Tfw you will never be american

>tfw you will never be american
feels bad man

At least you can still come on our video game servers and fuck everything up for the rest of us.

sure you arent making fun of american streets when you are in fact from Brazil

im Brazilian myself and I can confirm first hand that Brazil literally looks worst than Afghanistan.

Why would he be making fun of a specially pristine street like that?


i shiggy diggy

>specially pristine street

that's how roads are supposed to look bruh

If it was that great Americans wouldn't claim they are Irish-American etc

its a shitty street by american standards.

specially since its in NY of all places

America rules, you have no idea, man

is this supposed to be a "upper not big city area?" if so you are a joke

I'm currently eating a tasty burger in a house with running water.
Eat nigger dick pablo. stay jelly fag.

goddamn where's the trees

how do you guys even breathe

Trees are fags. Useless. This is how stupid trees are: when there's a fire they do the one thing we're taught not to do in any sense of danger and that's do nothing. Rather have gas cans in my yard at least I can move them.

its one street you inbred retard.

That's my point.

People only do that to try to make themselves look exotic and interesting to other Americans.

that looks like where eddie murpy worked in coming to america, HEHEHEHEHEHE

>his government genocided its own people


and people hyphenate their heritage all over the world, other than shithole countries that no one wants to immigrate to like yours

are you fucking retarded

Why don't you guys build your own country into something decent? Why is life worth nothing in brazil? Can I get a quick rundown

because america is broadly divided on ancestry lines. midwest is german, french pockets, etc. it seems trivial but it is says a lot to others

Probably better to ask the people who can't shut up about their heritage, really.

Niggers know the price of everything, and the value of nothing.

with google maps, you can be american from within your shitposting room.

You realize we have much more unutilized land than Europe right?


Is inbred retard the new meme?
Leftover ShareBlue Friday night angry morning?

Aside from the French Americans who actually speak French, this is meaningless to nearly everyone and has no impact on day-to-day life.

I'd like to experience some years living on a small city on the US. Something forest-heavy like Maine.
Learning to hunt, track and all that kind of stuff outoorsy people like to do

Can't you do that in Argentina? Maine is nice but they don't have monopoly on empty wilderness.

I have like 8 or 9 trees on my property and I'm only in the suburbs not the country.

Don't ask why it posted upside down.

They don't post right for some reason.

IDK what that feels like

are u haeving porblems?

I think the US should change their national anthem to the imperial march , just to troll the rest of the world

Meh, no one here gives a shit about the irish, they're basically worthless

why are there no trees and grass in america

>people hyphenate their heritage all over the world,

No, they don't. It's rare and normally only used when someone has dual citizenship and the matter is somehow relevant.

For Americans it's the opening line in the "I am so special" monologue that you fat fucks start learning the moment the Jews cut the top of your baby cock off.

look at the pictures I posted fag face.

lol open window. Good luck with that.

The window is smashed. The car doesn't work.

Being Kiwi feels pretty damn good desu my senpai

What state broheim?

Why don't you junk it instead of having it look like an eyesore on your lawn?

Don't be jealous dude we're going to be you in about 35 years.

This started after the second WW, literally every worthy man died, and the ones who make it home, arrived with mental issues.

Why are you so mad?

>tfw American

Feels free man

Grandpa Johnny probably snuck over to Laos jr during the war and now he's the product of rape.

They are a nation of immigrants. It's all they know.

This my jam

Gotta love it.

BS. Everyone knows that Americans are fixated on the hyphen thing.

Here you only know by the persons family name.