Why are millennials choosing to remain single?

Why are millennials choosing to remain single?

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idk but i'd put my single in her butthole

the tv told us it was virtuous to follow our dreams and glorified never submitting to the adult world and that conforming was the end of your existence and the beginning of perpetual slavery.

And so we are still toys r us kids :^)

internet-induced autism. also poverty.

Because every time I go outside every female below the age of 30 is dressed like a whore

Women want prince chad thundercock charming and men don't want to be fucked over by the state. Pretty simple really and it's a downward spiral. Why should I seek to improve myself so some fagot liberal judge can white knight some whore of a wife and I can pay for it all? I'm gonna sit and play my video gamees and later I'm going to go shoot my guns. Tonight I might get drunk and howl at the moon!

Read Industrial Society and it's Future and you'll find out

It's been proven Jews are peddling feminism to turn women into childless cat lady spinsters, and porn to make men impotent cucks with no interest in marketing or having children. All the porn companies are owned by Jews. They want to depopulate the world and decrease white birthrates.

It's worked in Japan. So many incels/permavirgins who dream of fucking robots and no interest in progeny.

not gay, but I hate women


Women of today are fucking shit. Absolute garbage.

I know we use the jew meme a lot and it's all true that they are all owned by Jewish people.

But being 100% serious here, is there really an agenda or a conspiracy that anyone here believes 100%?

cause the browsers of this board are all pathetic, fat, autistic virgins

everything said in this thread is true


Im not millennials, but i have lawyer degree and some practice on Serbian courts for Family law, every judge is strong feminist, you will get fucked if it doesnt work, google out divorce statistic in Serbia and ask yourself "Do you feel lucky punk?" Law is on mother side, dont ruin your life over a piece of pussy bros! Hookers are cheaper and better looking!

My free advice to you, have a nice weekend!

if you believe anything 100% you are some kind of sheep or another.

An enlightened person thinks in terms of whats probable, not what true.

because good women are hard to find

women follow trends and submit to authority much more than men

the current trend is have lots of casual sex so that's what women do. but what self respecting man wants to be in a relationship with a slut? it's not just that she's had the semen of at least 10 different guys all over her face but the accompanying lack of morals, self respect, self control, decision making etc.

Meeting women these days is nearly impossible. If you talk to a woman on the street you're a sexual predator and because there's so much technology at home people don't socialize because they just text and Facebook then sit in front of Netflix when they get home from work, not go to the local hangout like our parents did in their early 20s. And tinder and online dating really fucked up the dating economy, a woman can stay at home and hand select who she wants to have sex with while men sit at home and post video games into their 30s

You are a faggot


Because women ignore me and I'm too beta and emotionally fragile to risk potentially (see: certainly) being rejected to ask a woman out.

I've convinced myself that I no longer care and am perfectly fine with the alternative of masturbation and Sup Forums instead.

LOL have you EVER met a millenial women?
I'd rather cut my own dick off.

Most of the millenial men are effeminate, and the women are not interested in them. Women do have a good point when they say that these younger men need to "man up" and become more masculine before they will be attracted to them.

t. 47 yr old male

because other millennial are vapid wastes of flesh.

High/ mid level females are riding the cock carousel.

High level males are banging at will.

Mid level males are fucking intermittently and know settling involves scooping up a whore with such problems, chad didn't want them.

Low level males/ females are settling, but theres deep, seething resentment on both sides because they know they are excluded from their true hedonistic desires.

Overall think of victorian England, decadence at the top, survival in the middle, and dying of cholera at the bottom.

No security in life, thank boomers for clogging the entry level and eradicating the idea of training the next generation

Even millennials can't stand millennials

Kind of naturally progressed into MGTOW because of this shit.
Might as well go hunting, fishing, camping ( alone or with the dog ).
Funny considering I was your stereotypical basement dweller not too long ago.
I lost interest in videogames over time.
Just going to live like a man the best I can.
More dignity being without a woman as a man that lives like his grandfather than being a fat sweaty smelly shithead playing games.

It's true women have always been whores, but they'd be considerably awful if man hating Jewish feminists like Dworkin and Steinem hadn't been brainwashing them since the 60's.

But okay, marry an Asian gold-digger instead and help make the white race extinct, good goy.

Internet. In the past, people never really saw many men or women outside of their hometown, and jerking off required buying porn or magazines. Now we can go online and find somebody attractive to rub one out to in minutes. No sexual need goes entirely unfulfilled now. In addition, our standards are raised. If we can't find a perfect man or woman we don't want them. Everyone's holding out for far better than they'd get without the internet. For men it's much more that the internet sates our sexual needs, including fetishes that many wouldn't be willing to fulfill for us. For women, it's much more about exposure to a larger pool of men pushing women towards higher standards.

Because they have not be taught the notion of duty. It used to be a duty to have children, but not anymore.

Maybe it's the death of Christian values, or Feminism, or the hormones in our plastic food packaging.

Ironicno je to sto, oko sebe vidim ljude u srecnim brakovima.

Kolege na poslu, sestra i zet, neki prijatelji. Tako da neznam odakle tolika stopa koju ljudi izbacuju.

What games you playing?

I just picked up dark sector, too human, eternal sonata, red faction guerilla and armageddon, 2 worlds 2 and the last remnant all for £13. Not a bad deal.

>*white millennials
that's because whites are degenerate. can't wait until you all get bred out of existence.

Then there's this type of shit.

And this type of shit.

what did he mean by this

Mostly mix of World of Warships, IL-2 Sturmovik, and occasionally, Red Orchestra 2, Medieval 2

This is the right idea about the situation. I'm trying to read more at least and learn French so I'm not staring at screens for 16 hours a day.

Gender equality alias more corporate slaves for Mr Zuckerstein, tax enslavement, and depriving of family values.

I'm terrified a girl will start talking about 'Girls' or '50 Shades' to me. It makes me wanna barf. Slut radar going from 20-150 in a couple secs.

It's also annoying to find out girls have tattoos; almost as annoying that a millennial man needs to inquire in the first place.

You also eventually need to meet a girl's mother. If their parents are separated, the mother is usually a crow-footed liberal sucking on child support and 'The View'-tier morals. If her parents are together, you're often walking into their life plan for their snowflake.

Couple years from now, Sup Forums will probably be ported to a sex-bot waifu.

Imagine Lena Dunham running for political office at 50, and all the clueless millennial goy women who will parade in support. "I can't even."

Too many special snowflakes and internet celebrities (Instagram and Facebook) have created a world where everyone has their head shoved too far up their own ass to tolerate or understand anyone else that doesn't fit their perfect vision.

Also judgment is no longer a thing that needs to be sharpened because mistakes or failures don't matter.

What if its some Illuminati-new world order ruse, to impose false values of freedom of choice and conformism to reduce world population by creating anti-marriage propaganda?

Because most women are whores and mentally unstable. Also I don't feel like agreeing to a contract which allows my wife to take half my shit and receive alimony for life when she decides she doesn't want me anymore.

kristen is pure

Because by the time they get to 35 they still have the mental maturity of young teenagers.

>Millenials probably wont be ready to settle down until they are 50 and by then it will be too late for them

because whores

Zato sto vidis privid, niko ne iznosi prljav ves u javnost, pre ili kasnije izbije sranje, u glavnom oko novca, nemaju za stan, zive kod svojih, ne mogu da se angazuju oko dece zbog posla, presaviju tabak i kod advokata, raspitaj se ako znas nekog, ne mogu ljudi da dignu glavu od posla, ja bi radio to da nisu bedne tarife za rocista, a mnog je gadan posao...

Why wouldn't you remain single when if you have good genetics then you can fuck different slut every day or if you don't you still can jerk off to porn?

Good plan.
As addicted as I am to happenings and wanting this constant stream of "whats going on" here there has got to be a limit.
I work with the elderly.
Were going to all have dementia when were older possibly.
The most common question someone with dementia asks 1000 times a day is "whats going on????' "HEY" "whats going on"
thats what we seem to ask when we come here.
Over and over and over again.
The first thing I do is check Sup Forums for the news as I have for years.
There's got to be a limit but I don't want to miss the big happening. Theres got to be something big coming something bigger nigger

Malo je tuzno, zato sto bi voleo da imam malog mene u jednom trenutku, al nijedna mi nije se dovoljno dopala da bi mogo da zamislim da provedem ceo zivot s njom...

Igrice, teretana i drkanje... bolje ista nego nista...

Tell us more please user.

Because I can't find a man who is both my intellectual equal, and someone who earns enough to pull his own weight. My professional friends are in the same boat. We're thinking about pairing off as lesbians since we have the qualities we look for in a husband, such as responsibility and maturity. Boys need to grow the fuck up.


No, its simply that no one wants them. They are the worst generation in history.

They aren't. I think you're confusing tail end very young millennials with the whole generation. Most of us are in our 30's or late 20's. It's the youngest millennials that have the no gf problem


Women do it so they have more time to LARP as men and be a strong empowered wage slave office drone or government-job lackey who fucks randos off Tinder.

Men do it because women LARP as men and want to be be strong empowered wage slave office drones or government-job lackeys who fuck randos off Tinder. Oh and the whole divorce industry complex thing too, yeah.

Kreni premisom da sve u zivotu dojadi jednom, ako imas nekog prijatelja koji ima zenu i dete porazgovaraj sa njim, imam par drugara sa porodicnim stazom jer eto vec smo presli tridesetu, koji se povremeno pozale da ih ubija to malo i voleli bi vremena za sebe, al ne moze jbg...

to je robija i velika odgovornost sa dosta stresa, treba ga hraniti obuci odgajiti, nije ono sada sam si, nemas trenutno pare i boli te kurac, sa detetom je to dosta zajebana prica...

Decent bait

>put women in charge of skills
>take their money and make them fund your lifestyle
>pass laws that give you extra protections even though women suffer from an extreme minority of all violent crime
>complain about "wages" when the earnings gap is the fault of women and even then women constitute a minority of all poverty and only 25% of the homeless
>generally complain and demand even though our society is structured to cater to, benefit and protect women and in the west has been since time immemorial
>men throw their hands up and drop out of society because theyre literally not wanted in any sphere of life unless it involves something thankless, difficult and dangerous

>wow what a bunch of fags

neck yourself

Jeste, al imas malog sebe.

Koji ce kasnije brine o tebi.

1 post by this ID, niggers are breaking down as if it was a philosophical question.
How lonely are you all bastards?


Just purchased IS Defense. Looks fun. Was playing WoW but just got boring again. Also Just Cause 2.

>typing all that out in a response to a troll post

Top kek

Cause I don't have to moneys for anythings else.

I'd say this post describes Sup Forums pretty well

Because I can't be fucked user. I just can't.

I'm not ugly, but I'm not some 10/10 muscle bro either.

I'm a pale as fuck guy who spends all of his time sitting in his room doing the things he enjoys.

I work 45 to 50 hours a week, come home, and play video games.

Could I go out there and meet some girl if I actually tried? Probably. I've met more in the last 4 years that took a liking to me than I ever even though would be possible with how much I stayed inside during highschool. But at the end of the day, for whatever reason, I can't be fucked to pursue them.

My desire for companionship doesn't manage to beat out my desire to interact with my closest friends and do the things I enjoy.
I hope my parents don't hate me. One of my sisters is a paranoid depressive, but the other one is a partying drunk so I'm sure she'll continue our family line to some degree.

God do I want to fuck something though.

Moze, a i ne mora biti, ima dosta ljudi koji ne razogvaraju sa porodicom, mozes ti biti jedan od njih? Kocka je to, mozda te mali strpa u dom da proda stan, stisla beda jebiga, ima raznih stvari, pusti tu pricu "idem da se zenim da ima ko da brine o meni kada ostarim"

Ko ti garantuje da ti neces brinuti o svojoj bolesnoj zeni, ili imati sina narkomana ili kockara? Zivot pise drame sto se kaze, nista nije sigurno.

This. Based user.

take no chance

It was only time that was gonna be spent shitposting anyway

>Boys need to grow the fuck up.
>Live life on my terms even and especially because I'm a bossy unreasonable bitch and should be in charge because Emma Watson says so!

No thanks. Have a nice day.... with your cats.

Same here. Lost most of my friends too. I told them I don't play games much anymore because I'd rather learn to do the shit you do in games in real fuckin life, i.e shooting, archery, MMA, etc. They think I'm weird now.

Apparently acquiring those skills in real life is strange but sitting your ass all day playing games is awesome.

Wrong you dumb beta. Yeah you're not a preditor because you talked to a woman on the street, you're a predator in her eyes because you're probably short, passive, and unattractive

Frankfurt School. Pic related

>das ist richtig

Are you me? That's some real vicarious catharsis user, thanks.

He wants to have sex with the girl in OP's pic.

>British education

What makes you intellectual?
How smart you are?

Its a short read. Look it up.

I don't really think I had much choice in the matter, but I've stopped trying to find reasonable well-adjusted women who consider me "good enough" - they don't exist.

Because Tinder destroyed dating and no one will talk to you unless you are already Facebook friends.

Anyone who doesn't feel this way Is demoralized and avoids it all together.

Kinda sad really.

Da je tvoj caca razmisljao tako tebe nebi bilo bracori...

It is due to the industrial revolution and the ensuing abundance economy which changed our environment and therefore our incentive structures, followed by birth control and a careful exploitation and manipulation of primal, instinctive drives and needs.

isn't that the asmr guy? funny as fuck


Even google knows your wrong

>not getting the joke

american humour

Just fucking read it

meeting somebody is too much effort.
where I'm from, people are cliquey.

I can't even begin to relate to my fellow "millenials"

They busy themselves with the most inane bullshit, and it's like they are all on the same page about it.

"Did you hear that Celebrity X did something?"
"Did you see the latest episode of [TV series]?"
"Did you hear what X said about Y?"

or the worst and most common imo: "I saw this thing on Facebook that..."

Shit like that.

Not to mention they are always glued to their smartphones. I mean I have a smartphone, but apart from using it to look things up while I'm out, I just use it like a regular phone.

I feel like I missed the generational gap or something. Can't relate to millenials, but still a bit too old for Gen Z at 23.

>being this new

>Single by choice

Pick one.


In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the habitat. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators.

The last surviving birth was on day 600, bringing the total population to a mere 2200 mice... This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against. After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.

...when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.

Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man. He characterized the social breakdown as a "second death,” with reference to the “second death” mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation 2:11. His study has been cited by writers such as Bill Perkins as a warning of the dangers of the living in an "increasingly crowded and impersonal world."

>Breeding never resumed

Women work like men now.

There no point in marry a woman with a career

I have 3 girlfriends that i can fuck when i want.
If i marry or get them knocked up i risk 18 years of income.
Women are:
1. Dumb
2. Whores
3. Still looking for my conservative girl but im so desensitised from fucking sluts that ive become incapable of love.

I did, the guy should just go be Amish, he didn't need to bomb people.

>first day on the internet

gypsy lyfe

online dating ruined normal dating the same way LFR killed the wow community

you don't actually have to talk to people or be social. just look hot enough and bust your nut

it's helped me get laid but at the same time i see women as sex objects and sex objects only