Why is reading pushed so hard by lefties...

Why is reading pushed so hard by lefties? Seems like there might be a risk of a lefty stumbling upon a redpill when reading older literature. Much more likely than when consuming modern media (TV, Hollywood, Social Media) anyway.

Why does the average liberal think reading is cool?

Other urls found in this thread:

metaphysicspirit.com/books/How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.pdf

One of my favorite books. A must read.

have you noticed how boring the books have been lately? liberals love repeating the same irrelevant, fiction over and over again down themselves and others.

keep being brainwashed you fucking retard. reading is superior because it is a simple, common, east to produce means of communication and requires the strengthening of senses and association of details. It is good for the mind you fucking idiot. Start fucking reading.

Read better books faggot. Stop reading liberal horse shit all the time and cycle between the different genres. Philosophy, math, medicine, all that shit. Get some of the classics in cuz modern writing is a lot of fucking bullshit faggot liberal cultural marxists nonsense.

Hobbes is redpilled af retard

it's okay, but his introduction and mathematical process is boring as hell. I like Locke and Smith a lot more.

I haven't read much recent literature. I find there's plenty of good original work and there isn't a need to read anything that comes out nowadays, except news.

Chill. I've read plenty of good books. Just asking what people's thoughts are on the left using making the act of reading cool a strategy.

Because they think their smart because they read Harry Potter and the Hunger Games.

A bunch of idiots at my college think they are smart because they read real life actual books. Like smart people! They even flaunt it around.

...and it's usually some shit like Amish romance stories or whatever new trendy novel series.

At least they can read.

I posted Hobbes because he's repilled af YOU retard. Why so much bulli?

We should talk about books, sure. one second while I take a photo.

So I bought this at a bookstore today and finished it. I'm very quick. It was amusing because I expected the girl to get raped at least, but that never happened. Instead, it was just an account of a woman being horrible at her job and eventually getting fired, which she blamed on sexism. It'd be especially amusing to anyone who has been in the military.

To give an example, she had a parade at 1500 and guess when she showed up.


Couldn't you get the same story and effect in a 20 minute TV show or a 10 minute short story? Doesn't seem profound enough to waste hours on, no?

Nope. Sometimes the medium has an impact on the message. Everyone knows this. It's why adaptations into other media are typically terrible. Video game movies, novelizations, whatever.

How much do you guys actually read?
Good links to free books?

Good meme-book:

I need help on my reading speed. Any tips or tricks to get it up.

Lefties like to signal about reading but don't really do it that much.

Reading (useful) books is traditionally something the elite does. Lefties that encourage reading are college educated people talking to other college educated people, because of course conservatives are a bunch of idiots.

And they wonder why the Left gradually lost the working vote

reading's probably the best way.

Is this the ultimate redpill?

Touche. But it seems like only a NEET would have time to read completely vapid literature for fun.

Conservatives don't read I guess?

According to liberals, no

Just read more often. Try to read every day, even if it's only one or two pages. Just keep progressing through a book. If you read 10 pages a day you can read a 300 page book every month. 20 pages, 2 books. 10 pages from 3 books every day, 3 books. Etc.

Go trough some text so fast, that you loose every other word. Then do it again. And again, until you start comprehending.
Change the text. Start over.
After about 20 pages x 10-30times re-read you start getting real results.

Or for some; this can help:
(you can drop it eventually)

Not really, though the alt right is changing that to some degree by pushing classic literature. It's something I can get behind. Just stay away from the meme books like "the way of men"

There's just so much more than the latest James Patterson or Steven King novel.

>Just stay away
I f one is fast reader, it ain't so big loss to read shit once in a while too. And one should sometimes read some leftie-shit too, to see what it is.
Anyways, Those links?
metaphysicspirit.com/books/How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.pdf

Suggest some nice classic, I might have missed?

Count of Monte Cristo. It gets recommended a lot for a reason.

or you could watch the anime.


>had a parade at 1500 and guess when she showed up.
this is the average woman in the military t.b.h

not in my military

Rediscovering Colors: A Study in Pollyanna Realism - Michael Watkins
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution - Bernard Bailyn
The Philosophy of Vacuum - Simon Saunders
Incerto - Taleb
After Godel: Platonism and Rationalism in Mathematics and Logic - Richard Tieszen
Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation: Prisoner's Dilemma and Newcomb's Problem - Campbell and Sowden
The Hated of Music - Quignard
Teleology Revisited and Other Essays in the Philosophy and History of Science - Ernest Nagel
Philosophy of Probability: Contemporary Readings - Eagle
Material Constitution - Michael Rea
Holism in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Physics - Michael Esfeld
Instantaneous Action at a Distance in Modern Physics: "Pro" and "Contra" - Pope, Osborne, Winfield
Considerations on France - Maistre
An open letter to open-minded progressives - Moldbug

only after reading these in this exact order will you finally be free

>implying they actually like reading
Stop being a shitty cuck.

Because they read trash like Hunger Games, HP and other YA fiction then twist the plot to match with their retarded ideology, such as: Obama is Dumbledore, Trump is Voldemort. They don't actually "read", just seek to reaffirm their mirthless philosophy with childish books.

anyone into pynchon? Started reading gravity's Rainbow the other day, it's insane. Dude must have been a legit genius. Pretty entertaining so far, although i'm not very far. (I'm a very slow reader)

Just had a funny thought. What if the Bible spoke of (((Levi)))athans like the Rothschilds rather than actual giant creatures?

much like a lot of what liberals do, books are just another ornament they can metaphysically carry around and signal that they are "smart" or whatever.

I'm not saying reading is dumb, but the way liberals "read" and """"think""" about books is just laughably banal and vapid.

They seem fine with the most offensive literature, they just don't want people saying it in real life. I don't agree with them, but at least they aren't book burners, for the time being.

liberals think "reading" means "reading what I want you to read", just like "educated people" means "people educated in schools I accept".

1) They want you to read not Hobbes but John "I like my Cheerios to have had twenty dicks on them before eating" Green and Gun Germs and Steel

2) If you make an ignorant person think that he is cultured then that person is never going to get out

3) They keep pushing the "Whatever, grandpa" idea that says that one must destroy everything old just because it is the current year, so they do not worry about the old

The modern left is the result of an intellectual movement that began to overestimate itself (the Enlightenment).
The Right until very recently had been basically pushed out of the intellectual sphere.
The cultural divide that resulted entrenched intellectualism as a Lefty thing and know-nothingness (retardation) as a Right-wing thing.
The Right survived because it had sound principles.
Now with the internet the Right is developing its own intellectual movement based on facts, statistics, and old, forgotten books.

Ive written 3 essays on this book without reading more than 10 pages of it