Apparently King Kong is Racist

I was just browsing youtube guys and apparently the Huffington Post is at it again with this racism bullshit

Thoughts ?

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw libs associate a mythical ape with black people and are outraged

all of my keks

Things like this is good. Muh racism results in White people opening their eyes.

>leftists complaining about leftists not being lefty enough in some shitty movie I'll never watch

king kong is racist as fuck, but it's not our fault that Hollyweird fucking pedos keep running that stale ass plot over and over again. that shit is still funny, tho... Why he always gotta take de blonde white girl atop the most iconic phallic structure on the East coast?

>comparing black people to apes
>call others racist

her body Is funny shaped.

I haven't seen it. Isn't it just about some guys going to an island to bring home a monster ape?

How is it racist? Is the big ape on wellfare?

What race is that girl?

High heels tenses your calfs and make them look tighter while making your ass look bigger.

Also, pants are basicly sown into her crotch.

The real question is why is there another King Kong movie. Hollywood is dead.

>>Thoughts ?
They send white soldiers to deal with it some no harm

im pissed that fucking vorevest is getting a sequel what the fuck. worse fucking movie ever.

did my part, downvoted.

Im so sick of this race/sexist shit - its like 2017, most of that shit ended in or by the 90s

Same question

Isn't this the third or fourth one?

I remember something about Peter Jackson having Smeagol play King Kong last time.

Hollywood can only survive these days by rebooting old stuff since all the new content they shit out is total garbage.

The reboots are mostly shitty as well but at least they bring back some nostalgia.

I hope that I'll see the day when the Huffington Post will be shut down for being the horrible, marxist, anti-Westenr rag that it is.

The left is right. Fuck free speech. Free speech allows commies to spread their commie propaganda, and that's not OK.

relly maks me thnk

This thread is an advertisement for HuffPo's video.

Obviously it's to promote racism to divide the public even more and fuel the race war

I'm just gonna assume it's because of the scenes where they go into the jungle and the black people are all primitive tribesman. I've heard people complain about that before.

It's stupid. The movie's old as shit. Of course there are aspects to it that are dated.

Kek I got that too

>evil white males kill black gorilla (as if not all gorillas happen to be black)
>King Kang wants da wymin how progressive
>but evil white male steals her from him
>here at the end of the video let us show you how a real progressive relationship should look like

Sometimes I daydream about throwing some dynamite into liberal media headquarters.


But I thought it was super progressive to get Leslie Jones in a big time movie role

damn she is looking a lot better. they used a lot of makeup i guess

niggers actually think media portraying them as MORE masculine than they are is somehow "bad" for them even though its only an advantage

Bad how


Totalitarian movements must re-write the past to fit their vision of the world.

This is so fucking delusional...
> White men
Something like 85% of the population was white
> Savages
There isn't really that many white savages anymore
> The beast is black
It's a fucking gorilla
> The white man saves the women
It's funny becuase the whole movie was supposed to show that the beast had some humane aspects but the people were to ignorant to realize this. Even the women found that the gorilla had cared for her.

Feels like her vag has big hole.
Not good.