How much $$$ is germany handing out to refugees?

Check this out guys, this is where our hard-earned $$ is going every month...

Other urls found in this thread:

>babies getting parents 550 euros welfare a month each

WTF. Why are kids allowed to get the same amount as adults just about?

that's €50k they're getting a year, just for sitting on their asses. All of it tax-free, of course, so in the end they're getting way more than the average german family.

Rlly mks y thnk

This was posted last night in a thread that I started. I lul'd hard at it.

almost as if they want them to breed as fast as possible

reeaaaaaaaly makes you think

>literally giving them incentives to have more kids
>white German family punished for having kids

Really causes you to ponder

yeah, I was on that thread and thought this needed more attention than it got.

It really enrages me that some paki family has way more money than an white and educated person like me. Well, that's life I guess.

Do they give money out to all foreigners or just refugees? Asking for a friend...

Auch, sorry


>get paid well to have kids
>low birth rate
Why aren't germans having huge NEET clans?

Because its a rigged system just like yours in USA where the money never ends up in your pocket if you are white.


because only shitskins get it

because they only pay refugees, the german, tax-paying population gets nothing. What did you expect from Auntie Merkel?

See often some refugees comeing with the newest Iphones bikes and for sure they have a car.

Anyone on welfare.

They get insane amounts of money here aswell, espescially families with kids.
Back in 2013 there was this Somali woman who had 3 kids and she got ~20k SEK/month+250k SEK retroactivly.
Basically she get more than i get and i work 16 hour shifts sometimes and have a dangerous job.
Really fucking makes you think..

It's the same here in Australia (Melbourne). You see Somali families driving AUDIs/Mercedes when they don't even work. They live in government housing and get money just for existing. They have 10 kids which amounts to like 100k+ a year in benefits. Imagine African-tier birth rates of low IQ Africans in a Western style welfare state. The natives here will easily be replaced within a couple generations and they already are. This is a recipe for disaster.

The welfare state is cancer. All the good it does and could potentially do, is outweighed by the fact that it can be so easily abused.

I say this as a Sikh person. I intend to move back to my home country next few year because I don't want to be a burden on whites. I am a skilled worker (Lawyer) but I don't want to contribute to this problem. I feel guilty living in this country.

I walk the streets all the time and they are not really much out there. You never see them working anywhere, except at the kebab places (not that many of them in my city). But you walk into a shopping center and there's hordes of them, all just loitering about and buying shit every now and then.

How is this an incentive to have more kids? 550 euros is fucking nothing. Even if the government provides them with free housing.

>those Persian names
How nice of Germany to help the Iranian-Syrian refugees

If any of what is implied is true (and not fraud, for instance), then why isn't a court case started? Discrimination like this is illegal in the EU.

page 2 in case you wondered

That is not the point.
The point is that they get it for free and will never in their fucking lives pay it back.

we are so fucked

For a 7 head family its very bad.


"we'll pay you to go back"

This is a "Bedarfsgemeinschaft" which means they are all living together.

I want to make the jews suffer for what they've done to us

Were paying for them if they cant even communicate with us Thanks Merkel

Its tax free money and they have no bills to pay either, you forget they peddle drugs and steal shit too.
They are literal leeches that drain and destroy their host.

i bet they send at least like 1/3 to their family back. and to those they claim they "flee" from.

Do white Germans receive the same amount of money?

Could a white German just quit their job and pop out white children and get paid €50,000 tax free per year?

I know, and that's fucked up. But not financing them would lead them to committing crimes (even if you are a good person, what wouldn't you do to support your children?). The right decision would be to not let them in, but the UN, the leftists, and other soft hearted fucks would oppose that.

Yes they are paying a bit back to their senpaitachi that they can come to Spermany aswell

i guess you don't need 550 euros per kid, so any surplus goes toward their shopping sprees.
and when they have 8-12 kids like most refugees do...
not to mention their kids are extremely competitive over food and possessions, stemming from how little they give their children

you are literally welcome here in my opinion if you actually care for whites

550 euro is more than enough for food, clothes, books and such. the only thing is it not enough is rent in western europe. in what sort of world do you live in? does your dad hold half of gazprom or something?


What is your home country?

I rather arrest them after they commited a crime and then deport them.
I don't think you understand what kind of human scum it is we are talking about.
If there were no free gibs then they would go somewhere else easy.
Oh and btw they commit crimes regardless, It is in their nature.

>But not financing them would lead them to committing crimes (even if you are a good person, what wouldn't you do to support your children?)

What about getting a job?

this is horseshit, I know a syrian refugee in Berlin. He shares a room with 8 people, gets basic food, a travel card and a tiny allowance, i cant remember how much, but like 40 euros or something

This was posted last year during the major migrant surge

If i remember correctly the op of that thread father worked for a local government

Well, 4285 euros for a family of seven would be just enough in Moscow. And in Germany everything is more expensive.

Note that their rent for appartment and school etc gets paid and is not included.
It is more than enough for them to support all of them.

It's an old paper, its from right after Merkel invited everyone

Lol. Moscow is probably more expensive than Berlin. Even if the rest of Russia is poor as fuck, Moscow isnt.

€4.3 k in welfare is an absurd amount of money.

Im sorry OP that this is happenimg to you

the last payment is from february 2017, see Not really that old, isnt it?

How do you contribute to the problem if you don't behave like freeloaders?

its not that much more expensive.

I guess you're right.

>What about getting a job?
Come on, with 19% unemployment in Spain, you should know how hard it is to get a job. Imagine how hard it is for a muslim refugee to get it, nobody wants to hire them. At most he can get a kebab cooking job, getting a minimum wage, which is not at all enough to support his kids. You're asking refugees to do more than they potentially can even if they wanted to fit in the European societies, get jobs, and make money themselves.

old paper? Nigga, look at the dates, that is from October 2016, less than 5 months ago. You think things have changed so much in the past 5 months?

They have. There were even some academical reports on families being dependant on welfare since 3 generations. Luckily they are looked down upon most of the time, but there are indeed neet clans which will never work at all.

They live rent free, food for the month for young kids is like €150 max.

That's €400 they pocket per kid x 5 kids = €2000 Euros in their savings just off of kids, not including the €1350 extra euros in welfare that the parents get.

You live in fucking Russia the average pay per month is €400, they would be considered rich in Russia.

Don't forget medical bills/insurance don't exist outside the US

Is there an accurately translated version of this With Open Gates video in german language? I need it to show a german friend of mine but their english is very poor and I don't want any of the meaning to be lost.

Fair enough.

Yeah I know, I was talking about other expenses. But I see that the prices are not as high as I imagined, so apparently I was wrong.

>The average American family only earns about $2000 a month, and that's a nice middle class lifestyle.
Ok now that's BS. Median household income in $57k

>550 euros is fucking nothing
Most Russians don't even make that much a month

My mistake there was a similar paper posted from Germany early 2016

Sikhs are bro tier. Stay, we will need you for the Muslim holocaust

Yes, if he lives in an asylum center, but as soon as he is approved he will get social welfare.

You sound rational and productive, please stay

let him go back and help fix up his own country. india is a shithole and needs all the decent, poo in looing people it can get.

Ok then I don't believe this is what a refugee receives.

Surely this is a jobseekers allowance for a German citizen and his/her family.

>Foreign names "wow", they must be Syrian refugees.

we also need people of color here defending us because if it goes too far our voices will be stripped for being white nazis

>, nobody wants to hire them.
there are plenty of muslim doctors her,even in commie times they came here to study and escape their shitgholes by coming to an even bigger shithole,but they were the 0.5% IQ wise.

Arabs now are attracted to welfare and a weak legal system. Fix both in the West and you get rid of a lot of them.

2 more children then you pay 30,000 euros extra to extend his house with more bedrooms.

All this support and they still hate us.

no we don't, whites just need to stop caring about being called nazis or racists. tell the truth, and dont care about the consequences. doing this will save us and save our culture.

no one gets allowance for being a refugee. they get allowance for "looking for work"

i personally couldnt care less
but alot of people are pussies and arent ready for it
cant expect zombies to just wake up without a daily injection of Sup Forums


Out of all Germany, there's only Merkel and Schultz to chose from. That's all you krauts can self-organize. Even us gypsies managed to elect someone better and we suck.

You can chose only between cancer and leprosy. Nothing healthy.

Of course not.
Who would pay Abdul's bills then?

Please respond.

we don't need flamboyantly homosexual jews and redpilled sikhs to speak for us, white people just need to grow a pair and stop being such faggots. tell the truth without caring what the consequences are. if straight white males can't do that we're not worth saving.

Its not.

Im tired of this shit.

If refugees are approved they get social welfare.

This is eastern Germany, very unlikely they have a german passport already, which is not that easy to get anyway.

if that happens then the straight white males lose their jobs. whos gonna pay for shit then? you cant just reveal your power level and expect people to not care about it. it is so ingrained in society, that it is dismissed without any discussion. there are literally laws against discussing it.

You're the kind of immigrant the west needs, not the freeloading filth that we're importing.

>have doctor friend in Germany
>works in infection department since October last year
>reports 90% refugees
>receive most expensive therapies due to third world diseases
>pay nothing

holy shit Hans, do something

thats a nihilistic way to view it
i dont agree people should be as degenerate as they are but it has somewhat been pushed upon people
are you happy to throw away white civilisation for future generations coz u dont want any help?
look how shit pretty much every non-white country is

Estate tax, asset tax, maybe even a white tax. Who knows.

Typical Brits response.

We don't need Sikhs in Europe either.

It's shit like this that stops me from believing in white supremacy: why the fuck are we doing this to ourselves?

also one of the best redpills is for a progressive sort of person to get BTFO by a person of color on those views

>believing in white supremacy
lurk more

we have to become willing to sacrifice if we dont want to lose everything

it's good if a redpilled sikh wants to help us but you said we "need" him. it's on us to save ourselves, and if we can't bring ourselves to do that than obviously we're not worth much.

you go and lead by example. see how far that gets you.

im not going to call you a lier on the internet because you know a syrian refugge in berlin that only gets 40 euros but watch this, is in spanish though:

A syrian refugge gets interviewed by the public national TV expecting him to be grateful for the free school and medical acces, he goes in a rant about how he expected more from spain because his friends, friends in plural not like "your" "single" "reffugee" "friend", get a free house and free money for everything they want.

But yeah, the refugee you know told you that...

The welfare state: If you build it, they will come.

It's not like you have to buy kids aged 1-10 years pretty much anything, besides
>economies of scale
It doesn't cost you much more to just buy more of the same food and feed 7 kids instead of 3 and give the younger kids the clothes the older wore before they grew in size. So I'm pretty sure the parents get to use most of the 4300 € for anything they want.

well i agree with that
his country needs him more than we do

The Concept is quite simple, shill. They get a lot of money for being jobseekers. Thing is they know that they get more money not working and just indefinitely fuck our country over, especially considering that they often steal/deal drugs to get secondary income. They are more than qualified to be in the upper middle class in some cases. It is disgusting

Ok I looked it up.

A german family in the same situation 2 jobless adults and 5 children means
1800€ a month.