Why does this happen?

Why does this happen?

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a lot of reasons

>most older people didn't go to/have option of university
>shitty courses like gender studies
>spoiled children who rely on their parents' funding
>can't get a job so they dick around at school

take a pick

Uneducated, religious whites vote Republican. Wealthy people vote Republican also.

If they can afford that much school they had rich parents and are out of touch.

>can't afford to go to murrican schools
>get to working, starting dosage on the red pill early

>go to college, get blue pilled
>enter workforce, blue pill still in system

gee i wonder why

university is a brainwashing adult daycare

colleges are expensive marxist baby-sitting camps, essentially

really no surprise they vote for dems after "learning" about the litany of social injustices and how saying lots of big words strung together into platitudes means you must be important and know what you're talking about

because Rich Liberals have no problem imposing multiculturalism on the rest of us if they don't have to deal with the consequences.

They will still get to live in their gated communities, and have "muh feels" validated - while the rest of us suffer.

A large fraction of these overeducated people are low income SJW's

For the rest, well, being rich & educated means you are not so easily replaced by a shitskin, means they live in a nice area segregated by income, means they are brainwashed in left wing values, etc

Republicans are dumb.

Why does this happen?

Because most higher education schools are pretty much owned by the left and are stock full of professors spouting leftist ideologies to the somewhat young and highly impressionable students.

>Muh liberals are oppsiting us!
You sounds exactly like a negro

You don't know much about the world of college education, do you?

indoctrination and social pressure. The educated have enough safety buffer to be able to allow more "tolerance". It's ridiculous how far liberals will go though: Even in SOUTH AFRICA, in the last remaining white patches of the country, college students are liberal.
So, unfortunately we can't trust these intellectuals to good householding. They care more about their moral superiority than they do about their own safety.

This. The same happens in Europe, where the upper middle class lives in lily-white neighbourhoods.

It's also because the tendency to call everything right of center fascist is insane with universities and this programs students to think right=evil for a long-ass time

Watch a Johnathan Haidt lecture on ideological diversity in universities

>university is a brainwashing adult daycare
This. The system panders to the dumbest niggers as well

if you got that far in academia you normally belong at least to the middle class, i.e. you can afford to avoid most of the shitty aspects of the country

if you are never confronted with the problems but lead a comfy life, you'll obviously be opposed to changing things


There has been a huge push for everyone to go to college, including people that have no business doing so. To provide a place for these people (and their student loan money) schools have expanded their bullshit degree programs. These are the type of people that should be waitresses or construction workers, the women should be looking to marry up and the men should be developing strong backs, today they're $40,000 in debt and voting Democrat while looking down on people who make three times their salaries as "uneducated."

Take a look at pic related, that split between education and income is caused by hordes of liberals majoring in shit like women's studies.

LOL ok. Only rural and suburban retards voted Trump.
City people voted Hillary...

Postgrads generally plan to stay in academia, which relies on gibs.

Dems gib da gibs.

as someone working in academia - I have yet to hear a single talk from a guest professor since the Trump election that didn't include either soap boxing or at least making fun of him at some point.

you won't understand how pervasive the mindset is unless you experienced it yourself.

best example I could give you is that everyone I work with still thinks I'm a libshit. I never once agreed with them on their lefty opinions, I constantly question them on stuff - I just also never openly told them that I am conservative. But since the lefty mindset is so widespread in academia, the fact that I legitimately don't agree with them rather than just arguing semantics never even registers with them. It's just not possible that anyone working in academia might not be a lefty in their world view.

If you still don't understand that colleges and universities are leftist brainwashing centers (even after all the "safe space", "trigger warnings", etc. business in the last years), you haven't been paying attentiion.

It's been like this since at least the 60s, and only got worse over time.


They were already making movies and jokes about this in the 90s.


College indoctrination and a sheltered upbringing creates Democrat voters, hard work and real life creates Republican voters

Political decisions are majorly decided by personality type. Nice cherry picked demographics btw


Lol! I'm not a college graduate, and even I know that a question that makes a supposition is Not a question, but a statement.

I always find it weird that it is apparently really impossible to break their indoctrination, even when you confront them with reality.

I went through the same indoctrination and initially believed it, but later on realized it's all bullshit. The people I am working with aren't any less intelligent than I am, so why can't they unlearn the reflexive behavior to certain stimuli?

I go to a top-25 university and it is a daily struggle trying to resist the institutionalized neoliberalism and identity politics that I am forced to deal with on a daily basis.

Most college students become "default liberals" and the brainwashing is so entrenched that the chances of them ever being redpilled are slim to none.


It's learned behavior, when you spend years, maybe decades living in an alternate reality, sheltered from the real world, it's hard to unlearn it and believe your perception which you've based your life, educxation and behavior around was a lie. It's basically the same way those leftists feel about their "racist grandparents" or religious people.

I remember hearing that only 10% of people can have their minds changed with facts after their perception of the world has already been shaped. So the best hope with the other ~90% is to appeal to their emotions as sad as that is.


You are putting to much into the environment shaping their ideas. People's political leanings are strongly tied to their personality types. They kind of people that are more likely to do university are the same people that are more likely to vote left.