Someone tell me why right winger women are so beautiful, and left wingers are ugly as holy fuck

Someone tell me why right winger women are so beautiful, and left wingers are ugly as holy fuck

Also post more beautiful right wing MAGA women

posting superior MAGA girl

there are plenty of qt3.14 liberals out there, but MAGA women make themselves beautiful because it's the only way they can make men on their side take them seriously

tfw I was in an org with these cunts and they and their bf started scamming people for money saying the profits from the merch they were selling would go to the campaign but they gained profit from it personally

Because you made that up and have an ideological bias. Pic related is liberal woman

gross, absolute trash

>muh dad has money
>muh dad banged a trophy wife
>i am hot
>muh dad told me taxes are bad (because he has money)
>dont ask me about politics I am completely retarded

thats 90% of those qts user

Because beautiful women have sugar daddies, ugly women do not have sugar daddies so they wish for the government to become their sugar daddy.


So what you're saying is the lowest rung of society would usually fall to the left?


"They make themselves beautiful." AKA they fucking try at life unlike you fat whales. Of course they would take them more seriously, I would take anyone more seriously who takes care of themselves. It's like looking at some jacked mother fucker and telling yourself you can kick his ass, you can't. Just like you can't get the same quality men as these women.

i am saying that praising retarded women because they wear the hat that makes you excited makes you a cuck


Some are, some aren't.

Jesus that gril on the right is beautiful.


>makes you a cuck
I see someone's trying to assimilate

>Saying all profits will go to the campaign
>Selling a false product
>lying to customers and org members

I am glad the Trump campaign sued/investigated them

anons pls

most women are leftists because their feelings are more important to them

Is that Kurt Cobain with anorexia?

Would absolutely drop loads on and in.

No, pic related is a Hollywood actress that needs to save face if she wants to keep getting lucrative movie deals and mountains of Disney dollars every time she slips into a catsuit and plays superspy.

She has no beliefs of her own. She believes whatever the majority of her fans and her Jewish handlers expect her to believe.

OMG I can't believe you guys are fighting over what the 3DPD thinks.

What matters is that more 2D anime girls are with Trump.

>doing nigger dances for Trump


>being fat and voting for a guy that is repealing your healthcare

No question. Maybe it's because the one on the left is showing so much dental ectoplasm

Right wing best wing. Very simple.

>left wingers are ug-

>the acid just kicked in

Also Jew

One of the problems is a lot of Lefties don't know whether they're men or women.

Why not both you fucking bigot?


no dilation. just an attention whore.


Don't be so angry. Fly your freak colors proudly.

It gives a better target to shoot at.

Because right wing women understand that men want titties, pussy, and ass in a petite package.

left wing women think men want dudes with mutilated penises and their disgusting 7000lb asses.

A genuine smile as opposed to a forced one. Also, not fat with a natural hair color.

Confirmation bias. Women are pretty evenly split between left and right. Perhaps only the ones who feel pretty enough about themselves will actually post pictures.



Hint, most women only care about saving face and have no conviction or serious political beliefs of their own and just go with what is easy, popular, or what they are told from culture, their boyfriend, etc. It's part of why political ideology is such a shitty heuristic for determining anything like attractiveness about women from.

that's the most stereotypical fat person I have ever seen


Unless you plan on shitting in a street, nose rings are unnecessary.

Because they're more comfortable with who they are?

So, Jews can be attractive too, you know, and they're overwhelmingly liberal.


who is this




They are paid models you dumbfuck.
Most right wing women are older than your mother.


My god those tits!!

>implying trump crowds aren't filled with fat fucking whales
kys faggot


I wouldn't fuck this bitch even if you paid me to. Typical psychotic druggie that beta males swoon over.


God. DAMN.

there arnt any hands big enough on the planet

oh you mean (((scarjo)))



It's pretty hard to expescially behind the the 13 layers of fat rolls




leftism appeals to effeminate men and masculine women, i.e. the androgynous. Rightism is natural, and appeals to the natural.









>Someone tell me why right winger women are so beautiful, and left wingers are ugly as holy fuck

Because attractive people are stupid and have everything handed to them in life.


Physiognomy is real, yo. You can tell a lot about a persons attitude, lifestyle and personal preferences by how they treat their body.



Looks like a farmers son with a Joe dirt wig on


Is this lauren?


OP said woman, faggot




This is an absolutely incorrect assumption. But you could always go with Rush Limbaughs 27th rule for life that he's been saying since the 80s

"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to"


>tfw I was in an org with these cunts and they and their bf started scamming people for money saying the profits from the merch they were selling would go to the campaign but they gained profit from it personally

What fucking schiesters


"Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to
the mainstream of society."




kek what a dick.
I don't see anything wrong with doing this, but feminism went way crazy after that, and then some.
