Drug War

Guys, you don't understand, we need to keep all narcotics illegal to keep the CIA's terrorism organization funded, and keep all of those potential taxes from paying off our national debt.


They have the receipts.

Other urls found in this thread:


Couldn't we just Jail all CIA drug trafficers?

Send a message to ICE.... "All CIA importing cocaine are to be jailed"

These fields were found in our justified wars in both sandboxes, and were destroyed as soon as possible.
Saying the CIA condoned it is moron-tier, even by Sup Forums standards, which puts you on intellectual par with, for example, a pencil. Or and endtable.
A CIA agent would much rather be fucking around in Arlington bars than in Iran, not financing the people who killed his fellow agents.
The fact that anyone had to type this shows just how bad Sup Forums is today.

>Saying the CIA condoned it is moron-tier

Would the CIA like to disclose it's non congressional funding mechanisms?

(it's a rhetorical question, moron.)

Just pay your debts and stop being chinas cuck

The last responder must think that Trump is not part of the Jew Terrorist World Order. or op is a federal agent of the jew world order.
Sorry but drugs are not our problem we can sort all of that out later. Our problem is THE KIKE JEW WORLD ORDER occupying our nations and that meaning the financial system and control of the currency/printing of monies. Secondly the political system and thirdly the media. Once we take those back we'll look at the other issues but you're just some fed agent or Jewtard. No one listen to this fucking Kike Shill (OP).

It goes so deep and gets so convoluted that I can guarantee you that neither you nor anybody on this board save some actual CIA shills can actually grasp the depth of it all nor what is going on nor why specifically it is or what their strategy in the whole thing is. You think legalizing or whatever is simple as that but there are layers and layers of convoluted foreign interest entanglements built into it.

>non congressional funding mechanisms?
The President is their CIC, and he has mechanisms for funding from his discretionary budget.
The only example I can think of off-hand is Ollie North, who saved thousands of lives by using 'non-Congressional' methods. They weren't bad methods in historical context.
>(it's a moron question, master.)
Fixed that for you.


>convoluted foreign interest entanglements built into it.
This could apply to Lego blocks, too.


When the agency is importing large amounts of drugs into its own country and sending them specifically into heavy minority urban centers in order to create a drug addiction epidemic I can guarantee you that you're dealing with something more convoluted on the level of 5-6 layers of abstracted intended consequences than generic international business interests.

>When the agency is importing large amounts of drugs into its own country and sending them specifically into heavy minority urban centers in order to create a drug addiction
Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
>you see user we dindu nuffin
I suppose it gives them job security, right? Who wouldn't want to spend their time chasing (sand)niggers around instead of living in disgusting Virginia?

Actual its more complicated then that. The taliban outlawed the growing of poppy because of their islamic stance against drugs. The taliban later brought it back to fund their war effort. The farmers also rely on it to survive. So theres two sides to this. Outlaw it and defund the taliban while out raging the populace, or keep the drugs flowing into Iran and other countries to fuck them up.

just a reminder

> Non-State Participants
Good to see she stops you from doing drugs after sucking you off.

I'd rather our over worked brony guardian angels get money then some black and spic druglords tho.

black and spic druglords don't run an omnipresent surveillance state nor have the capability nor knowledge to effectively do so and can't remotely assassinate me via my car.

Fuck off shareblue kike. Your CIA master won't be around much longer to protect you.

You can't expect instant change. They would have starved because they had no other income.
This is one of the manifestations of the genius of George W. Bush.
He was on track to be the first person in history to pull the Afghanis into the 20th century. Or at least the 19th.
Sadly for us all, Obama turned it into a political issue and made the same mistakes all other conquerors made, and demolished all progress.

>Fuck off shareblue kike.
Sorry, I don't speak Monkey.
Maybe run that through a translator?

The rural areas were always going to be trouble, theyre too heavily influenced by warlords and not the central government. The cities have a chance for democracy though.

>The President is their CIC, and he has mechanisms for funding from his discretionary budget.

Unless they taking advantage of the illegality of the narcotics trade to make mad loots from it with their "Access", to buy guns, sell for cheap to third world nations that multinationals covet, and start all of the wars on the planet through the political proxy of the United States Government.


>start all of the wars on the planet through the political proxy of the United States Government
Wars will happen anyway. Did you just get here?

why are you replying to yourself?

>trafficking cocaine while locking your citizens in cages at historically unheard of rates for using said cocaine isn't a bad method.

Please just stop you fucking absolute bootlicking faggot.

The av8 attack at bastion was masked because of the poppy fields growing almost up ton the perimeter.

You realize that the opioid epidemic in this country is effecting white people more than niggers right user?


How about you try again.

I don't like drugs being illegal because it means men get in trouble for what they have in their pockets.

That's for little kids who steal a cookie from a cookie jar; not a grown man.

Can you imagine some cop reaching inside your pocket and being all, "Aha! This... is a banned substance!" [/nerdy bitch voice]

A couple hundred years ago American men were riding horses into town to drink at a saloon. Now they're getting in trouble for what they have in their pockets.

When did men stop being men?

That's not what I was talking about idiot, I was referring to the CIA flooding inner cities with crack and cocaine in the 80s.
How about you try reading comprehension.

so you're saying they are responsible for cocaine but not heroin?

I never said they weren't responsible from that either, it's a definite possibility, learn to read without making random implications about everything a person is saying.

so do you believe they are involved in the heroin trade as well?

I don't know, I haven't looked into it at all.

>Wars will happen anyway. Did you just get here?

Been here since the council of Nicaea.

First, not second.

Weed should be legal obviously and I think with the right program Ecstasy should be produced cleanly and for profit by governments. Coke will never be legal because the illegal profit margins are too high and there should be heroin clinics where addicts can shoot up in a safe place, with care and options to get clean (like Switzerland did.) No one WANTS to be on heroin.

>why are you replying to yourself?

train of thought.

>trafficking cocaine
You lost me and your mind right there.
>you fucking absolute bootlicking faggot.
Ok, you convinced me!1!

You can always tell when your opponent doesn't even believe themselves.

>referring to the CIA flooding inner cities with crack and cocaine in the 80s.
Can you provide any proof of that?

>Can you provide any proof of that?

Clinton, In Mena Arkansas, With the Barry Seal.

Fast & Furious: CIA Global Black Market edition

Redpill me on what really happened in Mena.

From Wikipedia concerning "Air America" during the Vietnam war.

During the CIA's secret war in Laos, the CIA used the Meo (Hmong) population to fight Pathet Lao rebels. Because of the war against Pathet Lao rebels, the Hmong depended upon poppy cultivation for hard currency. The Plain of Jars had been captured by Pathet Lao rebels in 1964 which resulted in the Laotian Air Force not being able to land their C-47 transport aircraft on the Plain of Jars for opium transport. The Laotian Air Force had almost no light planes that could land on the dirt runways near the mountaintop poppy fields. Having no way to transport their opium, the Hmong were faced with economic ruin. Air America was the only airline available in northern Laos. "According to several unproven sources, Air America began flying opium from mountain villages north and east of the Plain of Jars to Gen Vang Pao's headquarters at Long Tieng."[9]

Air America were alleged to have profited from transporting opium and heroin on behalf of Hmong leader Vang Pao,[10][11][12] or of "turning a blind eye" to the Laotian military doing it.[13][14] This allegation has been supported by former Laos CIA paramilitary Anthony Poshepny (aka Tony Poe), former Air America pilots, and other people involved in the war. It is portrayed in the movie Air America. However, University of Georgia historian William M. Leary, writing on behalf of Air America, claims that this was done without the airline employees' direct knowledge and that the airline did not trade in drugs.[3] Curtis Peebles denies the allegation, citing Leary's study as evidence.[15]

TL;DR Yes the CIA traffics illicit drugs, even opium and heroin.

>Redpill me on what really happened in Mena.

Massive cocaine importation through the use of CIA assets.

And a white stain on a blue suit.


I can string together nonsense words, too.
Just admit that what you really want to say is
>usa is teh suck!1!
Or maybe you just realized yesterday that in a very large and free country, not every person can be controlled at all times and sometimes they get off-track before being slapped down.
Are you just disappointed because the US isn't populated with only flawless people?

Three glaring errors here.
1). Using Wikipedia as a source.
Every single time I've seen that here, it's disproved by factual sites that aren't editable by the public.
2) Not realizing that communism is the greatest evil ever faced by humanity. Yes, I realize what the competition is
Our southeast Asian adventures had one main goal: stopping the spread of communism. Exporting drugs wouldn't even have been the worst, even if it was condoned by the CiC, which it wasn't.
3) Expecting bad things to NOT happen in a war. Seriously, you know nothing about war, at all? Never, ever look into WW1 or WW2. You'll kill yourself in despair.