When did you realize that democracy is a horrible form of government...

When did you realize that democracy is a horrible form of government? I find it annoying that people get called authoritarian for saying how shitty democracy is, when democracy means that people with the minority view will be subjected to the whims of the majority.

>when democracy means that people with the minority view will be subjected to the whims of the majority.
One of the reasons Americans keep Bi-Polar.

Is democracy the best form of government? I dunno, should we democratically vote on it? There goes the law of non-contradictory.

When Americunts voted Trump.

>tfw when you first grasped
>the concept of the
>tyranny of the majority

So ... at maybe 11yo?

the only problem with democracy is that your populace needs average IQ >100 to work
it is the most efficient form of government

if IQ requirement is not met, you'll vote in bernie or isis and break the country instantly

Around the same time I took statistics and realized what a bell curve is.

>Just discovered what the Tyranny of the majority is
>What is a Republic with a codified constitution as a counter to this point?
>Alternative is a tyranny of the minority through authoritarianism which is even worse

I fucking hate Churchill (I'm not a Naziboo and hate fascism) but he is 100% right about democracy.

This is why people should read more of socrates. He had some interesting proposals to filter out the shit in democracy.

I honestly think the age to vote should be higher and people should have to take a IQ and general knowledge test. Most people nowadays vote with their gut feelings over any logical reason as to why they vote for a candidate. aka hillary getting votes because she's a woman. Ridiculous.

Ohhhhh OP

So you think that one negative aspect means the system sucks?

Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase tell me what system you think is better, your tactic will be used against you
and it will bite you in the ass

First of all, barely any 18-25 y/o's vote in the first place
Second of all, voting with emotion over logic is actually good alot of the time
Take Trumps presidency
Mostly won because people wanted jobs to be brought back to America.
Used pathos to make people think they were being stolen from (which they were)

Now, would it be "logical" to want jobs to come back? That is PURELY based on morality and ethics.

Fortunately, the USA is not a democracy.

We are a Republic.

>Now, would it be "logical" to want jobs to come back?

If unemployment is rife and people are still stuck on minimum wage jobs, I'd say it could be logical.

I get what your saying, charisma and personality are also factors but I'm just saying look at the hillary crowd or the remain crowd here. They voted with their feelings for the refugees instead of actually looking at the countries problems. Though yes emotion definitley should play a part.

Founding fathers hated democracy.

>Alexander Hamilton didn’t like it: “Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.”

>Samuel Adams: “Remember, Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself!”

I would say we have become a democratic republic. Which is sad. Notice how many people actually think we are a democracy. We have been conditioned to think that.

But people with a lower IQ tend to vote republican.
The average Trump voter had a lower IQ than the average Clinton voter

51% will rule over 49%
welcome to democracy

True. Information about what's going on should be an important role though as I think plenty of them were misinformed (like illegals being deported=immigrants as a whole being kicked out) the mass hysteria drummed up was a problem for voters.

>The average Trump voter had a lower IQ than the average Clinton voter
citation needed

Pew. Your pic is outdated, probably from the early 2000's before it flipped.

I dont think it is avoidable though. Even in 400 bc Plato and Socrates would talk about how the masses are swayed by emotion instead of reason, thats why Socrates was killed by the people around him. The retarded masses have been around since the dawn of time.

Did not realize your pic wasnt even outdated haha, thats the point bozo

We don't live in democracies. We like in oligopolies.

People voting based on vocation is a better choice.