Why are you not Christian Sup Forums?

Why are you not Christian Sup Forums?

Because I don't believe some palestinian kike had superpowers 2000 years ago. What's so hard to understand?

Bumping for thoughtful replies

The Bible is not about that, user. Jesus is the son of God and suffered so that all people might be redeemed from the living hell that sin creates in this life. They were not "superpowers" since he says clearly that anyone could do the same if they have true faith (and the lives of saints attest to this). Christianity is the only complete philosophy of life and it was also the binding that held Europe together and civilized her. Why do you not give it careful consideration?

You believe in the Darwin Fairy instead

Looks like someones trying to push christian fatigue with no viable alternative.

There's been a recent surge of anti-christianty threads, more than usual.

>Why do you not give it careful consideration?
Because the premice is that there's a God, which has never been proven or even suggested by our environment.

What does that sentence mean to convey? Specifically what is "Christian fatigue"?

While there is no proof in the sense that we have no physical object to which we can give the name "God" there is extensive empirical proof in the experience of others. What proof are you looking for? Must you hold gravity in your hand to believe in it? God is working in much the same way as gravity, and people do perceive Him all the time. In fact there is a huge number of people who form a consensus of belief based on their experiences. What kind of proof would you need?

>not believing people like Moses or Jesus even existing 2,000 years ago.

Way to doubt of the biggest events in history in one sentence.

becuase, like most people, my religious beliefs are based on what I was taught as a young impressionable child.

I don't believe in any religion because my parents told me they're all bullshit, and I now, a free-thinking adult still believe and nothing anybody can say would change my mind.

Same case with almost most everyone in the world. :)

Also God is like time, we live within God's presence. A fish may not believe that water is wet unless you pull him out of it. The West is becoming ever more decadent and I believe the ease of life here is damaging our very souls. Perhaps God will correct us with a rude awakening although I pray for mercy.

>nothing anyone can say
When you are a child you do childish things but when you become a man it is time to put childish things away.

You know that Natural Selection is proven factual, right?

Your church doubted the truth and was proven wrong.

Why would anyone follow the church of doubt and fear over nature?

I don't think not believing in God is childish. Nothing that has ever happened to me or anybody has ever said to me has made me believe in god, and I doubt anything ever will. It would probably take something completely irrefutable like him actually coming down to Earth and performing undeniable miracles before my very eyes so I could be certain it was real

>so I could be certain it was real
It is actually impossible, for they have described it in absolutely unprovable terms.

An advanced alien could always trick humans, and is thus always a more likely explanation.

>natural selection proven
It is true that biologists and lay followers of science take parts of the theory of natural selection as fact; although the current idea of evolution is far more nuanced and complex and allows for singularities, etc. natural selection is to biology what Freud was to psychiatry. Nevertheless, the Bible does not refute science, even if many people do and do so as they say from what they learned in the Bible. This is more due to the protestant way of self teaching the Bible and a reaction to the militant, condescending way "humanists" preach their popscience

Technology performs more surreal feats than are described in the Bible. I really sincerely urge you to try reading it with an open mind, specifically the words of Christ.

The bible cannot 'refute' science because it is a book of mythology written by humans.

Your church denied the orbit of Earth and Darwinian Evolution. It was proven wrong.

Maybe you have decided to alter your belief in the face of science, but that only proves the supremacy of science over the so-called "divine revelations" your religion claims.

Eh, I probably wont. I'm happy with my life and, like I said, it would take ALOT for me to actually believe in God.

Just like i would assume it would take alot for you to say that God may not exist. It would be like saying that your entire life was a lie, and why would you want to accept that if you're happy with who you are and what you believe

>my church
Look, anyone who claims the church is infallible is severely deluded. Christianity is a core belief, something that guides us through Christ in our life on Earth so that we may obtain eternal life of the Spirit. The church is certainly fallible and it has failed endlessly but that is in human nature and that is not denied by Christ. Science and Christianity are not mutually exclusive the people who promoted that idea were socialist bloodthirsty atheists like De Sade Robespierre et al. Sir Isaac Newton was a rather devout Christian. Harvard and Oxford are both Christian schools.

Well up until the birth of my son I didn't believe or rather I had many beliefs but was not committed to any. My entire life was spent in despair really but the happiness that seeing my kid made me feel has really influenced me to believe not just in God but in the inherently good soul of man. I have suffered a great deal as well by sin and I suppose that suffering is requisite to seeking spiritual wellness. The path to destruction is wide.

>Look, anyone who claims the church is infallible is severely deluded.
Right, so all of Christianity for a thousand years? And the believed that specifically for the tenets of Christianity that demand blind belief and unquestioning obedience.

Your sacred texts specifically state that "knowledge is evil", and cause "original sin".

That is objectively opposed to science. There is no way around it.

It sounds like you enjoy the secular philosophies of Jesus, which is fine, but it isn't Christianity. It isn't what's in the bible, nor the dogma, nor the church doctrine.

up to you m8 but the more you perceive knowing the truth with an open mind, the more it becomes undeniable that God exists. that's the biggest red pill. what sucks is for the people who think he's not real, then they die and when they realize they're still somewhat conscious and going "oh shit, omg, NO, HE IS REAL, OH NO WHY DIDN'T I BELIEVE" and have to then go through what ever next step awaits them.

Because cuckstainity has undisputably been disproven and is part of white-genocide sheming.


>go forth and proliferate
unless you're referring to comments from the Pope recently, but he doesn't represent all of Christianity. we've had lots of bad popes in the past.

If you're interested in dogma I suggest you actually look into it rather than cherry pick and distort a bit from the Old Testament. Knowledge is not evil the knowledge of good and evil is the root of evil as before that man only knew good--it was a primitive state and man had to fall for the entire process of his mature salvation to take place through Christ. You have completely ignored all the contributors to science and math and language who were Christians and the fact that Christian monks are responsible for preserving the cultures of Greece and Rome. You are the narrow minded one and I do pray you take heed because I don't proselytize as an adversary but as a friend I hope, I only wish to share in the life affirming hope that Christ gives and the wisdom it imbues all knowledge with since knowledge without wisdom is mere dilletantism and sophistry.

Been leaning Buddhist lately, converted to Catholicism a while ago.

Come into work today with Muslim scum in my holding cell for breaking the law. Again. Warrant for not going to court for the first time he broke the law.

Gives me a sob story about how he's not from here and doesn't understand the laws. Tell him if I went to his country and did these things I'd be imprisoned or killed. (Saudi Arabia, it's always fucking Saudi Arabia)

His friend shows up, I tell him about the failure to appear, he tells me that he told him to go take care of it.

Taqiyya lying scum.

Deus Vult coming back full swing.

Ugh a German barbarian; are you people so proud of being idiotic and brutish? Without Charlemagne you would still be living in a squalid hut. I'm sorry what religion did all of the greatest European cultures embrace? Was it fedora worship? Certainly not.

>all races are equal
>make no distinction as JHWE makes no distinctions
>not white genocide
He represents the majority of cuckstains. And the fact that there have been bad popes before is an argument against cuckstainity not for it.
Let's face it you're just another cultural larper in there for muh crusades and muh virgin gf. You wouldn't give 2 shits about church teachings if they disagreed with your politics

I have looked into it far more than you, from Tertullian to Arianism to Manichaeism to the Council of Trent. You'd be called a heretic a couple hundred years ago.

Christians, like the Visigoths under Alaric in 410, pillaged classical Rome.

Christians overwrote the Achimedes Palimpset of math and science with 'prayers'.

Christians only preserved the works they agreed with, like Plato, and did not preserve the works that disproved their theories, like the Atomic Theories of Democritus.

Blind belief is anti-science. Period.

I don't think the Crusades were really Christian. Anyway why be just as bad as a Muslim?
>leaning Buddhist
That is really an evil spirit talking to you

I am a Christian and I detest barbarism including nazi barbarism. Faith comes before race.

And before I press post another catholic comes along and says he is only catholic because muh crusades.
Do you have any awareness about how pathetic that looks?

>far more than you
Tip harder friend. You just listed a number of heretics. That is not dogma. You are also listing a number of things Christians did but singling them out for it, as though it were not all men who are capable of barbarism and philistinism. Christ was the first to teach a weariness of "the letter of the law" You cannot disprove Christian truth by human failure to live by it.

you come off as someonen who has done little to no research on the church. there have been plenty of times church teachings went against my political views and every time I had to sit down and re-asses what I believe from a human perspective.

either way, fuck off because you come off ignorant as fuck

>I'm sorry what religion did all of the greatest European cultures embrace? Was it fedora worship? Certainly not.
It actually was. The goldenest ages of Europe were before cuckstainity and after enlightenment

If you larpers would stop only giving cultural arguments for christianity maybe we wouldn't call you cultural christians
Once you realise you can have all that overarching morality and ideology without a proxy you will abandon the church.

Yes. I'd try to explain humor to a German but it maybe it wasn't dry enough.

>You just listed a number of heretics. That is not dogma.
Oh, the Council of Trent was heresy? The "church father" Tertullian too?

No, yours is an evil cult that steals from everyone else to claim for yourself.

When science disproves one lie, you change what you say.

There is no "christian truth", there is THE TRUTH, which is fully apart from any religious superstition.

>Why are you not Christian Sup Forums?

I'm already in volume 3 in the Desert Trilogy

Christianity does not have any evidence to support its absurd claims and is therefore incompatible with autism.

>you come off as someonen who has done little to no research on the church
Lol. I bet you any amount I have more than you. But fuck actually making arguments xD

>there have been plenty of times church teachings went against my political views
>and every time I had to sit down and re-asses what I believe from a human perspective.
Subtle put. So tell me what came out of it? Did you shill for refugees like the Pope commanded or did you just perform a little mental gymnastics about "what he ACTUALLY meant "?

>fuck off because you come off ignorant as fuck
Swearing is a sin my atheist friend.

>Once you realise you can have all that overarching morality and ideology without a proxy you will abandon the church.
Not only that, but it is impossible to be a moral person while blindly accepting dogma without demonstrable evidence.

That is why religion enables all these suicide bombers and inquisitors and witch hunters.

They deny nature for the words of men alone. They deny life for an 'afterlife'. It is a hydra of nihilism and pretentiousness.

They say middle eastern mythology is true, and base their morality off of it? Ridiculous.

jesus, who is himself god, died to forgive humans their 'sins', which are transgressions against his father, who he actually is himself. christian tri-force theology makes no sense of what this eschatologically-oriented jewish cult-leader is supposed to have said.

might as well have said 'let's start anew, i forgive you'. but he couldn't do that, because he didn't want to start things anew. he wanted shit to end. those who actually lived during his lifetime expected, based on what he told them, that he would return to them during THEIR lifetime. we're almost 2000 years along, still no sign of him. which makes total sense if what he said was just fucking gibberish by a deluded cult leader.

also, there's no particular reason to pick this one brand of ancient semitic ramblings about supernatural dictatorship above any other and believe it holds every truth you might want in life. if the whole point is about number of subscribers, you'd better switch to islam soon. if numbers don't matter, you might as well become a monophysite, a jew, or revive some other sort of ancient semitic nonsense. who's to say which flavour is the right one?

Because I saw through the bullshit, just like I saw through the bullshit of Santa Claus and the Easter bunny

lol keep believing you have the moral high ground. you literally do not know what you're talking about. and no I can't stand the pope.

>there have been plenty of times church teachings went against my political views
>and no I can't stand the pope
>you literally do not know what you're talking about
Oh I know exactly what I'm talking about. Funny how you don't even challenge my claims. You just keep sneering how you know more than me by default

>and no I can't stand the pope.
If you hate the churches who claim to have been founded by Jesus and created all the dogma you believe in...

Why are you not a Secular Jesuit? What reason have you to believe in the Judaic creator deity? Why did this universe not come from the Aboriginal dreamtime? Or the union of Greek Titans?

How can you maintain a true moral compass when the words of middle eastern mythology are put above natural law? When you subscribe to the nihilism of supernatural supremacy?

because I'm done defending Christianity for people who don't care to know about it. instead I'm attacking now. you suck. once you're waist deep in shit, then reach out your hand for help. until then, I hate you with a perfect hatred.

>until then, I hate you
Ahh, and there it is. The Christian lie of "universal love", while it is that Christianity instead demands hatred and persecution for all 'unbelievers'.

Why you cannot see good without this evil cult is for your own trouble, that the cult itself keeps perpetual within you.

The good of nature is manifest with no myth at all.

Cause Christianity doesn't have badass weed smoking elephant gods.

>for people who don't care to know about it
Yay more strawmanning and claiming the high ground. I didn't ask for an explanation on christianity. I'm mocking your dishonesty. Do you have a prelearned set of replies you walk through without understanding what they mean?

>instead I'm attacking now. you suck. once you're waist deep in shit, then reach out your hand for help. until then, I hate you with a perfect hatred.
I can clearly see how you live your life according to the gospel. You seem like a genuine cuckstain and not just a larper who gets angry when called out on his bullshit

I support most of Christianity's moral conclusions. I also understand it's a way to guide plebes towards morality. I'm not a true believer and at best would call myself a Deist.

I'm not sure which religion is right, but I do believe there is a god.

Because there is nothing good about collective guilt based Jewish slave morals.

>Ahh, and there it is. The Christian lie of "universal love", while it is that Christianity instead demands hatred and persecution for all 'unbelievers'.
>aha I've got you now! you admitted you have ill feelings toward me! hypocrite!
I hate your sin and that you mock what you don't understand. You are vile and disgusting. >I can clearly see how you live your life according to the gospel. You seem like a genuine cuckstain and not just a larper who gets angry when called out on his bullshit
You know nothing about the gospel if you think me calling you out on bull shit goes against it. Again, you don't know what you're talking about.

>You are vile and disgusting.
Again, for simply not believing in middle eastern mythology.

Do you believe there were never any good non-Christians in history?

Could a good non-Christian not be good if he does not wish to be a Christian, even if he has lived his life in an entirely different culture?

No, you are proving the evil of your cult with every word.

It is we, the skeptics, who council you to turn away from such darkness and hated toward the appreciation of the natural world.

But you won't. You have condemned yourself to superstitious nihilism for the false belief that it is good for you.

>You know nothing
>Again, you don't know what you're talking about
Not sure what your goal is here. Convincing us or convincing yourself? Because clearly just repeating "you dont know 'm right" "you dont know 'm right" is not working for the first and I doubt it's working for the second. That's why you now have to nclude smug pepes to overplay it.

>you suck. once you're waist deep in shit, then reach out your hand for help. until then, I hate you with a perfect hatred.
>calling you out on bull shit
Now that is a consistant argument if I ever saw one. Good thing you're an atheist or lying would be a sin.
Maybe read the bible for once.

>But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca,’ will be subject to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be subject to the fire of hell.

>Do you believe there were never any good non-Christians in history?
Did I ever say that? There have been terrible people who are Christians, but they have still been redeemed.
>Could a good non-Christian not be good if he does not wish to be a Christian, even if he has lived his life in an entirely different culture?
You use the term "good" as all encompassing and in dogmatic termiinology, when life is not that way. But I will tell you this, you can do good deeds and not be Christian, of course, but you cannot be redeemed without accepting the sacrifice that annulled the action which brought original sin into the world. These are deeper rooted answers then the superficial question you ask, because our beliefs of the world are much deeper as to why you must believe in Christ in order to be saved. It has nothing to do with "I'm Christian and therefor I'm good now" it has to do with redemption and coming back to the source of life, God. But I refuse to argue anymore with people who do not even at first believe in God and refuse to do any research on the subject.

>You have condemned yourself to superstitious nihilism for the false belief that it is good for you.
The fact you think this is nihilism shows how twisted and ignorant your mind is. Fool. Do research before acting like you have any authority into a religion that has shown Faith still exists within man in the fact alone that almost the entire world converted without witnessing any miracle themselves.

""Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs."
>But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be subject to the fire of hell.
Oh well, I'm not perfect nor ever claimed to be. But you don't even believe in that quote so why use it against me? Be gone to your cuck shed.

Why should I be a Christcuck, fag?

That's right goy, eugenics week never work and Hitler was an eeevil atheist.

>ut you don't even believe in that quote so why use it against me?
>You know nothing about the gospel if you think me [saying I hate you with a perfect hatred]
goes against it
Because it's fun seeing how you realised you fucked up and now dance around it.

>Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs
Too bad you don't know the context to that one. Not that it applies anyway. If it made you feel better I'm happy.

>I'm not perfect nor ever claimed to be
I know you're an atheist but at some point lying becomes pathological. The point is not that you made a mistake in spite of your cuckstain convictions it's that you don't care about what King Cuck commands once it is inconvinient for you.

>Be gone to your cuck shed.
WTF? I love Joseph's wife's son now??
Keep firing that christian compassion. You seem so secure right now

Most westerners dislike Christianity because they want to be "free" to follow their degenerate inclinations.

>Because it's fun seeing how you realised you fucked up and now dance around it.
Did I call you a fool by saying I hate you? No.
>I know you're an atheist but at some point lying becomes pathological. The point is not that you made a mistake in spite of your cuckstain convictions it's that you don't care about what King Cuck commands once it is inconvinient for you.
You're an idiot and when you die and realize it was all real, then you'll realize how idiotic you were for never actually researching. You think I haven't met hundreds of people like you? I've learned through all of it that people like you don't want to listen just from your attitude alone, so I have nothing more to say to you except scorn you for being an idiot and attempting to mock others beliefs.

I don't care if you're upset because I'm not being 'compassionate' right now. You won't listen anyway so I have nothing to say to say to filth. This is my last (You) I'm giving. I'll only extend my hand when you have extended yours. Until then I can only watch you drown.

>and attempting to mock others beliefs
I'd never mock anyone for their belief. I mock your disbelief and you being too beta to admit it.

>Did I call you a fool by saying I hate you?
>You're an idiot
Is this argument kino?

The beliefs of "compassion" promoted by Christians are usually and essentially falsehoods used as a Trojan Horse to convert people to their religion.

Once converted, they can use the threat of "divine punishment" to control people.

They will always turn violent and sadistic when it suits the goal of preserving the cult at the expense of provable truth.

>it has to do with redemption and coming back to the source
And thus you can never find redemption as a Christian, and must become a Naturalist, for Nature predated Christianity.

>without witnessing any miracle
Of course. By your reasoning Islam is the one true religion, because it converted the seat of Orthodox Christianity, Constantinople, to Islam.

In fact, you would say that any belief people were forcibly converted to was true.

If Christianity was true, why did the 'Holy Land' convert to Islam and Judaism?