Pffffft bahhahahahhaah

Pffffft bahhahahahhaah

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That's actually pretty good


Surely it's over for him!

Drumpfcucks eternally BTFO

>Economy takes off as soon as Trump's elected
>By the time we get to march, trump takes credit
>It's totally not his doing!
That's like saying your business isn't your success because you didn't build the roads to it.

why did it take until obama was out of office for "his policies" to start working on the economy?

are they just ignoring the actual deals he has personally made with big companies to get billions in investment in the USA? even CNN reports on that shit

Trump turned a million dollar loan into a personal empire.
As that one tweet goes, "Trump turned one million dollars into billions. You turned a $25,000 student loan into $50,000 of debt"

Well he did take millions and turn it into Billions....Justsayin

>took $1 million loan
>turned it into $3 billion
>is now POTUS
Lol are you retarded.

>Surely Obama's policies just needed one more month to prosper.

I'd like to give $1 to all of the people who say this and see them turn it into $4000 and become the president of the United States.

Obama has made that exact argument
"You didn't build that ,we did!"

>make fun of trump
>10 russian shills instantly reply in full force


This is quite humorous.
2 levels of misinformation.
That Trump inherited millions and that inheritance is what made home rich, and ignoring that the moment he was elected the press began heaping blame for things the government was doing onto his head, a full 3 months before he took office.

But now that he is in office, now all the good is Obamas doing.

This kind of dishonesty is why I have parted ways with those of you on the left, you have become more disgusting than the republicans.

Good luck with your power scramble.


>huge market growth in reaction to an election is Obama's doing
I hate these people.


He might as well not be president anymore after this.

oh wow how will he recover?

i thought it was a million dollar loan?

Nice trips

>Million dollar loan
Hes worth a billion now
Liberals are the worst when it comes to economics

That was the reference, yes

When Fred Sr. died Donald got the rest, as in "inherited."

I know its hilarious how pointless your existance is. Trump is living a better life than you. Why are leftist so jealous of successful people? If your so mad about something then do it yourself.

When will the left realize that they are the bad guys?

>70+ straight months of job growth


>Trump gets 1 month immediately after 70 straight months.


Trump taking over Obama's economy is like someone inheriting a debt of millions.

They're fake in magnitude, not in the direction unemployment is heading.

I could say the same about Obongo.
>Affirmative action got him into Harvard
>White grandparents took care of him
>Didn't grow up in a ghetto
>Got into WH because muh first blak presidun
Compare this to someone like Ben Carson.

Complaining about something you can change is pointless.
Complaining about something you can't change is fruitless.

>Obama leaves office
>market grows in response
wtf I love thanking Obama now


> it just took 7 years and 9 months for the economy to get going brah

I really hope liberals chase this talking point. It's comical.

What percentage of people laughing at this got a loan of $80,000, used it to major in Womyn's Studies, and turned it into -$80,000?

Too deep.

>Obama taking credit for a natural economic cycle to begin with


>Trump taking credit for Obama's economy
>Obama's economy

Wow, it only took eight years and for him to leave office for it to work, amazing!!

Obongo doubled the national debt.

>Obama gets in the economy sucks complete fucking ass for eight years
>him and libshits blame Bush
>Trump breaks records in his first month
>they try to give credit to Obongo

Yeah cause it's not like the new president didn't have a massive economic policy shift for the new nation with rewriting the tax law, lightening regulations, breaking away from globalism, and embracing cost effective coal/gas produced at home instead of "green" energy.

Naw I'm sure it just took eight years for Barry's policies to kick ib

>This is what right wing retards ACTUALLY believe

receives 1 million fron dad turns into 4 billions
really makes your almonds activated.

>only showing the last month before him getting into office so the numbers can't be compared to the overall trend from our nation's history
>not comparing the job creation to the amount of people entering/exiting the work force and the population increase

Try harder faggot. Labor force participation went down you fucking retard

> Obama finally turned things around while Trump has been president

Okie dokie

Obama taking credit for 2008 corrections is like obama taking credit for sunshine.

Also please do not attempt to discuss economics, Sup Forums. You are as retarded as these cucks and will only embaress the movement.

>You are as retarded as these cucks and will only embaress the movement.

oh look. well done "the economy" and ""our" GDP" and "jobs created".
Whose jobs?
Whose money?
What jobs?

Stats have to relate to something meaningful for them to matter.

If the DAP helped "out economy" or "created jobs" then all the Dems would applaud no?

Pretty funny.

What's also funny is it took 8 years and being 2 months out of office for Obama's economic policies to pay off.

Neither Obama not Trump can say that the economy is "theirs".
It's all political pundit bullshit.
They always lie.

Holy shit i can now recognize merchants everywhere
Even in the bread i eat,the fog on my car's window,clouds,my dog's skin,my mole on the chest
Sup Forums fuck'd up my brain so hard
Fuck you

this is the same as the bush vs obama years

anything good bush did it was obama all along anything bad obama did and it was all bushes fault. I figured they would group up after 4 years of obama but this is going to continue all the way through trumps presidency probably into the next presidency too.

liberals should not be allowed to vote they are mentally impaired good thing they went full autistic this election with the kill all white males and only got 35% of their votes.

>Why can't Obama stop people from retiring
Its not in his hands user

>Another Brit who thinks he's American
Wtf are you even talking about? You use quotation marks for every 3rd fucking word? What do you mean "what jobs," ITS ON THE FUCKING GRAPH YOU BLIND RETARD

cry some more bitch

Obama performed terribly for what he could have. His increased stats where the 2008 correction that wouldve happened if he was afk for 8 years. Obamas stats wouldve been better had he done nothing, considering things like his renewable energy trade wars.

Trumps stats SHOULD go down after 8 years no matter what due to the interest rate and business cycle, but theres also a good chance they qre on top of automation eports, which intellectual property will be stolen by china.

This is why, no matter what Buffet says, the only reason long term macro isnt as much of a meme as HFT is the short term tax.
>Goods-producing industries, which include mining, construction and manufacturing, added 95,000 jobs in February, the most since 2000.

40% less inmigrants
Business need people,
Start hiring people legaly
100 000 more hires

Thank you Trump

I wish Hillary was elected, she promised to put all these people out of work. Then she would have inherited George W. Bush's economy

Wait, is Trump making Mexico great?

Funny when talking about Obama everything bad was somehow inherited from Bush, yet everything good is done by him, same applies with Trump, everything bad was done by him, but everything good is inherited by Obama.
Expect this kind of shit all his presidency, everytime Trump accomplishes something they will be "MUH OBONGO INHERITANCE"

The numbers are only slightly ahead of January, which of course cannot be credited on Trump


Nice try Hillary, keep dreaming.


Projection is politics 101.

This is not going to end well for Hillary, Obama the DNC or you snowflakes.

>turn 1 million into billions
>not a smart businessman

Except that is not what he's bragging about Shariablue, but you're too thick to comprehend the difference.

These numbers count temp jobs and seasonal berry picking.

It wasn't $1m. Trump got bailed out by daddy time after time, because he kept fucking up.

>everything good trump does is because of obama

This guy has the same familyname as Gus from Recess. That is all.

tfw gus is now a sjw

trump has orders of magnitude more wealth than his father

he's a smart businessman, period

Remember. for years after Obama was still in office, Democrats still blamed Bush for everything.

For as long as Trump is in office, everything good will be because of Obama.

How is that different from taking a loan from a bank? He could have gotten the 1 million loan from which he started from a bank as well.

No it's not.

Trump turned a million dollar loan into an empire worth over $10 billion.
That's like turning the penny inside of your piggy bank into $100,000 dollars.

>Wow the new guy is doing pretty well
>Oh, he fucked up

So you respond with "Obama blaming his problems on Bush is like Hillary and the Democrats blaming their problems on Russia."

Also, immigration is down 40% because of Obama's policies from a year ago.

Uh, why? We knew Trump was going to be assuming office since November.

You shills should probably not all post after one another in a consistent stream.

>laughing_Sup Forums_frog.png

And make it even more fucking obvious on top of that.

Drumpf absolutely annihilated

Give me a few mill and watch me turn it into even more money than Donald has. It's easy to make money

Why the hell would Trump want to take credit for this economy? The stock market is good but that's a straight up illusion. Credit market is retracting, debt ceiling obligations incoming, tax receipts down again year on year on state and federal levels.

inb4 you get called a shill for pointing out reality

>you only need a high school diploma to work at the CIA

Pffffft bahhahahahhaah

That's the problem. Democrats take no self responsibility. It's always someone else fault.

So if it's easy to make money, why are you poor?

>economy takes off

He hasn't had time to destroy what Obama did.

In all seriousness everyone knows he will be good for the economy for a short term

But Obama DID inherit the Great Recession from Bush. And Trump IS inheriting the recovery from Obama.

>This thing is like if that thing happened XD

This is the height of political humor for these childish pinheads. I'm honestly surprised there's no Harry Potter reference.

ba dum tss

ITT: Libtards prove they are batshit insane.

And we get to see this temper tantrum for at least the next 8 years. I am fucking stoked.


Because I'm not a wage slave. I don't need some jew boss telling me what to do

You say Trump keeps fucking up and still he becomes president. So you shouldn't be bitching then, since Obama had been fucking up for 8 years, and you wanted to vote for Hilary!!! Anyways, faggot don't sound so hypocritical next time. Trump may of fucked up his own money, but at least Trump has enough dignity not to steal money like the Clinton's did with their fuckin fraudulent Clinton foundation and he didn't printed out trillions of dollars and magically loose it.Try again!