit. WRECKED IN YOUR OWN CASTLE. LAWL.

There is no where left to hide white man. You will face the music. You will pay the piper.

white people invented almost everything to do with skateboarding rekt.

White ppl didnt invent shit. White ppl dont exist. Ashamed albinos do. Know your place subhuman. This is our future. This is me gloating in your castle. What are you gonna do albino. You cant do shit anymore. Finish rotting.

You lost.
Get over it.

>He can't even find bad looking white people so he has to resort to albino pajeets

what's your favorite skate video op?


Every cause has a reaction buddy. What did we lose exactly? I thought youre not to blame for the ancestors actions, are you?

Come white boy. Try me. I will beat the fuck out of every albino I come across in this place. They will beg for healing when I am done.

You'll never be white.

mullen vs daewon song

Yoiu are albino pajeets buddy, and youre super ashamed of it. Ugly white ppl are common. This is full of non-chad UGLYEEEEE loser depressed motherfuckers. Its in your recessive genetics to be pathetic.

No wonder your country is getting fucked.
>eastern europe world power by 2020

Good, white is disgusting. White is gross. Albinism and the shame of it. I am a proud human being under the light of the Sun. Youre nothing but diseased flesh cowering at light of truth.

no they really did, almost exclusively every aspect of it. including tricks.
you think only mexicans or blacks skateboard? not that it matters I'm just confused about your skateboarding video and this post as an albino skater.

Try me bitch nigga I'll slap u on da floor

You losers cant even plug anything into your walls without your shitty obsolete electrical system failing you in your shitty 2nd world apartment.

Youre white and you cant even come to America. Sad!

>back of tshirt reads "European..."

she obviously doesnt understand how the bills get paid, nor does she have a job

the only thing that annoys me, is her childish rants get picked up by the media and liberal legislators.

albinism effects a wide range of animals, it has nothing to do with people from europe.

Is this what shitposting has become? Is there really no more love for true and authentic shitposting out there? It's really become "lol ur wrong xD" as a form of trolling? Psshh. I remember back in my early days on the chans I would whip up a throwaway tripcode and start avatarfagging on levels faggots like you can only dream. I had gigabytes of various reaction images from generic weeb anime #2849 to trigger fans of generic weeb anime #2848 into oblivion. And this was for a random Tuesday. Nothing even special. Yet here you are snickering to yourself in a dark room, wiping away tears from your eyes, thinking you're the hottest shit that's totally untouchable, but what's this? You just wiped spicy cheeto dust in your eyes. That's the 7th time this week. I'm over here. Evolved. Shitposting from my phone, doxxing myself so fags like you can waddle their fat ass on my property for me to legally murder. "oh no an intruder" *shotguns*. And that's pretty much the whole point of this. You're a fucking loser and an awful troll. I've been trolling on bitches like you since I was 12. And here you are. Probably 30+. Kissless virgin. Getting angry at people on the Internet. I pity you.

>Says "arab albinos" on the image name.

You're a shitty troll. Enjoy your (you)

Also, saged

White ppl dont exist. You dont have your own race. Youre albinos, and youre ashamed of it.


I didn't read anything in the op. Fuck everyone who spaces their post like they're on reddit

No ones coming to your piece of shit apartment krautfag. You are scared shitless coward. Scared of Antifa lmao, other white ppl.

I'm not white, dickhead.

>jamal shitposted angrily, upset that his ebt had been cut by 40%. after all, he wuz a kang! he stopped to consider his generic superiority, and how the white devil wuz keeping him down. surely his fast-twitch muscles entitled him to a greater role at burger king!

Shut up you autistic fag

damn nigga I don't even fully understand your post but i'm assuming you just hate white people and think they're inferior?

If thats the case why do you speak their language, live in their countries and use their technology and idolise their women?

There isn't even an insect or rodent to compare you too, you're just a petty worthless leech which doesn't even contribute to the ecosystem, you destroy it, you're a virus

Keep telling me how white I am, one day the praise might get to me.

IT has everything to do with it. Thats why the middle east is under europe. Thats why thousands of white muslims live right below europe in palces like uzebekistan, khazakstan, ajerbaijan.

Youre just scared and cant handle the truth mutie

>Youre white and you cant even come to America. Sad!
This guy thinks that white people were born in America.

Shitposting belongs on Sup Forums.


ok I concede, white people are a homogenous mass with the exact same interests, none of them skateboard, and we were birthed from a tribe of albino africans.

I plugged my dick in your mom's ass last night

>Thinks blacks are superior race
>Can't spell

While you were off doing drugs and going to prison, Jamal, us, your white classmates, were doing constructive things in the world. Now, go away from the computer, take a nice walk outside, and get shot by a cop.

I am the best troll. Thats why I can come here and kick the aboliste shit out of you NAZI wannabes. You cry at what I have to show you. You cower in fear at my insights. Pathetic. I will rend the flesh from your bones albinos. I will grind your bones into powder to use for voodoo magics.

What are you then, and why are you here bootlicker? No pride in yourself faggot?

Damn. Powerful stuff. Running the risk of further enraging an internet tough guy I still saged.

>OP why won't you answer?!

Whoa there I'm offended

You know what would offend me even more ? What would make me bang my head into my monitor and repent that my inferior race shamelessly stole da troo kangz' pyramid-building robo-tech ?

If you kept on posting these epic pwnages my dude. Now that would enrage me. I would feel miserable if you spent at least half your day making this exact thread every day of every week for years on.

I might even kill myself to never thing upon my shameful, O so shameful whiteness, if, in your endeavours, you forgot to go to work, eat, and sleep.

Now THAT. That would make me one mad cracka.

Plot twist, no matter how many albinos you people kill in Africa, they were never white at all

We willl annhilate you without firing a bullet. Failed recessive genetis btfo. Your borders cant protect you anymore. We will have your daughters, your wives. Your sons will become boipucci. Its not your world to covet anymore albino. Paradigm shift. Pay it up mutie. All of it.



More like you molested your dog, sad and lonely cletus. Inbred hills have eyes ugly non-chad.


>identity politics


Niggers are monkeys.

10/10 would rape.

How is this not considered spam? This is Sup Forums tier trash

You became a MAD cracka the day your mother told you she no longer loved you, and filed for whore divorce. Youre always gonna be mad cracka. Im here to end your suffering. you know what to do cracka. You know the only solution for your pathetic wasted lives(Kys)

Plot twist, your mother gets dicking from a man who is not your father. Like a whore.

>Youre albinos, and youre ashamed of it.

tfw your IQ is less than 100

dunno if ironic bait or not
I will leave this here.

>Can't even find a video of a nigger being intimidating...Sure scared me

Also, you may be able to fuck our women, but you can't keep them. Meanwhile, we will be keeping your women. (Pic Related)

>Disrupting a white supremacist hugbox by calling them albino sub-humans.

I mean, not all whites are bad my dude. They orchestrated 2 world wars against one another off pride alone with a 3rd one well underway.

Cut them some slack, they naturally like war and conflict and they've only just recently stopped to smell the roses!

All they want is a little genocide before they get back to killing one another in droves, is that so much to ask?

PAthetic dead guy. Thats how you know all his race phenotype shit is fake. He was an ashamed albino coward. Just like you.

Whites are genetic trash. Average pollack.

As I said the last time, you weak minded bastard, if Whites are nothing more then mere Albinos, then how come a DNA test can accurately depict one's race? (The European Race)

He's Irish...

albino hate thread

Yes albino, breed your pathetic recessive genetics out of existence. I dont have to tell you. You know your shit genetics are inferior. You know how to fix your sons and daughters.



They are the seed of cain and will likely bring the Apocalypse. Its their destiny to fail all of mankind.

Triggered much?
Also, who uses "Your Mom" after the sixth grade? Do your parents know you're on Sup Forums? No wonder niggers are so dumb if their parents let them use Sup Forums so early

Cuz you are a coward who needs to be coddled by fiction.

You write like a nigger.

Projection at its finest. I didnt break you pollack, your whore of a mother in your perfect Western society did.


Those are poos. Prepare to have your women BLEACHED, illiterate ape.

You, who have been nothing more than a pawn to be used by their schemes, you, who refuses to analyze the words used by your own provocateurs, you, who will never swallow your pride long enough to realize that they literally have you fighting for your own enslavement, DARES to speak to ANYONE ABOUT KARMA?!

You self-righteous cunt, you have no idea what is going on and you are so infantile in your limited understanding that you play right into their hands like the pawn you are. You lose because you're wrong. THEY lose because they're wrong. You will CONTINUE to lose because you and they are wrong. They dangle the carrot in front of your face and like the jackass you are, you trot forward thinking that you independently made this choice when they provoked it out of you!
You're the kind of nigger that even black people call a nigger.

You are an albino poo and youre ashamed of it shitstain. Genetic trash. Recessice subhuman mutant. You will choke on your own evil. Priceless.

Youre just an ashamed albino coward. Id rather have the jews win than loud entitled bratty white boys like you. I want you to pay in full. Nothing less than complete annhilation will cut it now. You pushed me to this, and I am going to make sure white ppl pay for it. The hate you losers poured into the world will be your own undoing. You will be ripped apart when it reverberates back to you in full. And you know it. Karma is coming for your head white man. Shouldn't have abused your internet connection.

I know this is garbage tier shitposting, but I could believe you are a coon from your writing. Don't you have a field to plough, boy?

Cain? That a little harsh.

They're clearly Esau.

Genesis 25:23-27
The Lord said to her,
“Two nations are in your womb,
and two peoples from within you will be separated;
one people will be stronger than the other,
and the older will serve the younger.”

"When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb. The first to come out was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment; so they named him Esau. After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau’s heel; so he was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to them."

"The boys grew up, and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country, while Jacob was content to stay at home among the tents. Isaac, who had a taste for wild game, loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob."

No matter what they say or do remember were still brothers, they're being controlled by Satanic forces, thier jew handlers feed off the pain they create.

You may hate Esau, for good reason, but pray for him. Hes been corrupted. Jacob's 400 years have justed ended, you feel it, were all waking up. Esau doesnt deserve the fate satans granting him.

This is a battle between the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, pray for your brother.

Dont you have a mother to call and ask to get back with your daddy you broken home sad depressed loser?

>shit talks about broken homes
Stop projecting. I could respect your people if we dialled the clock back to when your identity consisted of more than peddling crack and shooting each other. What happened to Black Christians? Why did you retards decide to shit on your parents legacy?

Plot twist, your mother has taken so much dick she doesn't even know who your father is. Don't worry, that's typical of niggers so you're not alone.

Theres no saving them. Look at them. PAthetic. Why their shitty diseased recessive genetics need saving. They are willfull pawns of the synagogue of satan. "Fuck the jews Gas the kikes now!" but collectively its "I stand with Israel"

I hate them like God Did. They gave me this hate. I was willing to compromise. I was willing to say all men are created equal and they spat on that respect with their shitty diseased genetics. Their vanity is too much for me. It must be destroyed for the sake of all mankind, one way or another.

As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears... we see him described as a profane person. Esau exemplifies an individual who lives after the flesh... whose god is his belly.

Who betrays his brothers like the bad guy in the matrix? Who is degenerate and makes his wife have sex with dogs for the whole internet to see? Its the white man. The albino.

Even God despised them. They are imperfect and it shows the fullest.

Nice LARPing

>Not black
>Gets projected on all the time by weak ass betas who recognize true alpha males.

Why whites need to always put the black man down? Its like whites need to be above something. Because in reality, they know they are less than everyone. They are inherently broken inside. Albino and ashamed of it.

My mother is a doctor, happily married to my father, another doctor. We will always live above you here in America cletus. Your dad was a loser, thats why your whore mother left him after giving birth to you.

>being this rustled by an anonymous forum who worships a frog named pepe

Larp harder, crackhead

Their actions arent theit own, its clearly a reactionary catalyst.

Genesis 27:40
"And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck."

They live and die by the sword, the synagogue of satan has sockpuppetted the Hebrew doctrine and are utilizing Esau to bring about total calamity. America was built off this, America is Babylon.

They dont know what the hells going on so just lurk and pay attention. Again their actions are in ignorance. Jacob's troubles are over, think about it, they're corrupted by forces they cant control.

Every time you post an interracial pic you are admitting white women are the standard of beauty. Thanks.

>I am a proud human being still vitamin D deficient under the sun

yeah the white immigrants

CIA pls go

Nah I think black women are genetically superior to all women. All Im doing is showing you how an ugly black guy who you hate for no reason still can do what you loser beta asses cannot. This is gloating.

You're functionally retarded. Barely.


god bless white women for bleaching america.

>Pic related is OP

i dont blame her she just needs me to skull fuck some sense into her until she get my dick she cant know how inferior the negriod race is 1488